
Eternal Ties

In the magical fantasy world of Vythanar, a ritual known as the Grand Sacrifice takes place. 18 year old kitsune Aria Lycross is chosen to cross through the tear between dimensions that the ritual opens as an ambassador to whatever world lies on the other side. After entering, she arrives on Earth and comes into contact with 17 year old Ezra Aloda - in his own bedroom. Ezra has never particularly liked his life on earth, being plagued with feelings of loneliness and depression. Eager to start anew, he tags along with Aria as she returns to Vythanar. After making it back successfully, the duo finds out that 10 years have passed in the short time Aria was on Earth. Desperate to ensure her family is safe and return after a decade, Aria takes Ezra on a journey across Vythanar to reunite with her family, one that will change the course of Ezra’s life forever.

BPW · Fantasy
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2 months were spent in New Dlymidea. By the end of the period, summer had ended and fall had just begun. The hard labor of the summer was fading away, allowing for a more relaxed atmosphere, and two friends were taking advantage of that change in atmosphere to finally depart from the city.

2 months ago, Galior, desperate to earn money, applied for any jobs in the district of New Dlymidea he was settled in. Eventually, he was accepted for a job at a bar down the street from the inn he was staying at. After learning the basics, he began working.

Galior's fast work and friendly attitude towards all customers gained him more and more reputation until he was one of the most well known people in his area of the city. Due to this, he was held in high respect by almost everyone, giving his benefits in the area. In the week before his departure, he was given employee of the month by the bar he worked at, and had a picture of himself put up on the wall as one of their best employees of all time.

But Galior's kind attitude was more of a facade than true nature. Pouring out kindness towards everyone leaves you with none for yourself. Galior spiraled deeper and deeper into his own personal feelings, those feelings taking over his being when he was by himself. But he kept up his facade for the sake of everyone, and all his fans.

Aria, also 2 months ago, landed a job not at an external establishment, but at the inn the two were staying at. She worked as a cashier at the front desk, helping manage money and check people in and out. Aria, unlike Galior, did not blow up in popularity. After all, she preferred to keep to herself and live a humble life.

The two earned more and more money over the course of the 2 month period, making sure to only spend when it was absolutely necessary. In terms of their relationship, both grew closer and closer, but never started anything serious. Galior had still not directly told Aria of his inner feelings and depression, as he felt that it was his burden to carry, not hers. Aria had long ago noticed that something about him was off, but she never questioned it out of common courtesy. Despite this, she tried her hardest to give him all he needed, even while not knowing the truth behind his facade.

I wish I knew. I wish everyone's thoughts just spoke out loud. I wish this world wasn't so keen on hiding the truth. How am I supposed to improve when no one says anything? She… Aria… I trust her. Yeah, I trust her. It would be bad if I didn't at this point. But how do I justify my trust when I know she keeps secrets? Everyone keeps secrets. I'm just being selfish again. I'm keeping one right now. How foolish of me.

"Is it enough?" Galior asked, hoping for a yes.

"Yeah. Finally." Aria replied, sighing and raising her arms afterwards. "Finally! That felt like the longest 2 months ever!"

"Maybe for you. I got popular, so it went by really fast. I had lots of fun." Galior said, giving a faint smile. "I think I'm ready to leave though."

"Well, I'm glad you had a good introduction to this world. I just kind of sat inside the inn, droning on, doing my job. Felt like forever." Aria complained.

"That was your choice. You have no room to complain." Galior stated.

"I know. I wasn't really complaining anyway. That's what I prefer." Aria replied, starting to stack the money they had just counted back up.

"Borrriiinnggg." Galior said, slurring the word out.

"Shut up. Sorry that I actually want some privacy."

"Whatever you say. You're just mad you aren't popular."

Aria let out a fake gasp and turned away dramatically.

"Didn't I just say I prefer a quiet lifestyle? Dumbass."

"I don't think a dumbass would be employee of the month."

"Maybe your manager is a dumbass too."

"Great minds think alike."


"What?" Aria asked. "That made no sense."

"Yes it did. We're both dumbasses."

"But there was no common thought between you two, so the saying doesn't make any sense." Aria explained.

"I'm just gonna keep arguing with you to annoy you because I know I'm wrong." Galior said, giving a smirk.

"You're such a pain in the ass." Aria replied, chuckling and laying a hand on Galior's. "But I can't get enough of it." She finished. Galior blushed a small amount, but nothing too serious.

