
I Seem to Have Learned Some Strange Skills

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Late at night, Chen Qing and Xie Dayou returned to the mountain, and the former returned to the cave abode alone.

Sitting cross-legged in the cultivation room, he picked up the jade altar, and used his fingers to cut a wound on his arm like a sword. He used his index finger to tap some blood, and began to draw runes on the jade altar of Fog Gu.

"Under the witness of the Spring Autumn Cicada and the Transient Life Butterfly, I, Chen Qing, will form this contract with you!

"I will feed thee, and thou shalt lend me strength."

"With my body, I will nurture your body!"

The spiritual qi in Chen Qing's body began to surge towards the jade altar. It only stopped after the altar absorbed half of Chen Qing's spiritual qi.

Chen Qing felt an extremely weak consciousness in his body.

He opened the jade altar, and Fog Gu floated out according to his will.

It was in the form of a small black insect. It turned into mist for a moment, and returned to the form of a small insect for a moment.

[Mortal-grade Fog Gu]

Quality: Rank two

Lifespan: 26/56

Effect: Within two breaths of time, the physical body will turn into mist, and you can fly during this period. After turning into mist, it will take 30 breaths of time to recover.

Growth Requirement: Illusionary Flower

Growth Progress: 28/100

Advancement Requirements: Rank nine, foggy weather, smoke from soul-returning incense, one drop of Bai Ze's blood essence1, one jin of cold jade

It was about to advance to rank three. Not bad.

Chen Qing kept the Fog Gu into his body, and started to practice using it.

When he first grasped Fog Gu, he could not do it in detail; he could only turn his entire body into fog.

A ball of mist floated in the air for two breaths before landing. Chen Qing took a step and stood steadily.

This Fog Gu needed to be used more often before he could become familiar with it.

After practicing for two hours, Chen Qing realized that he had mastered a strange ability.

Chen Qing, who was originally wearing the clothes of a hall master of Carefree Mountain, turned into mist and flew up.

The fog drifted three meters away. By the time Chen Qing landed, he was already dressed in a black robe.

'Why is it that the abilities developed by others are all combat-oriented, but the first use I mastered is actually changing clothes?'

Changing clothes at the speed of light?

No matter what, he felt that there was something wrong with the way he started in the cultivation world.

'Forget it. There's still a long way to go. I'll practice tomorrow.'

As long as he had enough Gu insects that turned into butterflies, he could easily reach the Foundation Building realm!

When he reached the Foundation Building realm, he would have another 100 years of lifespan. He would have plenty of time to be carefree!

For now, he had to work harder and put in effort to earn money.

Chen Qing lay on the bed, and said seriously, "Every bit of my strength was earned with my own hard work."

The next day, he went to work after being beaten up. The spirit ginseng and sword heart grass in the ground were growing very well. He should be able to harvest them in the four month next year.

It seemed that a spirit plant like the spirit ginseng had to go through four seasons before its medicinal properties could be accumulated.

After getting another beating, Chen Qing put away his sword and went home.

Just as he was about to drink a few mouthfuls of spirit ginseng wine to start cultivating, he realized that Feng Qi had come to visit.

"Junior Brother Chen, has Xiao Zhong sent anyone to look for you recently?"

Chen Qing shook his head. "What's wrong? Senior Brother Xiao…"

Feng Qi picked up his pipe and took a puff. "If Xiao Zhong looks for you these days, ignore him and try your best to avoid him."

Chen Qing cupped his hands, and said, "Thank you for your reminder, Senior Brother."

Feng Qi said, "Your cave abode is newly built. Not many people know about it, but the people from the Lotus Cave were able to accurately find your residence last time…"

Feng Qi didn't finish his sentence, but Chen Qing already understood the meaning behind it.

He was worried that Xiao Zhong leaked the secret and hooked up with someone from the Lotus Cave.

It was normal for Feng Qi to have such thoughts. There were many emerald water lotuses planted in the Lotus Cave, and they had a certain relationship with Xiao Zhong.

Chen Qing said, "Senior Brother, I understand."

