
'Watch the Throne'

“I changed my mind,” maybe another time

“What do you mean changed your mind?

It has only been a few hours since you said you were going to show us the artifact room, Giichi sir” Pinoki complains

“Ahh well, for an old chap like me a few hours is really long especially when it comes to decision making,”

“What you just said makes no sense

Is this some kind of joke?” Apollo says frustratedly,

“Of course, not Raguel” I see a slight smirk on Giichi’s face which he quickly rubs off,

“It’s Apollo don’t act like you’ve forgotten my name”

“My mistake,

But it’s not like I won’t show the artifacts ever again,

Just not now,”

“Ok when then!?” Lyra demands bossily

“Hmm, I’m thinking, maybee~

In four months’, time”

“Four months?

Now I know you’re doing this on purpose,”

Giichi can’t help but let out a devious smile this time,

“I am too old for games like this, see how my lips just moved on its own,”

“Don’t try that-“Lyra starts