She likes how annoying I am. This is rare, this is really rare. I'm just trying to be funny. I don't want to overstep my bounds like usual. And like usual, I beg for forgiveness afterwards. Like I deserve it. Like I mean enough to receive it. Like I'm not just another person.

"You're annoying in a good way, if that makes any sense." Aria said, now giving a warm smile.

"I'm glad it's not in a bad way." Galior responded.

Is it really in a good way? I'm just being myself. The self that isolates me.

"Let's go stock up for the journey." Galior said, moving his hand away from Aria's.

I really just want to get my mind off of all this crap. At least save it for later.

"Yep." Aria simply replied.

"You lead the way. This is still your world, after all." Galior said, transferring responsibility over to Aria.

"Don't get lost. I know you're a big dumbass, so you probably would. Do you need to hold my hand?" Aria said with a smug grin.

"Why yes, I do. Thank you, my ever kind Aria." Galior said sarcastically, snatching Aria's hand.

Someone I can joke with. Someone I can be myself with. This is what really matters. Her hand is soft… don't make me lose this hand. Or this body. Or this mind. Stay here, with me. Keep me safe. Keep me afloat in this sea. The surface tension doesn't exist anymore, at least for me.

"It's hard to follow behind you with all those tails. They get all up in my face and stuff." Galior complained.

"What do you want me to do? Cut them off?" Aria replied with a giggle. "No can do. They're like, my best feature."

"Your best feature is your ears in my opinion. I think you'd know more about yourself than me though, so don't take my word for it. Also, sorry for complaining about that. I didn't mean to demean your appearance or anything." Galior said, his feelings getting the better of him again.

"Why the sudden apology?" Aria asked. "You realize it's fine, right? I already know I'm beautiful, you don't need to tell me." She added on, smirking again.

How does she turn the situation around so quickly? She's like a goddess. In every aspect of the matter.

"I don't know. Let's just go. As cool as it is being popular, I want to leave already. I want to explore more of the world." Galior stated. And with that, they were off.

The fall weather in New Dlymidea brought cool breezes and clouds that felt amazing after the scorching heat of the past months. The streets were bustling, and many different shops were scattered everywhere. Galior and Aria walked down the street together, lines of stores on either side of them. They eventually made it to and stopped at an outdoor market for food, entering together as they looked at the variety of foods.

"Let's stock up on food. We'll obviously need to buy more eventually in a different town, but let's get as much as we can right now. Without spending too much money." Aria explained.

"Gotcha. We need a variety of food though. We can't just get one thing." Galior added on.

"Exactly what I was thinking. I bet I can find more food than you can before we leave." Aria challenged, snatching a bag from the stand next to her. The different stalls of food sat in front of her, many rows and paths around the giant marketplace. Galior responded by snatching a bag of his own, and grunting.

"Don't test me. My speed is unparalleled, you dumb fox. I didn't get employee of the month for nothing." Galior replied, stretching.

"For the love of the gods, drop that employee of the month crap." Aria said.

"Only real achievement I've ever made in my life… just let me have some sense of contentment, okay?" Galior said, his voice dropping low.

"Oh… sorry, I -" Aria said, being cut off by Galior's voice.

"Dumbass!" He yelled, dashing off with his bad towards the food stalls.

Ah. This is fun. Real fun.

"You little… don't toy with my feelings for a head start!" Aria yelled, running after Galior, then splitting off on her own path. The challenge was on now.

I feel bad for messing with her like that, but this is fun. I want to have fun. I hope she can forgive me just this once. I hope I didn't make a big mistake.

Galior approached a stall.

Alright, let's go! First, I'll go with fruits! Where's the nearest fruit stand?!

Galior looked around the area, checking every stall until he found one with a myriad of fruits at it. Running over, he quickly picked out many different ones, throwing them all into his bag with haste.

Crap! Aria and I didn't plan out who was getting what! We'll most likely end up with duplicates… oh well. I just have to be faster, no matter what the result is!

The results: Aria won.

After a long and hard fought battle, the two met back up at the entrance to the marketplace. Aria had collected just a tiny more than Galior, cementing her as the winner. After more bickering between the two, they headed towards the store where they could buy a carriage.

The store itself, called Koahvlia, was one of the largest in the entire city of New Dlymidea. Galior and Aria both entered, the sheer size of the building taking them aback. An extremely open hangar area, with carriages scattered all around. Insanely large and tall shelves stood in the back, reaching all the way up to the ceilings. The duo made their way to a main desk along the left wall.

"Hello!" Aria said, greeting the cashier. "We'd like to buy a carriage. With horses too." She added on.

