
Eternal Shadows: A Vampire's Journey

After a terrifying dream, software engineer Shun finds himself back at work on his day off to file a forgotten report. The international company he works for is full of interesting characters, including his beautiful and mysterious coworker Yuki. Little does Shun know, Yuki is a vampire princess, and her mother, Queen Isadora, rules over the vampire population in the United States. When Shun leaves work, he is attacked by Yuki in a dark alley, only to be saved by a text from her demanding mother. His coworker Takashi finds him unconscious in the alley and assumes he had been drinking on the job. Shun wakes up, uncertain whether the attack was real, and finds himself caught up in a hidden world of vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures, as well as the hunters who stalk them. Now a vampire himself, Shun struggles to understand his new existence and the enigmatic Yuki's role in it. As he navigates this new world, he must also contend with the dangers that lurk around every corner and the ever-present threat of hunters. With his life changed forever, Shun must learn to balance his new vampire nature with his human desires, all while trying to uncover the truth behind the mysterious Yuki and her royal heritage. In "Eternal Shadows: A Vampire's Journey," Shun's quest for answers and self-discovery takes him on a thrilling and perilous path, where he will encounter ancient vampire rivalries, forbidden love, and the dark secrets of his own lineage. With his fate intertwined with the vampire world and the hunters' relentless pursuit, Shun must embrace his newfound powers and face the shadows that lurk within both himself and the world around him.

Kaylon · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 3. Unleashed Hunger and Sinister Encounters

As I walked through the busy road, the deafening symphony of traffic surrounded me. Car horns blared, brakes screeched, and the hurried murmurs of pedestrians filled the air. The streets were unusually congested, forcing me to navigate through the crowd, my heightened senses absorbing every detail.

In the distance, a commotion caught my attention—police sirens wailing and lights flashing in an array of colors. Curiosity sparked within me, urging me to quicken my pace. As I approached, I noticed a part of the alleyway blocked off with yellow police tape, and a crowd of people gathered, their faces twisted with morbid curiosity.

A surge of hunger coursed through me, and the unmistakable scent of blood permeated the air. I clenched my fists, desperately fighting against the overwhelming desire welling up inside me. My body craved something I couldn't fully comprehend, a primal urge that sent shivers down my spine.

Although the crime scene stood three blocks away, my senses seemed to have sharpened beyond human capabilities. The sounds around me grew louder, threatening to burst my eardrums. Wincing, I covered my ears, attempting to shield myself from the deafening noise.

Amidst the chaos, I overheard snippets of conversation between police officers. One of them spoke with a grave tone, "This is one of the most brutal scenes I've ever seen. Blood splatters everywhere, like something out of a horror movie."

Another officer chimed in, "We're dealing with a vicious killer here. The brutality of these attacks... it's almost as if the perpetrator had supernatural strength."

The first officer sighed, clearly overwhelmed by the gruesome sight. "I don't know how we'll catch this monster. It's like they disappear into thin air after each attack. No fingerprints, no witnesses, nothing."

Beyond the police tape, nearby civilians whispered in hushed voices, their speculations fueled by curiosity and a touch of fear.

"I heard it's the work of a vampire, sucking the life out of innocent people," one person speculated, a tremor of fear in their voice.

Another chimed in, "Nah, vampires aren't real. It's probably some deranged serial killer. This city's becoming more dangerous every day."

As their conversations merged with the cacophony of the bustling city, I struggled to find a moment of peace. Seeking solace from the sensory overload, my instincts guided me to an eerie bridge tunnel nearby. Its quiet and peaceful aura offered a temporary escape from the outside world's chaos. Feeling cold and frightened, I found a secluded spot and laid down on the damp ground, clutching a piece of cardboard I had discovered nearby.

Emotions swirled within me like a turbulent tide. I mourned the person I used to be, a sense of loss enveloping me. Fear consumed me, uncertainty gnawing at my core as I grappled with the changes in my body and the strange hunger that plagued me. In the darkness of the tunnel, I allowed myself a moment to confront the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me.

As I lay in the tunnel, my ears strained to catch every sound, searching for the source of the crunching noise that had been keeping me awake. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, growing stronger with each passing moment. Instinctively, I knew it was close.

Shrouded in fear and curiosity, I cautiously made my way towards a rundown bathroom covered in graffiti. Its walls seemed to echo with the secrets and despair of those who had passed through its doors. With each step, the metallic tang of blood grew more potent, mingling with the stench of decay.

Peering through a cracked door, my eyes widened in horror as they fell upon a short man hunched over a lifeless victim, greedily sucking blood from their neck. The man's head snapped up, his crimson-stained lips curling into a wicked grin as his eyes locked with mine. In that moment, I could feel the weight of his gaze, a mixture of recognition and intrigue.

"You're hungry, aren't you?" he said, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "I can smell it on you. But there's something different about you... You're not like the others."

His thoughts flooded into my mind, a jumble of impressions and emotions. He sensed that I was one of his kind, a vampire, but there was something intriguingly unique about me. His scrutiny lingered on my eyes, their unusual purple hue standing out against the norm of crimson that marked our kind.

Repulsion twisted within me as I struggled with the realization that I would have to take a human life. The notion had always been abhorrent to me, a line I vowed never to cross. Yet, my instincts betrayed me, leaving drool dripping down my chin as I fought to suppress the ravenous hunger clawing at my insides.

"What's wrong?" the man asked, a sly smirk tugging at his lips. "Is this your first time feeding?"

I glanced at him, my eyes filled with a mix of defiance and uncertainty. How could he know? How could he sense my internal turmoil? I couldn't put my finger on why my eyes remained a shade of purple, a mark of my uniqueness among our kind.

Pride swelled within me, and I shouted at him, calling him a monster, refusing to stoop down to his level. Irritated by my resistance, the man's fist collided with my chest, sending me crashing into the wall, leaving a dent in its crumbling surface. Pain radiated through my body as I crumpled to the floor.

Gazing down at me, the man sneered, his voice filled with derision. "A weak vampire like you, unwilling to feed, will eventually meet a pathetic demise."

As I lay there, struggling to regain my breath, the man's gaze shifted to the lifeless body he had been feeding on. An idea sparked in his mind, a sinister plan to make me feed. He dragged the limp form closer, offering it to me, the blood oozing from its wounds.

Reluctantly, I allowed the warm liquid to trickle down my throat, the taste both revolting and intoxicating. With each swallow, I felt a change, a transformation slowly overtaking my being.