
Eternal Threads: Embrace of the Celestial Path

In the vast universe, three realms exist in harmony—the Lower Realm, the Middle Realm, and the Upper Realm. Each realm is governed by its own unique set of laws and is inhabited by diverse creatures, spirits, and cultivators seeking power and enlightenment.

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99 Chs

Chapter 24: "A Glimmer of Light"

As Lady Elysia stood face to face with the corrupted Yuan Qiu, the celestial realm trembled with the intensity of their clash.

Dark energy clashed with celestial resonance, and the grand hall echoed with the sounds of battle.

Liu Chen, Li Qingyun, and the other celestial masters watched in awe and fear as the once-revered elder unleashed his malevolent power.

Lady Elysia fought with skill and determination, refusing to give in to despair.

"Liu Chen, Li Qingyun, protect the others," Lady Elysia called out, her voice steady despite the exhaustion in her celestial energy.

Without hesitation, Liu Chen and Li Qingyun rallied the celestial masters, guiding them to safety away from the epicenter of the battle.

As they watched, Liu Chen's mind raced, searching for a solution to save Yuan Qiu from the darkness consuming him.

He knew that the corrupted elder was still in there somewhere, buried beneath the malevolence.

Li Qingyun's eyes met Liu Chen's, and they shared a silent understanding. They would not give up on Yuan Qiu.

They would find a way to bring him back from the brink of darkness.

But Yuan Qiu's malevolence seemed relentless, and Lady Elysia was reaching her limits.

celestial energy wavered, and she stumbled backward under the force of Yuan Qiu's attacks.

Desperation filled Liu Chen's heart as he witnessed Lady Elysia's struggle. He knew he had to do something, but what?

Suddenly, a memory from their past adventures flashed through his mind—a moment of compassion and friendship between Liu Chen and Yuan Qiu.

They had shared laughter and camaraderie in the face of adversity.

Drawing strength from that memory, Liu Chen stepped forward, his voice filled with sincerity, "Yuan Qiu, you were once a respected elder, a guardian of wisdom and integrity.

This darkness is not your true self. Remember the bonds we shared, the moments of joy we experienced together."

Li Qingyun joined him, her voice gentle yet resolute, "You are not alone, Yuan Qiu. We are here, and we believe in the goodness that still resides within you."

For a moment, Yuan Qiu seemed to waver, as if struggling against the malevolence's grip.

His eyes flickered with uncertainty, torn between the darkness and the glimmers of light from his past.

But just as hope began to surface, the malevolence surged, overwhelming Yuan Qiu once again.

He launched a devastating attack, pushing Lady Elysia further back.

In that moment, a sudden surge of celestial energy burst forth from the celestial masters.

Their unity and belief in the power of goodness and love infused the air with a shimmering light.