
Eternal Rebirth: The World Within

"May good luck be with those who read this novel" and when your death come trck kun will lead you to another world "by author" ****************************************** "Eternal Rebirth: The World Within," The tragic person named Ethan, who is black sheep of his family die due to car acciedent on the family trip, But, death is not end of his journey. As, He find that he is, Reincarnated as a powerful being "World Will" itself, He must navigate the challenges of existence from this unprecedented perspective. As he come to terms with his newfound powers, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration, shaping the landscape and inhabitants of their world. However, lurking threats and ancient mysteries emerge, challenging the very essence of his existence. With magic, adventure, and the fate of an entire realm at stake, our protagonist must uncover the truth behind his reincarnation and forst the swirling currents of destiny *********************************************** The above given statement is entirely false so please dont take it to heart "by the same author"

Umesh_Kalantri_5979 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

"Another Crisis"

Ethan , looked at his body once agian, and notice that now he lost his ability to move so he can't travel to other place for evolution

then, Ethan focoused on his surrounding, 

he was currently in core area of geo-thermal vent, he notice a gap in ground from where hot, water was streaming out 

he knew, that is the source of power of geo-thermal vent ,

without any hesitation ,ethan started to move his body with the help of hair on his body towrad the source of geo-thermal vent,

after hard struggle, ethan reach source area of geo-thermal vent

without thinking much, he dived into the source,


even ethan himself don't know what he was doing right now, he just found most dangerous place in area and dived into it

he didn't think of what kind of ability he will get or what will happen to him

his only thaught was "he has to evolve"

no matter if it's Do or Die


as ethan body was falling 

after, few minute it hit the hard surface of rock 

but, hard surface of rock was extremly hot,

even with the protection of coating on his body he was barely able to resist the heat emmitating from it 

ethan, harden his resolve 

first thing he did after reaching this place was,

he started to fill the surrounding space with his life essence,

he knew when he evolve this time "universe will" will once again attack him and he have to be prepared for it

and best thing to do for prepration was filling the surrounding space with life essence as it is only thing which will help him maintain his life 

while doing so,

ethan entered his round for evolution in this place

slowly time started to pass by

1 year, 2 year, 3 year....5 year....10 year...20 year.... 30 year 

after, 30 year of waiting 

ethan, once again for fourth time in this life felt the tingling sensation over his body, but this time he was indiffernt to this evolution

ethan instantly focoused on new ability he had gained to see if he can use it, in his battel with universe will

but, the ability he got was support ability,

"Chemosyntesis" with some changes

he can, now use heat of earth and chemical in nature to produce his food just like photosynthesis,

"it is a good ability" ethan thaught

"but, it can't be used in current situation"

as, ethan was thinking such thinking 

the sense of dread overwhelmed his body 

ethan instantly knew attack of "univers will" is coming 

ethan prepared for incoming attack

his, world essence roteted around his core DNA while life essence in surrounding was activated 

he was fully prepared for the attack he was about to recive

the, overwhelming force of universe will instantly attacked ethan body, ethan resisted as hard as he could resist 

his, regentration skill kicked in , healing and elaveting pain,

while life essence in surrounding was used by his body as nutrition to maintain the vitality of body 

protection of world essence was strong,

the pain being transmitted to ethan body was beyond anything could be imagined 

ethan continued to struggle desperately,

time continued to pass on slowly the force of "universel will" was starting to subside etahn knew, it was about time universe will give up

previously, ethan was not prepared, the attack of universe will was abrupt and before, he could realise what was going on he lost his world essence protection

but, this time ethan was prepared 

he had stored life essence for several decade in his surrounding without any rest,

if one looked at the place they would find 100 meter around, Ethan body was surrounded by green liquid which give strong feeling of vitality

so, ethan thaught he could win against "universe will"

but, just as ethan thaught everything was finally over 

the "universe will" attack power suddenly increased, unable to keep up with sudden power up, the protection of world essence lost

the attack of "universe will" enter his core DNA ,

ravaging and destroying all the benifit which he had obtained from previous and recent evolution,

the overwhelming pain suddenly assaulted his soul,

before, losing his conssiesness

He watched in utter despair and disbelif as all his year of hard work and accumulation of his life time was erased in front of him by overwelming force

Ethan had expected such scenerio, he had even expected to lose his life during this process 

but, thinking about such scenerio and experincing it first hand was entirely different

as, ethan watch his life time work going to waste

he lost his conciessness