
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** Ethan, the overlooked member of a family of geniuses, feels perpetually outshined by his Einstein-level relatives. Life seems monotonous until a family trip turns tragic, and Ethan meets an untimely death. Just as his life flickers out, his soul gets trapped in a golden meteor, catapulting him into an unknown universe. In this strange new realm, Ethan's consciousness becomes "World Will," a god-like entity with the power to shape a nascent world. His first task? Creating an avatar to navigate this bizarre reality. But in a twist of cosmic irony, he ends up stuck inside his own creation. Imagine a god getting a taste of his own medicine! Ethan's next project is even more ambitious: creating the first life form, whom he names Luca. But parenting isn't easy, especially when your offspring evolves into something far from what you expected. As Ethan grapples with his new powers and responsibilities, he can't shake the feeling that this wild adventure is just the beginning. With every twist and turn, from unexpected crises to comedic mishaps, Ethan's journey is a blend of cosmic wonder, heartfelt moments, and a dash of divine comedy. What's next for Ethan in this fantastical universe? Only time-and a few million years of evolution-will tell *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Diablo2004 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

"Story progression"

After birth of new being,

ethan was very excited, in this life it was first time ethan was talking to intelligent creature 

after, playing cough* cough* cough* sorry , ordering the new being

(note- it seem etham like playing with people hump..(* -*) "pouty face" author, who does he think he is , don't go around playing with people)

ethan, named new being "Prostatis" based on word protector

he, gave prostatis basic knowledge about world

and, for why the prostatis can speak from birth was ,beacuse he had gain some of ethan memory, because of this he had high intelligence from birth and understand the language

the being prostatis, has same ability like ethan 

which include super strength, energy absorbtion from surrounding, and other such as "asexual reproduction"

the only ability which he didn't have were 

* "Life essence creation" and

* "Third eye ability"

and unlike ethan who was carefree, and dosen't wear cloth's from birth, "prostatis" feel very embraced about being naked 

So, he created his own cloth, 

with help of silk producing ability, 

ethan also have this ability, it was just like ability where spider-man produce his web from his wrist

ethan, can also do same but, since the silk he produce was very weak, ethan never use this ability, but it seem for "prostatis" this ability was very usefull

soon, time continued to pass on ethan left all his worries to, "prostatis" who managed land very well. "prostatis also liked to explore the world very much"

and time continued to pass on


after what seem, to be decade

in the world,

'On one hand the luca ego was at peak, who was seating on his magestic seat in palace'

and, on other hand

'On other hand there was another being' 'who was most humble' 'he had no ego, but disconnection'

'that being was detached from any form of resepect and fear of disresepect'

ethan, was dancing on the land with strange movement, like moving his hand up and down, from front to back

moving his leg in the form of michel jackson

"I am looking for you in whole world, and here you are playing with soil"

ethan stopped his strange dance and looked up from the ground with warming smile on his face,

he took some sand in his fist 

and said


(after some paus)

"Entire play is of this soil, because each fragment of world is destined to merge with this sand some day"

"that's why i smeared my body with this sand"

"you forgot father, we are also part of this world" prostasis replied with calm tone, 

"and due to this we have to go somwhere today father"

"i didn't forget it postasis" ethan replied

"i was just entangled in some of my question" but, let it be

after, birth of prostasis ethan who had nothing to do become detached from the world, and started to rome around the world with nothing to do

and, with prostasis taking enitire matter of world evolution in his hand

ethan , was reconsiderring his option which he first had when he came to the world as singled celled organism

the thaught "about his death" , when previously ethan had come to world the only thing that stopping him from committing sucide was bullshit law, and his morel for protecting the world

but, now since, he had given all his work to his son "prostasis" ethan, was finally considering his death

he didn't told this to prostasis

today, was the day when, first multicellular creature other than ethan and prostasis was going to be formed 

or so, they thaught

they were going in the place where that singled-celled being reside to see his evolution, and see if they can gain any insight from it

and they set on there journey