
Chapter 5

After a shower, which I took my time with, I wore my combat outfit which was pure white. I take a long strike to the courtyard. My father was there waiting for me, he was wearing the same outfit as me, but bigger. (duhhh)

"Arthur, good you here. From now, every morning you will wake up at dawn and start training. I will supervise your training for a while and see what you can do. Now, it is important for you to start your training early due to your circumstances."

You have started to walk the path of martial arts as you can gather heavenly energy to your dantian already. But you better stop for now unless you want your body to explode to bits. You have to start training your body now so that you can sustain the energy moving throughout your body.

"I will tell you about our ancestor, the first generation is your grandfather, who start from only a peasant working as a woodcutter in this area. When war approach, he was the first one to raise his sword and protect this area from bandits."

"From then on, his strength kept increasing and was fit enough to be a soldier, guess, what age did your father start as a solider ? :3"

"Erm… at 15 ? he can't be that young to be a soldier, and not too old too right ? How can an old man fight a war xD"

"Haha, nop ! He starts as an ordinary soldier when he was 30 years old ! many soldiers at that time ridiculed your father as he looked like a 45 years old man. But what they didn't know is your grandfather body is so strong that he only needs 1 slash to chop a tree down !"

"From there he kept fighting valiantly when he rushed towards the enemy, it feels like a raging bull is going on a frenzy, When he was defending, it was like a turtle with an unbreakable defense ! He fought his way to be a commander which controls 1 battalion on the field."

"One day when the crown prince was besieged at one of our main defense castles, he rushed forward like an arrow ! he pushed through the enemy's line at fought his way to the castle stronghold and killed the enemy's commander !"

"From then on, he became the crown prince trusted aide, fought battle after battle for the kingdom and earn himself a noble title. The crown prince was very satisfied with your grandfather that he give your grandfather a marquis title which can be passed down to later generation !"

"Your grandfather's use a qi cultivation methods which suits to strengthen the body, it is a high-class mortal grade that was a gift from the crown prince called the emperor's rage ! A mighty technique that can slice dozens of enemies with one strike !"

"Thus the cultivation technique was passed down to his only son, which is me and now I will pass down this technique to you !"

Wow, I didn't think grandfather was this strong and heroic ! just like in stories….

"Well dad, I can't wait to learn it, I swear I won't let the family's name down !"

"Haha Arthur, the main technique can only be used after you convert your energy to qi energy which can be used by a warrior. So what am I going to pass down to you is Level 0 technique that can be learned for all. Who knows maybe later you got what it takes to be a mage !?"

"But dad, why can't I just use both energies later ? If I can use mana and qi at the same time, won't I be the strongest man alive ? hahahahaha I am a genius !"

"Arthur… mana and qi are like fire and water, if you train both of them, you will die faster as they can't stand each other beings. In the future restrain this unorthodox thinking or it will lead to your death."

"Now this minor technique is called heave's gathering which will help you grow stronger, maybe in another 15 years, you can be a warrior ! Now, do as I say and sit crossed-legged first."

Lance teaches his son for about 4 hours until Arthur got the basic understanding of it, what was surprising was that Arthur is like a dried up sponge that can take overwhelming information, he did not just understand it, he can do it in a practical way too !

A normal person would take about 3 days to understand it, but he only needs a few hours… How could Lance not be happy ! If he can produce another general for the kingdom, he will die with a smile on his face !

"Good Arthur, now I will teach you the basic of martial arts. Today we will learn the basic of punch ! Do what I do first and I will correct you along the way, today you must punch with all your might a thousand times before I am satisfied !"

Crap this is insane, a hundred time ? why not just beat me up a hundred time ! that's basically the same as torturing me T~T

"Okay father I will try hard not to disappoint you !"

After 30 minutes of continues punching and lecturing from father, he was finally satisfied but I still need to continue until one thousand though…

Well I need to keep on going… I won't satisfied if I can't be as strong as father ! but really, this is hard though T~T…

Now it is time to start training his ass off.

Time will pass faster now I guess :3

DaoofTheHumancreators' thoughts