Feng Qi continued, "However, don't worry too much. Although Xiao Zhong isn't very biased towards the sect, it shouldn't be that bad."

After saying that, Feng Qi left.

Chen Qing cultivated for four hours, and decided to continue practicing the use of Fog Gu.

After practicing for three days, Chen Qing realized somewhat awkwardly that he was getting more and more proficient in changing clothes. He could even shorten the time to half a breath.

It seemed that the things he was good at were a little strange…

However, after three days of practice, he still grasped some other abilities.

He could now turn only one part of his body into mist!

In this way, the time for the fog state to end would be much longer.

If he only let one of his hands turn into mist, it could last for a full five breaths.

However, it only worked for his limbs. Once his head and body turned into fog, his entire body would turn into fog.

Moreover, although it could turn into fog, a wound on his arm would still be there after turning back into fog. It could not be used to reconstruct his body to treat his injuries.

Next, it was time to practice the sword move while turning into fog to dodge the enemy's attack.

Chen Qing was now practicing one move with all his might. That move was to directly transform into fog and dodge the enemy's attack, upon which he would quickly recover his true body, and use the sword technique he was practicing.

Although it was a little dishonorable, that was no longer important when it came to life and death.

The days gradually calmed down. This was a rare period of peace.

Chen Qing lived a standard life every day.

Get up.

Get beaten up.

Go on duty.


Go off duty.

Get beaten up.


Practice his exclusive secret technique.

It was so regular that Chen Qing was not used to it at first.

Wine Gu had advanced to rank nine, and could be used to brew better iris ginseng wine.

Unfortunately, he could not expose it. He could only continue to use the spirit ginseng to brew wine and drink it himself.

The rank nine wine Gu was not bad; the quality of the spirit ginseng wine it brewed was very good, and Chen Qing's cultivation speed had increased by a lot. Chen Qing estimated that he would only need a year to break through to the fourth level of Qi Refining.

The Sword Gu was about to advance to rank six, while the Fog Gu was only one day away from advancing to rank three.

Chen Qing placed his less than 1,000 low-grade spirit stones on the bed and counted them again. He could not help but sigh. "Why am I so poor?"

The Wine Gu turning into a butterfly was out of the question; it required too many spirit stones.

He could not even raise Sword Gu and Fog Gu for more than a few days.

He hoped that Red Lotus could raise the quality of her Gu insect as soon as possible.

Actually, Carefree Mountain could not be called a mountain. Instead, it was several mountains of a huge mountain range.

And the spirit plant garden was in the center of the mountains.

This was the most basic accumulation of wealth for a sect.

It was the root of the cohesion of a sect.

It was also where Chen Qing's authority stemmed from.

In the morning, not long after Chen Qing arrived at the spirit plant hall, disciples from the Hall of War Affairs came to invite him.

"Hall Master Chen, Senior Brother Ye has called for a hall master meeting. He invites you to attend the meeting."

Chen Qing naturally had to attend the meeting. However, he did not know what had happened that they wanted him to go too.

He reckoned that it had nothing to do with him. After all, he was only in charge of farming. There was no need for him to fight.

Ye Yuntian was probably inviting him out of respect.

After calling Li He, Chen Qing followed the disciples of the Hall of War Affairs up the mountain. After walking past the residences of many senior brothers halfway up the mountain, Chen Qing arrived at the meeting hall beside the ancestral great hall.

In the meeting hall, there were more than 20 seats, and in the center was a painting of the mountains and rivers of Carefree Mountain.

There was a tea table beside each seat. Servants served tea to those in the seats in front of them.

In the square outside the meeting hall, the hall masters gathered in groups of twos and threes, discussing something.

Among these people, Chen Qing was at most more familiar with Gongsun Xiu. He came to Gongsun Xiu's side, and asked, "I wonder what happened to cause such a big scene today?"

Gongsun Xiu said, "It's not a secret. The Lotus Cave has been going too far recently. Junior Brother Ye can't stand it, and wants to teach them a lesson."

Chen Qing nodded. As long as it had nothing to do with him.