"Of course! We have a wide collection to choose from! There's an attendant here, and he'll take you around the store and walk you through every one we have available." The cashier responded.

"Oh, thank you!" Aria replied, starting to follow the attendant as he beckoned for the duo to come with him. Galior trailed behind Aria.

Damn, this place is huge. I've never been somewhere like this before, not even back on Earth. Well, I didn't really go anywhere on Earth. Always in my room, shut off in my loneliness. Mom always said "Why are you always hiding in your room?" like she knew what I had going through my brain. It would make sense if only I could share my exact thoughts with someone else. Not conveyed through stupid words.

Words twist meaning.

Words suck.

Telepathy is the key.

Heh, what am I even thinking?

The duo spent a good amount of time at the store, searching for just the right carriage and set of horses with it. Eventually, they found exactly what they needed - a large but modest carriage, and 2 white horses to pull it. They made sure it had plenty of storage for all of their food and belongings they had gathered over the past 2 months, and they soon packed all of their things into it and locked it up in a nearby storage unit. Afterwards, they returned to the inn, settling down in their room. The evening had arrived, and both of them were eager to relax after a day of stress and work.

Galior sat down on his bed, his face almost devoid of any emotion.

"It's crazy to think we're leaving tomorrow." He spoke, grabbing Aria's attention.

"Yeah, when you think about it, it's kind of wild. And we don't even know when the next time we'll be here is. Are we going to come back after making it to my family? Are we still going to be together?" Aria said, bringing up many questions.

"I hope we will. You're my guide, after all. And I still need you to teach me magic." Galior pointed out.

"I'll start once we get on the road." Aria replied.

"Let's just relax for the rest of the night." Galior said.

"Nope. We have to check our map again, double check our route."

"Ugh, we HAVE to? Can you do it yourself? I'm about to fall asleep."

"Nuh uh. This is a team effort. Get your butt over here, Galior."

"You're the one that knows this world. Why don't you just do it?"

"That's not an excuse anymore. You've been here for 2 months. Plenty of time to learn the layout of this world." 

"But I don't know."

"Then that's your own fault for slacking off. Didn't you say you wanted to explore the world? How are you gonna do that if you don't even have the dedication or commitment to learn the way the world is structured?"

"Don't pull that card on me. I was going to learn it on the way."

"Yeah, sure. Just get over here."

Galior got up with a sigh of defeat and sat on Aria's bed with her. Aria then proceeded to unfurl a map which already had markings on it for a route.

The very east of Vythanar was where the Dlymidean Empire was situated, occupying most of the eastern continent. Separated by a narrow passage of water from the eastern continent was the southern continent. The top of the southern continent was the Hoal Empire, and on the other side of a vast desert known as the Usoloai was an area home to over 5 different smaller empires. The northern continent was the biggest of them all, and also the most desolate. The entirety of the northern continent had no overlying ruler, no empires, and no countries. Just villages, and that was it. At the top was the Wentola Curve, an enormous mountain range that no one had ever crossed to the small area of land on the other side. A large ocean separated the west area of the northern continent and the tiny western continent itself.

The western continent was very, very small, barely even earning its continent status. It was home to one empire, the Rheolovian Empire, which occupied the entire continent. Their capital was an extremely vertically based city built on the side of an enormous tree. It was said that if you made it to the very top of the tree, you could see the entire continent with the naked eye.

Aria's hometown was settled in the very, very east of the eastern continent, not a coastal town but very close to being one. The journey would take 3 months.

Galior wanted to visit every continent. But he knew that would take a long while. But he was willing to wait and move slowly. Anything to have a better life in Vythanar than he had before.

An hour or so after the route was double checked, Galior and Aria sat together on Aria's bed.

"Do you want to leave?" Galior asked, instantly realizing how stupid of a question it was.

"Of course I do. It was my idea in the first place. I want to see my family. It is nice here, though."

"Yeah. I've never been this well off. These past 2 months have been great."

"Mhm. I've had fun."


"I heard a thing back in my world." Galior spoke. "These are the days, my friend."

"That person was quite the poet." Aria joked.

"It's never been true for me until now. These are the days, my friend."

"These are the days. Great days. It's how we continue that matters though."

"I don't want these days to end."

"Well, then we just create new days together. On the road. Those will be our days, my friend."

"I guess I'll never grow if I don't move on."


Maybe that would've been helpful back on Earth. I wouldn't have ended up like this.

"These days were my first days worth remembering though." Galior said.

"Then it's best if you don't forget them."

"I won't forget. I've had fun."

"Good. It's time for new memories though."


I had fun.