
Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat

Cillian's life was a monotonous routine, void of emotions, as if he were a mere observer in his own existence. Isolated by society and even his own family, his only solace lay in the vibrant world of anime and manga. But when he passed away at the age of 81, something extraordinary happened. In an enigmatic void, Cillian encountered a god who offered him a chance at a new existence. His lack of emotions had caught the attention of primordial beings, and a peculiar job awaited him. Sent into parallel worlds across the omniverse, Cillian's mission was clear: restore balance and quell the chaos unleashed by reckless reincarnators. "Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat" is a thrilling fan fiction that explores the evolution of a character from emotional void to a force that reshapes worlds. Join Cillian on his journey as he not only confronts external chaos but also delves deep into the complexities of his newfound emotions, all while seeking answers about his enigmatic role in the grand cosmic drama. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is a fanfic, I don't own any of the anime series or manga I may mention in my fiction. I only own my OCs.

Temporal_Daoist · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Author's Note: This work has received major editing(compared to the other work) and has been reposted, do note that the original work is also mine though(Limitless Chat Group in the multiverse). Starting from chapter 7, it's all completely new content. I also figured out that, instead of posting every day and burning myself out juggling between writing and the rest of my life, I could get a release schedule... so here it is:

Release Schedule:

-Every Tuesday

-Every Friday

-Every Sunday

Extra Power Stones and I'll release extra chapters!!

thx 4 all the support! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


2 Months Later:

In one of the many inn rooms located in the 2nd Floor of the Hostess of Fertility, a young man's meditating figure could be seen. His body couldn't be compared to how it was a few months ago, his arms grew thicker, his chest wider, his muscles more defined and his body taller. He has now graduated from a mature boy, and turned into a young man.

If one looked closely, they could see many small beads of sweat gathering all around his body. His pristine skin seemed to glow ever so slightly in an etherial vividness rarely seen in the Mortal Realm.

Suddenly, cracks began to form, starting from his forehead, rapidly spreading across the rest of his face, and subsequently his body. Although this was, without a doubt, a sparse occurrence, never before seen in the Mortal Realm, the boy, now a young man, couldn't be seen panicking. Instead, letting out a small grin without losing his concentration, the young man remained in the same position.

Consequently, more and more cracks began to spears across his entire body, reaching places such as his nether regions and the soles of his feet. A few moments later, as if he were a snake, his skin began to shed off of his body. Surprisingly, a new set of skin, even clearer than before, could be seen under his former skin. Unexpectedly the new set maintained the same amount of scarred tissue that the previous one had.

Unbeknownst to the young man, the smell that radiated off of him could only be described as someone's ultimate skill. After the process was completed, the young man whispered:





Overall power(body, soul and mind): Initial level 3 (Danmachi)

Basic Observation Haki: 75,0% mastery

Cursed Technique: Cleave and Dismantle: 33,3% mastery

Basic Body Refining Scripture: Volume 2: 0% completion



'I've finally made it to the second volume of the 'Basic Body Refining Scripture', subsequently overcoming the barrier between level 2 and 3 in Danmachi standards. In the past two months I've discovered a few things.'

'Firstly, the overall power parameter is definitely misleading. Although it states that my overall power is at the initial level 3 grade, that is only my body, soul and mind, not my fighting power. Due to my superior skills, I could probably contest against peak level 3 adventurers or even a few initial level 4 adventures whose skills have deteriorated or who don't have a lot of fighting experience. Still, I feel that, as a reincarnator, even if he's a dumb one, the captain of the Apollo Familia definitely has a few stashed trump cards, so I'll probably only begin the hunt when I can overwhelm and defeat a veteran level 4 adventurer with ease.'

'Secondly, both my Basic Observation Haki and cursed technique have reached a plateau in terms of proficiency level. The Basic Observation Haki, although it didn't have a bottleneck at the 25% mastery level, I had to partake in multiple high-stake battles to surpass the 50% mastery level and I don't even feel like I'm close to overcoming my current, 75% mastery bottleneck.'

'On the other hand, the cursed technique has reached its first plateau at 33,3% mastery. Instinctively, I feel that surpassing the cursed technique's bottleneck is going to be way harder than any other that I've overcome.'

Finally, the 'Basic Boy Refining Scripture' has only levelled up to the 2nd volume just now, I thought I'd have mastered the 3 volumes within 2 months and a bit according to your estimations Great Sage. Has something happened?'

[You are correct in your assumption master, 

After extensive data collection and analysis, it has been discovered that the Mortal Plane is placing limits on the technique denominated: 'Basic Body Refining Scripture' due to its otherworldly nature.

The previous estimation given has also been proven incorrect due to the immense power disparity between volumes. The first volume's energy was mostly used for creating a perfect foundation for the future of the technique while, starting from the second volume, although significantly harder to improve upon, most of the energy consumed will go to the body's power itself.

Upon further analysis, it's estimated that upon the completion of the second volume of the 'Basic Body Refining Scripture' master's power will be between a level 5 or level 6 adventurer according to the Danmachi power system.]

'Woowww, that's way higher than I thought it'd be. Anyways, I'm still a fair distance away from that.'

'Now that that's out of the way, I haven't checked the group chat in a week or so.'


[Welcome to the Unorthodox Group Chat Cillian,



Group Chat (47)



'...definitely not reading all that.'


[Lord of Gender Equality: Anyways, It doesn't matter how but I ended up with the all powerful 'Steal' skill.]

[Crazy Fire Lion: What do you mean doesn't matter?! With its name alone I can already imagine what you did, burglar!]

[Lord of Gender Equality: ... Trust me, whatever you're thinking, it's definitely not that!]

[Journey to Perfection: Seems like everyone's getting along. It's now been two months since we each set out, some to the sea, some to an adventure, some to the dungeon and even some to another world. All in all, I'd like to hear an update regarding your situations. Thanks.]

[King of Hell: I'll go first then, nothing much has been going on to be honest. I've hunted a few pirates earning the nickname "Pirate Hunter", refined my swordsmanship, and sailed around East Blue.]

[Crazy Fire Lion: I've travelled around the kingdom, visiting certain locations where the atmospheric mana is very unstable to train some of my techniques and magic spells. While going around the regions, I've been learning about their cultures and traditions and taking random missions for high level magic knights while I'm not training. I've also been sparring a bit with my rival, normally every 2 to 3 weeks.]

[Lord of Gender Equality: Thank you for wanting to listen!!]

[Journey to Perfection: Please keep it short.]

[Lord of Gender Equality: Ok...]

[Lord of Gender Equality: So, the goddess was actually useless!! She doesn't do sh*t and blames me all the time! While adventuring, I've also partied with two other crazy chicks. One of them is a masochist through and through, though she tries to hide it. While the other is the definition of a glass cannon one hit character, she's a mage who only knows one spell that, although is super strong, can only use once, after that, she'll need to rest immediately due to low mana!!! Please save me!╥﹏╥]

[King of Hell: ...]

[Crazy Fire Lion: ...]

[Remorseful Vampire: ... ]

[Journey to Perfection: ...ok, how about you @Remorseful Vampire?]

[Remorseful Vampire: Nothing]

'At least I got an answer...'



What do you think the announcement will be about?

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter