
I'll Say It Here Today!

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Needless to say, after losing the money, Chen Qing's mind was clean, and his cultivation speed actually increased a little.

Chen Qing decided to cultivate for a longer period of time.

In just three days, Chen Qing had two more injured people.

Their injuries were not particularly serious. It seemed that they had succeeded.

Chen Qing did not know how many quality Gu insects they had brought back this time.

After treating their injuries, Chen Qing went to take care of the spirit ginseng field as usual.

Under Chen Qing's daily care, the spiritual ginseng had already grown stronger.

Compared to the previous spirit plant garden, Chen Qing easily discovered the difference.

In the past, when the spirit plant garden grew to the stage of the spirit ginseng he was planting now, it would grow extremely slowly, and require time to accumulate spirituality.

As for the spirit ginseng he was planting now, with his Grass Spirit Butterfly taking care of it, it was still growing happily.

As for those 20 mu of special spirit ginseng fields, their growth was even more ridiculous!

If it was in the past, it could barely be harvested.

The grass darling was indeed powerful!

After Chen Qing was done with preparing his life-saving methods, he would continue to upgrade his grass darling!

After staying on the mountain for a few days, there was no news. It was not until the 15th day of the seventh month that Chen Qing heard some news.

According to Li He, the people from the Lotus Cave had been robbed this time, but there was more than one group of people who had robbed them.

He did not specify how many. After all, they were only rumors at the foot of the mountain, and no specific information.

Chen Qing guessed that the movements of Lotus Cave had been leaked. Not only had Carefree Mountain found out, but there might also be other forces.

Judging from the injuries of the two senior brothers from the Hall of War Affairs, they should have suddenly charged out after they fought.

When the sandpiper and clam fight, the fisherman benefits1.

Under such circumstances, the Lotus Cave probably could not flare up.

The subsequent storm should be very small.

After knowing this news, Chen Qing felt a little more at ease. He praised Feng Qi and Ye Yuntian in his heart.

They were really efficient.

In the afternoon, when Chen Qing went to take care of the spirit ginseng field, Gongsun Xiu brought a pot of wine, and invited Chen Qing to sit down on the ridge. He spread out a carpet, and the two of them sat on it to drink and eat some dried fruits.

"Junior Brother, your 20 mu of spirit ginseng is really tempting!"

Chen Qing smiled, and said, "There's no hurry. When we harvest something, come and get some, Senior Brother."

Gongsun Xiu asked, "Are you interested in growing some blood ginseng?"

Was it a blood ginseng grown from demon blood?

In the wild, demon beasts would pile up the corpses they ate beside wild ginseng. That way, a blood ginseng would grow over the years!

Chen Qing said, "This demon blood is not easy to obtain."

Gongsun Xiu said, "I heard that there is still some in the Beast Taming Hall's inventory."

Gongsun Xiu did not continue, and only let Chen Qing drink.

Chen Qing thought to himself that the blood ginseng was much more precious than spirit ginseng. If he could plant some of it, his status would be more secure.

Moreover, after planting it, he could also keep some for himself. It would be very beneficial to his cultivation.

Although that was Gongsun Xiu's plan, it did not matter.

However, Chen Qing did not know if the grass darling could handle this mission now.

After Gongsun Xiu left, Chen Qing called Li He over, and asked him to fetch a bucket of demon blood from the Beast Mount Hall.

An hour later, Chen Qing instructed Li He to water the field with demon blood.

Under the sunlight, the spiritual field that was doused with demon blood became hot.

Chen Qing hurriedly opened his hand and let out the Grass Spirit Butterfly, letting it take care of it.

Soon, under the care of the Grass Spirit Butterfly, the temperature gradually decreased. The demon blood seeped into the field, and the spirit ginseng became more and more spiritual.

The spiritual qi in Chen Qing's body was depleted rapidly. Chen Qing could not help but pant.

There was a way!

If his cultivation level was higher, he could consider it. However, at the moment, one mu of blood ginseng was probably his limit.

It seemed that when he was free, he could go and have a chat with his senior sister from the Beast Expelling Hall.

After the Grass Spirit Butterfly took care of the field for 15 minutes, Chen Qing clearly saw that the leaves of the spirit ginseng in this area had an additional hint of red.

After settling this matter, Chen Qing returned to his cave abode tiredly.

In the cultivation room, Chen Qing released his Gu insects, and let them eat upgrade items and daily necessities.

Fog Gu turned into a ball of mist that enveloped the spirit dew, slowly absorbing it.

The Sword Gu was much more unreasonable. Lying on a demonic wolf's fang, it waved its small claws and cut off a piece, sending it into its mouth.

The Grass Spirit Butterfly was much more elegant—it lay on the Gu spirit grass, and ate it in small bites.

Wine Gu was quite lively. As it ate, it would occasionally give Grass Spirit Butterfly a piece of Gu spirit grass that it had torn off.

Yes, in two days, the mist darling and the sword darling should upgrade.

After watching the four Gu insects eat their fill, Chen Qing kept them in his body. He drank two mouthfuls of spirit ginseng wine, and cultivated while recovering his spiritual qi.

Night fell.

The clouds in the sky changed. On the cloud platform, a man in a black robe and a silver mask appeared at the head of the long table.

The moment he appeared, he was stunned for three breaths before disappearing.

After 10 breaths, he appeared in the leader's seat again.

"People are…?

"What about the three people my age?

"Did I remember the time wrongly?"

He placed a hand on the table, and fell deep in thought.

"That's not right. I remember that this is the point I set.

"Could it be that I've only been gone for three months, and all of them died?

"The speed of becoming a loner is too fast!

"Is the world so dangerous?

"That's not right. We're the cult!

"The orthodox sects are so powerful now?

"I used to be hunted down by cults when I was on the path of righteousness.

"Although I was hunted down by the orthodox sects after I became a cultist, at least I had three subordinates!

"Sigh, I just embraced the darkness. Why is it like this?

"Then didn't I join a cult for nothing?"

The man in the silver mask disappeared from his seat.

Two hours later.

The man in the silver mask reappeared.

"No way!"

Then he disappeared again.

Another two hours later, he appeared in his seat again, and began to analyze carefully with his head lowered.

"This wild dog looked like he'd die young. It's not surprising that he's dead.

"Red Lotus is a carefree girl, she doesn't know the severity of the situation, so she might even die.

"Scholar usually looks quite shrewd. Could it be that he self-destructed when he was studying spells?"

He looked up and realized that Hu Yao and Murong Lang were looking at him in surprise.

The leader pretended as if nothing had happened and tidied his clothes. "Cough!"

He thought about it for a while. "You guys are here."

Immediately, he said angrily, "Why are you only here now? Wasn't it set four hours ago?"

Murong Lang waved his folding fan gently. There was no change at all. "Senior Absolute Beginning changed the time."

The leader said angrily, "Who is hosting this gathering? Who does he think he is?

"Wait, Senior Absolute Beginning?

"A new member?"

Seeing that the leader's temper was acting up again, Hu Yao recalled that he had given her a few pointers in the past. She felt that she should explain it to him. "He can be considered a new member. Senior Absolute Beginning uses the wild dog's mask."

The leader slapped the table and asked casually, "Senior, how much of a senior is he?

"Is he very powerful?"

Murong Lang said, "I can't say that he's powerful—"

The word "powerful" was truly an insult to Senior Absolute Beginning.

Before Murong Lang could finish, the leader swaggered and said, "So he's a 'senior,' but he's not powerful? Who gave him the guts?

"I'll say this today. I'm the leader of this gathering. Even if a holy son or a holy maiden comes, they have to lie here obediently!"