
Chapter 2

As the sun reach the peak and burn all that can be reach through light, I walk to my room and sit by the window, just waiting for my new teacher to come, I heard he is going to teach me about general things ?? I hope this will not bore me to death.

*knock knock* "May I come in, child ?"

"Who is it ? Please do, make yourself at home please"

As an old hag comes in ..

*Death Glare!!!* "Child, why do I feel like you're thinking about something offensive right now huh !"

Oh damn ! this woman's intuition is out of this world, the heck !

"Eh, no way ! I'm just over 2 years old, see my cute face, why would I think ill of you !? You're a beautiful woman indeed, like a flower blossoming in the summer under the light, sunny day :3

*Shock!!* "Heh ! For someone of your age, you know your words, don't you, child ? I didn't expect the rumors to be true .. a two years old that can talk like an adult, what are you really, a monster or a genius ? And do you think your charming words can persuade this woman ? Try that again and I'll drown you in the river and feed you to the beasts ! hmm hmm"

'This child, maybe he got what it takes to learn magic, heck even his spiritual level is high and not far off people's thought .. This is interesting, I'll play with you a bit child, see if I can torture you to death ! hahahaha'

As I glare into her eyes, I feel like I saw something … mystical … ? Her eyes seems like they contain a calm river but enough to drown a town ! Is this woman similar to my mother ? Only she gives me that feeling. Maybe this old hag is a mage like my mother ! Damn, now I have to concentrate to her teachings and maybe I can ask her a favor or two in teaching me magic !

Ehh wait .. !! Her eyes changed ! Now it looks like a serpent stalking its prey, waiting to play with the food till it dies ! *Chills* Damn she's actually pretty scary .. T~T

"Haha child, My name is Anabelle, from the magic tower… Previously, I just wanted to have a look at you, but now you have tickled this old lady's heart. You seem more interesting than the other nobles' children .. haha I look forward to teach you every week now" *Sinister smile*"

Erm .. I got a bad feeling about this. Feels like hell is knocking on my doorstep .. Why do I have to suffer so early..? T~T

"Okay, today's lesson will be about general knowledge of the human power rank. Once a child's spirit reach a certain threshold, they can start training in two things, the first is their spirit and second one is their body. Tell me, child, what's the difference between the both of them ? I'm sure your mother have told you before, right ?"

Erm …

"First of all ! My name is Arthur ! Arthur Blyke, the son of Marquis Lance Blyke ! So please call me by my name ! .. And for the question, yes mother did told me about those things .."

"The spirit is the soul of a living being, connecting the minds with our body. Mages train in their spirits which correspond to their mana pool, the bigger it is, the more powerful the spells become"

"For the body, well … Warriors train to strengthen their body so they can become more agile and powerful. I heard a powerful warrior can lift up to 200kg boulder with one hand ! But that sounds preposterous !"

'Well .. at least he know the basics …'

"Good, that's just general knowledge you have there. For a person to be a warrior, they

have to train up to a certain level before they can be called a warrior ! There exist six levels for them, the first is level 1 which known to strengthen the skin ! Level 2 is flesh, Level 3 is Bones, Level 4 is Liver, Level 5 is lungs, and level 6 is their hearts ! ..

"Erm teacher, what is the use of strengthening all of that ? it seems impossible to achieve for us humans.. We're not beasts .. @~@*Confuse*

'Good child ! Children usually only know how to nod their head when I'm lecturing them, but he have the guts to ask questions already. His future may be bright and even have the chance to become a mage ! Only the percentage is not that high, it's just one of the minor possibility ..'

"Haha ! Child, what's the use of knowing it without achieving it !? Our kingdom's teaching comes from our ancestor to teach you guys the general knowledge :3 Let this pique your curiosity ! You want the answer ? Then work hard ! Don't be a lazy bum, only those talented and hard working deserve answers !"

"Ehh Teacher … seriously !(Annoyed) then at least tell me about mage, what's the use of strengthening their spirit ?"

"For spirit, we don't call it strengthening, we call it refining because it is not in the physical world. Well .. you won't get an answer from me, young man … When you achieve at least level 1, then maybe you can get a little answer from your mother or father :3"

"But let me tell you this child, the probability or ratio for a human to become a mage compare to warrior is 1 : 100 !!"

"What ! then mage will be stronger than warrior huh ! No wonder they are famous with their supernatural magic .. but .. why the ratio is so far apart ?"

"Well the answer to that is .. there exist a .."

*Bam !!* The door was forcefully open ! mother come through the door hastily and

stopped teacher from speaking ..

"Sister Anabelle .. you can't say the answer .. that will be detrimental to my child ! Are you

that jealous of his talent and want to ruin his future !?"

"Hmm !! It seems my dear little sister dares to interrupt me huh .. Fine I apologize for my mistake. My lips almost slip out the answer because this child piqued my interest from the start. Congratulations, sister, it seems you have a prodigy in your family to bring glory for the family, 20 years from now."

"Well thanks, how about we have a tea first before you go back? Its already evening, so it's good to have tea right now while bathing in the sunlight"

"It's okay, I have more work to do and I need to meditate more … I will see your child on our next session, I'm going to have so much fun tortur… i mean teaching your child."

"Haha okay then sister Annabelle, I'll keep my eyes on you later, I don't want my child to be abuse by an old lady !"

Well This is scary, it seems like they are trying to eat each other .. Adults are scary T~T, I don't want to grow up if it's gonna be like this ! Better stay youthful and play than grow old :3 …

"Arthur, this week I want you to spend time reading on elementary level 0 mage skill and warrior arts, you can ask your mother about this, next class I'll give you a surprise if you can answer my question" said Annabelle while giving a smirk ..

"Okay teacher, I understand, be careful on your way back, don't die too early now,I still need you to teach me :3" and then I bow 90 Degree as a sign of respect to my new teacher while she almost tripped … XD"

I wish i can put an emoticon .. to make the conversation cheery xD

Bear with me for his few chapter, I need to have a foundation right above all else !

My thought is writing a new novel is like training to be an immortal, foundation is everything ! <3

DaoofTheHumancreators' thoughts