
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** "Eternal Rebirth: The World Within," The tragic person named Ethan, who is black sheep of his family die due to car acciedent on the family trip, But, death is not end of his journey. As, He find that he is, Reincarnated as a powerful being "World Will" itself, He must navigate the challenges of existence from this unprecedented perspective. As he come to terms with his newfound powers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, shaping the landscape and inhabitants of their world. However, lurking threats and ancient mysteries emerge, challenging the very essence of his existence. With magic, adventure, and the fate of an entire realm at stake, our protagonist must uncover the truth behind his reincarnation and forst the swirling currents of destiny *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Umesh_Kalantri_5979 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ethan's Celestial Convergence

In a vast and mysterious multiverse, where countless worlds danced in the cosmic ballet, there existed one undiscovered world tucked away from the eyes of universe. When it came to categorizing these worlds, there were the esteemed Four Grades: Low, Mid, High, and the most mysterious The Law grade.

Our story unfolds in the lowest of the low, a immature world barely in its infancy, a mere speck in the vast expanse of time and space. But this was not an uncommon sight; in the grand universe the existence of worlds often rose and fell like fleeting dreams, their fates uncertain.

This particular world had yet to awaken the consciousness,

a privilege reserved for the lofty realms of the High Worlds, with rarely being seen in some of the Mid Worlds.

But, fate had other plans for this low world

, plans that would unravel the very fabric of the universe and herald a new era.

One fateful day,

a small golden metor came, silent as a whisper, crashed into the core of this world, sending shockwaves rippling across the thousands of kilometer in space before vanishing into the depths of the planet.

this small golden metor was once part of gigantic golden planet which was as big as mars,

Yes, the same massive golden planet which collided with this world million's of year ago. 

Contrary to all expectations,

Within the world's core, an extraordinary fusion took place.

instead of destruction, there was transformation. The desolate landscape began to shift and change, as if awakening from a deep slumber.

The once turbulent seas, arrogant and unforgiving, calmed down, their fury replaced by a soothing embrace. Barren lands, scarred by apolocalyptic scene, began to mend themselves, every crack and crevice healing in a miraculous display of nature's resilience.

But amidst this breathtaking transformation, a fearful truth loomed. Such rapid regeneration was unheard of, defying the laws of nature themselves.

Only the High Worlds possessed such power, yet here it was, unfolding before the eyes of an unsuspecting cosmos.

As days turned to weeks and weeks to months, the world underwent a metamorphosis unlike any other. And at the center of it all stood Ethan, a lone witness to the unfolding of destiny.

In previous world,

When Ethan's life came to an end,

his soul was met with an unexpected twist of fate. Instead of the customary journey through purification and reincarnation, his essence was engulfed by a radiant sphere of golden light,

his soul travel through space for unknow amount of time before it hit this planet core

because of golden ball of light which hit him, his soul unkowingly became as strong as that of planet soul

And when ethan woke up he fond himself fused with the very core of this planet,

He didn't know if it was a happy occasion or a sad one. After all, he had died, and death was not something to laugh at,

and he had lost his family

Even though his family didn't treat him very well, they were still his family, the people connected to him by a blood bond.

Isn't there a saying "that a blood bond is the highest level of bond a person can have in their life?"

But he was somewhat happy that he could leave all the worries and tension of the past behind.

Moving away from the distracting thoughts, Ethan once again focused on the planet's core.

and he realized that, he had become something beyond his comprehension—the "Will of the World" itself.

aka the World Will,

and, with world essence of planet coursing through him,

he thaught "This is my body now?"

Ethan was shocked and suprised when he finally made connection with the core of the world.

He had actually become an entire planet ,

though a lowest one . He didn't even see this coming because he was asleep entire time in his journey from his world to this world.

who would have thaught that he got out of his home for family trip,

instead now he was in entirely new universe ,with now he being the planet.


Ethan calmed down after half a minute and soon devoured the memories and instincts that every World should have in a mere 5 minutes,

which was another shocking thing,

when you looked at how much information there was, centuries wouldn't be enough to digest that knowledge.

However, if you could actually take a look at the level of his soul, it would seem normal. Looking at his vast 'body', Ethan began to move.

He used his world essence to forcefully contain the entire laws of destruction which were present in world before his arrival but he didn't dissipate it, even if all he needed was a thought to do so. Despite how simple it sounded, it didn't look simple at all.

Golden energy(World Essence) filled the world, and wherever there was red energy(Destruction Essence), golden energy contained it, eventually collecting it all until it was all compact into a ball of what looked like a very visible and very red gas.

Surrounded and contained by a thin golden glass. These energies were originally very transparent, but when condensed to this extent, how could it not be visible? Surprisingly, the usually hyper-violent Destruction Laws didn't have the ability to resist at all. It could only roll around in its cage like a trapped ghost in a jar.

The caged Destruction Laws were actually put in desolute part of world but looking at the completely stable golden cage… It was probably okay.

'I have plans for you…' Ethan thought.

He then began to heal his some what damage core which was damaged because of his arrival , "when he struck the core" 

"it dosent sound good that when he say that 'he struck the core', it was the golden spear which struck the core" he thaught, some what consoling himself,

As he repair and heal the damage part of core, which also seemed effortless but would make anyone seeing scream in surprise. After this came the healing of the planet. Looking at the delicate planet, Ethan became frustrated.

He knew that he couldn't just endlessly pump his energy into it because he knew that this brittle planet wouldn't be able to handle it.

So he did it slowly, ordering the lands to use the energy to heal itself .

Ethan looked at his planet that had recovered to some extenct and 'smiled' in satisfaction. Unaware of how horrendous and terrifying his actions were.

"Good" Ethan actually managed to speak out, something any World consciousness could do… if it actually had consciousness and the ability to comprehend language.

The only time you would hear a World's voice was when it was in severe pain. This could be a result of a powerful attack or more… sinister means.

While a World consciousness is extremely smart, smarter than any other lifeform (this also goes for Ethan, boosting his intelligence), they could not speak nor understand words at all, it never happened and it never will happen.

Or that's how it was supposed to be. Being a Human reincarnate, how could Ethan not know how to speak? This was just one insignificant bonus that Ethan had as a result of his reincarnated status.