
Light Gives Birth To All That Exists

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The clouds below rose and fell, but they steadily supported the 12 seats.

Chen Qing tapped his index finger on the table. "Lil' Feng, it's fate that we met.

"It's our first time meeting. I can give you a gift."

He did not know what Red Lotus and Scholar said to this guy that he was actually so "cautious."

Yao Feng said shyly, "How can I…"

Chen Qing said slowly, "So, you want to reject my gift?"

Chen Qing felt that he sounded very amiable when he said this, but his tone sounded completely different in the ears of the other three.

[How dare you refuse this gift?]

Yao Feng immediately opened his hands and presented a ball of light in front of Chen Qing.

When he first saw it, Chen Qing wanted to say, "Why are you showing me a ball of light?" However, after taking a closer look, he was extremely surprised.

There was actually such a thing in the world?

[Mortal-grade Light Butterfly]

Quality: Rank nine

Lifespan: 24/200+???

Utility: Light


[Life] Lifespan is connected. When the Gu insect's lifespan is exhausted, it will snatch the host's lifespan to a certain extent. When the host's lifespan is exhausted, he will snatch the Gu insect's lifespan to a certain extent.

[Light Dust] Life gives birth to all that exists. After turning into a butterfly, it can be upgraded again and activate the third form: Dao Integration.

Growth Requirement: None

Growth Progress: 100/100

Advancement Requirements: Rank nine, a night with full moon, 10 jin of moonlight brocade, one cold moon's true essence

This was a Life Origin Gu?

It turned out that after obtaining the Life Origin Gu, their lives would be connected.

The effect after going through butterfly transformation and all nine ranks was just a glow?

There was a third form after turning into a butterfly?

Did this mean that Gu insects were in the first form, butterflies were in the second form, and Dao Integration was the third form?

Was light Gu that special?

It could actually increase its grade!

His Light Butterfly had already reached rank nine, and was in its butterfly form. It could actually still advance!

It seemed like grade and quality were different. Could it be that the next grade was spirit grade?

That would be a little ridiculous.

Or could it be that the Life Origin Gu had the characteristics to continue advancing?

No, if it was the characteristics of the Life Origin Gu, it shouldn't be in the description of [Light Dust], but in the description of the Life Origin Gu.

Although he was deep in thought, Chen Qing still said indifferently, "On the night of the full moon, 10 jin of moonlight brocade and one cold moon's true essence."

"Cold moon's true essence?" Yao Feng was clearly surprised.

He began to think carefully. This was already something that he couldn't easily obtain even if he knew what it was.

This kind of thing was priceless.

Murong Lang's expression also changed slightly. "The cold moon's true essence is a true heavenly treasure."

Hu Yao had yet to react. It was obvious that she had never heard of it.

Chen Qing thought to himself, 'It seems that it is not easy to nurture this light Gu. It only has a glowing ability after turning into a butterfly.'

It was probably a qualitative change after activating the third form of Dao Integration.

Did the Aurora Cult's name originate from the special nature of the Light Gu??

Once a spirit-grade Gu appeared, it would be a treasure that could cause countless people to kill until blood flowed like a river!

As for Light Gu, it could advance from the mortal grade to the spirit grade!

No wonder the Aurora Cult was so famous.

But now, looking at Lil' Feng', Scholar', and Red Lotus' reaction, cold moon's true essence was not as easy to obtain as spirit-grade Gu.

Hu Yao did not know about the cold moon's true essence at all. She had never heard of it before. She took out 25 medium-grade spirit stones, and respectfully handed them to Chen Qing.

She then revealed her rank three Strength Butterfly, and asked, "Senior, please guide me."

Chen Qing glanced at it casually. "The bone-strengthening spirit herb."

Hu Yao sat down at ease after spending all her money. Her heart was so peaceful now.

Occasionally, she would glance at Murong Lang, as if she was looking forward to Murong Lang nurturing his Sword Gu as soon as possible.

Murong Lang did not make her wait. After all, he had bought the Sword Gu to nurture it. "Senior, please give me some pointers on this Sword Gu."

Chen Qing said, "Sword heart grass."

Rank one Gu insects indeed needed very simple materials.

Murong Lang respectfully handed over a medium-grade spirit stone.

Although it didn't cost that much, the lowest transactions here were calculated according to medium-grade spirit stones.

Chen Qing certainly had no intention of giving him change.

Murong Lang asked about the Wind Butterfly's growth needs, and contributed further 30 medium-grade spirit stones to Chen Qing.

Seeing that everyone's desire for guidance had cooled down, Chen Qing leaned back in his chair comfortably. "Now, you can start chatting."

Murong Lang and Hu Yao did not speak first. After all, their cultivation levels were too low, and they were not at the core of their faction.

Yao Feng shifted in his seat carefully. "At the request of the Celestial Master's Mansion, the Great Yan Dynasty is preparing to open up a large number of spirit fields in the bone cave. Currently, they have already placed two spirit-grade Gu as bait.

"Now, the demons in the bone cave area have completely fought back. However, it's said that the Celestial Master's Mansion is not very satisfied, and wants to make the war more heated.

"If any of you are in that area, don't join in the fun.

"That place will become a place of complete death. In the later stages, it is very likely that spirit-grade Gu bait will continue to be thrown, triggering an even more desperate war.

Hu Yao was suddenly stunned. She recalled a demon upheaval that her father had mentioned many years ago. It was said that a spirit-grade Gu had suddenly appeared, and an entire demon clan had been slaughtered.

As the battle continued, not only was there a spirit-grade Gu, but there was also a king-grade Gu. The battle became more and more intense, and the entire Azure Lotus Sword Sect was filled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In the end, only the demon king who had transformed into a dragon escaped with the remaining survivors. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and died.

Their1 current territory was formed using the Demon King's corpse.

The former battlefield had become the current Azure Lotus Sword Sect.

Hearing Yao Feng's words, an extremely strong inexplicable fear arose in her heart.

It turned out that the demons were just spirit fields that were being raised…

Murong Lang seemed to have recalled the glorious records in many books, as well as the spirit-grade Gu that appeared out of nowhere and the subsequent war.

"Thank you for informing me, Leader." He cupped his hands slightly and thanked him.

Yao Feng seemed to have been pricked by a needle as he shouted, "Scholar!

"Don't always shout leader this, leader that. It's fate that we can sit together!

"Now, as the host of the gathering, I order you!

"In the future, just call me Yao Feng."

Damn the Aurora Cult gathering! They actually couldn't change seats!

Murong Lang smiled. "Alright, Fellow Daoist Yao Feng."

Yao Feng continued, "Recently, it's rumored that the Immortal Court is ordering people to write the [divine book]. It's a book that was summarized based on the experience obtained from a large number of Gu insects leveling up.

"Many cultivators of the Great Yan Dynasty have converted to believe in the Immeasurable Celestial Lord, hoping to access the [divine book]."

Chen Qing couldn't help but think to himself, 'Celestial Master's Mansion, Immortal Court, and Great Yan Dynasty. What is the relationship between these three?'

Were religion and secular power not united?

How strange.

At this point, Yao Feng said to Chen Qing, "By the way, Senior Absolute Beginning, I have an extremely important piece of news to report!

"This news concerns the gathering."

Chen Qing was interested, and waited quietly for Yao Feng to speak.