
Eternal Vengeance :rise of Lucius

Death in the hand of a being, choose wisely he doesn't forgives,, Lucius born a human ended up a Vampire for the cruel life didn't left him behind At a tender age, the cruel hand of fate robbed Lucius of his loving parents A teen turned the world upside down Sparing no being vengeance coursed through his veins like a raging inferno, consuming his every thought Tales would be told never to be forgotten *****************×************************ ******************************************************************** ********************************************************* ******************************************** ********* *********** ,,,, **** 3chp /per week

John_145 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Shattered Dreams

The weather was cool as rain droplets fell, creating a sense of solace. Anthony entered, his clothes entirely soaked from the unexpected rain. "I didn't know it was going to rain. Damn, my clothes are soaked," Anthony exclaimed. Jessica welcomed him in as she made her way over.

"Good evening, Dad," Luke said, running to greet his father. The family settled down for dinner, enjoying the warmth that the weather brought. After they finished their meal, Luke retreated to his room, while Jessica and Anthony went to their own room for a little chat.

"This city is really becoming more of a dump day by day," Anthony remarked. "Yes, you can say that. But hey, why don't we go to my aunt's place? We can stay with her for a few days," Jessica suggested. Anthony hesitated, knowing how her aunt could be. "True, but considering the dangerous walls of this city and the people who would do anything for money, it might be worth it," Jessica reasoned.

"I understand, but we'll just have to endure in this city until I can gather enough money for us to move," Anthony assured her. Jessica started to express her concerns, but Anthony cut her off, saying, "Don't worry, everything is going to be okay for us." Jessica tried to calm her mind down.

They shared a tender kiss before going to bed. Jessica fell asleep, but Anthony found it hard to doze off. He couldn't stop thinking about what Jessica had said and pondered a way forward. "How do I put it? The money I earn from work only cover our basic needs..."

Anthony pondered his predicament, realizing that the meager income from his job barely covered the essentials. He yearned for a way to escape the deteriorating state of the city and provide a better life for his family.

Lost in his thoughts, Anthony drifted into a restless sleep. The next morning, as the sun's gentle rays filtered through the window, Jessica stirred awake. Her eyes fluttered open, and she nudged Anthony, knowing he was running late for work.

Startled, Anthony roused from his slumber, exclaiming, "Oh, it's morning already." Jessica, ever supportive, replied, "Yes, dear," before heading to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee for her weary husband.

Savoring the warm, comforting liquid, Anthony made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. Meanwhile, Jessica busied herself in the kitchen, contemplating what she could prepare for breakfast.

As the aroma of breakfast filled the air, Jessica called out Luke's name, signaling that the meal was ready. Luke, with his mouth full of food, eagerly made his way to the dining table, barely acknowledging his parents' conversation.

Anthony, dressed for work, bid his farewell to Jessica, stating that he needed to leave. Sensing his wife's concern, Jessica suggested that he at least have breakfast before heading out. However, Anthony brushed off her suggestion, explaining that he would grab something to eat at work instead. With a quick goodbye, he left for another day at the office.

Meanwhile, Jessica couldn't help but smile as she watched Luke relish his meal, finding joy in the simple act of seeing her son enjoy his food.

With a smile, Anthony strolled along the road towards his workplace, unaware of the impending chaos that awaited him. Suddenly, a riot erupted, and he found himself caught in the midst of the mayhem. People were running frantically, while others engaged in fierce battles.

Realizing the intensity of the situation, Anthony sought refuge in a nearby hiding spot. From there, he watched as the riot gradually subsided, allowing him to cautiously make his way to his workplace. However, upon arriving, his heart sank at the sight that greeted him.

The shop where Anthony worked had been ransacked, with all the valuable items stolen. His boss, visibly distraught, sat despondently in front of the shop, lost in his own thoughts. Curiosity and concern compelled Anthony to inquire about the unfortunate turn of events.

"It's all gone," his boss muttered, his voice filled with resignation. "My sister warned me about this wretched city, and now everything is lost. I'm truly sorry, Anthony, but there's nothing I can do. It's over."

Anthony pleaded with his boss, desperate to salvage his last thread of hope. "Sir, please, this job is my lifeline. I implore you to reconsider."

Regrettably, his boss shook his head. "Against my wishes, I have no choice but to let you go. There's no more work here. I sincerely hope you and your family find a way to escape this city's clutches. Take care."

As his boss departed, Anthony stood there, a whirlwind of emotions engulfing him. With his last hope shattered, he felt a profound sense of despair. He trudged back home, his steps heavy and his spirit burdened.

A gentle, slow knock echoed through Jessica's door. Opening it, she was met with Anthony's solemn presence. Sensing his somber mood, she invited him inside, eager to lend an empathetic ear.

"What happened, dear?" Jessica inquired softly, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Anthony took a moment to gather his thoughts before finally confiding in Jessica, recounting the events that had unfolded.

"Life can be a tumultuous journey," Anthony lamented, his voice heavy with despair. Jessica, ever the supportive wife , sat beside him, her concern evident in her gentle inquiries. "I tried my best, dear, but it seems my efforts were insufficient. What are we to do now?" Anthony's words hung in the air, filled with a sense of resignation.

In a somber tone, Anthony revealed the unfortunate turn of events. "The shop was infiltrated, robbed of its precious contents. As a result, my boss made the difficult decision to close its doors, leaving me unemployed." The weight of his words settled upon Jessica, a profound realization of their dire circumstances.

Undeterred, Jessica sought solace in her words. "Do not lose heart, dear. We shall weather this storm together." Anthony's response carried a tinge of skepticism, his faith shaken by the recent hardships. "Do you truly believe so?" he questioned.

With unwavering resolve, Jessica reassured him, her voice filled with optimism. "Yes, my dear. Though the road ahead may seem treacherous, we are still alive, and that means there is hope. We shall find another opportunity, for all is not lost."

Seeking a momentary respite from their worries, Jessica and Anthony swiftly changed the subject as they noticed the approach of Luke. 

Sporting forced smiles, they welcomed him, concealing the weight of their troubles. Jessica whisked Luke away to his room, providing a moment of joy amidst the turmoil.

As night descended, Jessica scoured the kitchen, determined to create a comforting meal with the limited supplies she could find. Anthony, understanding the gesture, appreciated her efforts, silently acknowledging the love and support she offered.

Lying down, Anthony's mind raced with thoughts of finding a new solution. Sleep slowly enveloped him, providing temporary respite from the tumultuous reality that awaited him come morning.

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