
Chapters 1 :- My birth

I was born in backward country, its fortunate or unfortunate that I learn a lot of society and government.

At just age of 15 I was using dark web not that I am hacker but I see side of society that never showed up on anywhere else.

I learn a lot about society.

I leave the country to study at more advanced countries like japon and usk (I am using alternative names its not mistake)

I became just another scientist I was more interested in space in Earth.

So I applied for NASA at age of 22.

I got selected.

So we study space material, obviously.


In NASA laboratory scientists were studying astreod but more of checking if these were worth of study of another trash to through away.

One scientist stood among other because of his young age.

His name was Asan Ali he was Asian, in his hands were a root shape astreod, he checked and it was same as other astread and as further check with microphone he find some unknown chemicals partial inside and as he blink they were gone like they were never there.

He took it to bigger gun/machine and check he again saw partial but as he blink they were gone.

He told his discovery to Heads they brought most advanced technology and test it.

They were not going to test it first because it cost 1 Million Dollars to use that mission one time but he bet his job in it.

Results was failure nothing show up.

He got fired and as parting gift he got the root astreod.

He did that job as hobby because his parents were rich in the backwards country.

So he moves back to his country and see a lot of trees as any backwards country has.

It was backwards in advance technology like House lock with fingerprints etc.


He was in vacation in private land, well more specifically a jungle where fruits grown and his father export them outside of country to royalties people all around the world (its true not made up thing)

He was arranging his stuff when his eyes fallen in root he took the root and shove it in backyard of his house.

He reads novels and sleeps as tried of journey.


The root grow and glow in blue color its roots goes to core of earth as fast as possible and suck engry from it.

And on outside it grows into small tree with blue leaves with glow in them.

And glow dem as it leaves trees and little tree looks like a dry tree.

And strangly enough no incest come near to it as they do when they some light.