
eternal tournment

on the start of existence there was nothing material and imaterial but there was an conection to the will of existence itself the will lived alone on the nothingness that was existence but for some reason outside the will's control existence itself was binded by rules and these rules created everything that is and is not together with the rules the gods where made the gods where beings that were created to regulated the things that where created by the rules on their respectative places there were countless gods as there was countless rules but the gods didnt have equal power there was some gods that were weaker than others or stronguer than others but all of them have power to rule above every other being but these gods seing that they were stronguer than any other being began to rule other beings like kings but there was a problem all gods began to get arrogant and try to steal things of other gods making them enter in war after eons of war almost all gods died but the stronguest ones survived the stronguest were . . Raid the god of death stella the goddes of sin merlin the god of magic fury the god of figthing nihility the god of justice xiao chu the goddes of games and love judge the god of darkness and ligth and juliet the goddes of beasts . . so the war ended but they were injured and died out making the world have no gods so the will of existence thougth of a way to form new gods giving the positions of the gods to mortal entities making them gods so she started the eternal tournment where the heroes and villains of the planes of existence to figth among themselfs in a battle royale so the 8 last entities can recive the godhead of the stronguest gods

Phanton · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

do i really have to kill my caretaker

Bibi stands up from the table under the empty gaze of Nero and the disgusted gaze from Ruby

she the sends a smirk to Ruby and turns to Nero

Nero nods surprising Ruby as she looks at Nero with an death glare

Nero just looks at Ruby and waves his hand as a signal to calm her down

she didnt stop giving him a death glare but the nods anyway

seing this interaction Bibi then confirms once again her suspicion and metod to make Nero a loyal dog or sexual slave to her

she then looks at Nero one more time with lust that gives even more fuel to the disgust that Ruby has Bibi can fell her overwhelming disgust towards her with her [Empathy] skill

smirking to herself she walks out of the room leaving Ruby and Nero alone in the dinning room

Ruby then looks at Nero with cold anger and talks on her ususal cold voice as if she wasnt even angry

"why did you agree with her"

Ruby asks as innocentaly as if she was really curious

"she is confident again"

he responds in an empty voice that seams to be bored with the hole situation

Ruby then asks

"do you know what is her plan is?"

"she probably plans to involve you on this"

Ruby eyes gain even more cold anger that could frezze even a star just by a look

"how do you know"

"her action of teling you to hunt the bear and her confirmation on her face when she looked at our interaction is and her cockiness makes you think of a new plan that has no flaws so im confident that it is related to you"

"anyway i have to get going"

Nero says as he walks out of the hall

then Ruby is left alone on the dinner room

she looks at the cealing and her eyes were full of coldness but with an equal desire and a little bit of lust she start to eat the rest of the food on her plate

after finishing she picks the fork that Nero was using that was still dirty with his saliva and puts on her mouth with an blissfull expression as her panties got wet from... you... know



Nero was walking to his caretaker's room as he remebered his babyhood idk

he was adopted by Bibi and made experiments on him not the DNA experiments but Alchemy and new torture metods even if he was 2 years old at that time but they stoped doing with me as i didnt give any reaction but give my opinion on how to improve and they for some reason really found that it works so i became one of the tresures of the information gathering departament of the Nigthwalker family

and later i used my talents and they were like "oh we have an genius here"

so they made me and my sister train not that this is bad

but they abused and tortured me to make me break as they noticed my lack of loyalty and respect for the family

they didnt do this to Ruby as she was thankfull for the family and that was enougth even if it is just a little she showed exeptional loyalty to not be fucked over by them

while we were in our babyhood i was the only company and confort Ruby had so she became pretty atached to me

while i was thinking i reached the door of the bedroom of my caretaker

upon opening i see her laying on her bed with an semi transparent nigth gown