
Eternal Villain: I can enslave Reality!

Transgressing into a new world, Xu Shan found himself in possession of a mysterious book that granted him the ability to manipulate reality at an equivalent price. However, he soon realizes the world he now inhabited was far from simple, especially since the body he transgressed into belonged to the Third Prince of the strongest dynasty, who had been born with a Demonic Heart. Afflicted with the unique ability that made him incapable of growing stronger other than by devouring the strength of others, he understood that his path was destined to be filled with bloodshed, manipulations, and schemes...

Demonic_angel · Fantasy
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267 Chs

Chapter 47: Fool

Xu Shan sat on the throne, attentively listening to Xinren's explanation. However, with each passing moment, his headache only seemed to intensify with the information he was receiving.

He was informed that although the Book of Truth may not possess substantial strength on its own, its ability to empower its possessor ranked among the top three among the seven books.

The Book of Truth allowed the host to see through the eternal truth, hidden in the depths of the unknown. 

The Book of Truth held knowledge of a vast array of secrets regarding the world, including the enigmatic locations of valuable treasures of the highest order.

The reason it was called most useful for a person was because the cost of using the Book wasn't as significant. Unlike the other books, the Book of Truth didn't ask for anything in return. Instead, the Book had a playful nature.