
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 25 Curing a future waifu.

Ah fuck it they'll be my wives sooner or later, besides its good for them this is fantasy world and they are adventure they risk their life for money.

Arch: " Elze, Linze I have a way to make you able to use all the elemental magic not only that but you can do many other things as well."

As I said that I quickly sent the information inside their mind. They got surprised and looked at me with eyes open wide.

Elze: "Arch, let me make it clear this is not a joke right?"

She asked me with a bit of hostility and expectation.

I smiled at her and said.

Arch: "What I showed you is the truth, besides why would I fool you?"

As I said that I cut my finger and two drop of blood, floated in front of their face.

They gulped and looked at me then Linze held Elze's hand and nodded, they both drank the blood at the same time, their body glowed leaving more beautiful twins in front of me.

Elze and Linze felt changes in their body and smiled, Elze started jumping from joy.

Elze: "Hahaha finally i can use magic, haha."

Then they both looked at me smiled and hugged me.

Elze: "Thank you Arch you changed our lives."

Linze: "Yes thanks Arch."

They both buried their faces on my chest, I stroked their hair for some time, Then Elze looked at me and smiled mischievously she grabbed my collar and pulled me closer and Kissed me.

Linze: "Wait no fair Sister, i wanted to be the one to kiss him first."

Elze separated her lips from me and smiled at me then she looked at Linze.

Elze: "Hehe you gotta take actions quickly little sister."

Linze puffed her cheeks and looked at me with a red face then she moved her face closer to me and Kissed me.

After Kissing the twins for few minutes, we started to head back to the Inn, then we heard some voices and saw a crow of people surrounding a Girl with black hair tied in a pony tail, wearing kimono.

The group of people started attacking her, she with her bare hands started to fight with them, she knocked few people but suddenly stopped moving while holding her tummy.

A man was about to hit her with a sword to her back, I quickly went there and caught the sword and knock him down, Elze took the remaining people out.

Linze: "Arch, the guards are coming we should go."

Arch: "Ok, Let's go"

I grabbed the Japanese girl's hand and we moved to a far place.

Arch: "Are you ok?"

I asked the girl that was blushing while staring at me, when I asked her she got out from her daze.

Yae: "*blush* ahh yes I'm fine t-thanks for helping me out, my name is Yae Kokonoe, nice to meet you."

Arch: "*smile* My name is Arch, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Elze: "My name is Else."

Linze: "My is Linze."


We heard growling and looked at Yae, she blushed and looked down.

Yae: "*blush*Sorry I lost all my traveling money and didn't ate for two days."

Arch: "*chuckled* Alright how about we head back to Inn and have something to eat?"

Elze: "Sounds good."

Linze: "Let's go."

We arrived at Inn and ordered food enough to satisfy Yae's hunger, Me and the twins doesn't need to eat but we still enjoyed our meal.

Yae started talking about that she was traveling to improve her martial arts.

Linze: "So, what are your plans now Yae?"

Yae: "Well, I'm planning to visit Royal capital to test my strength."

Elze: "Ohh what a coincidence, we too are heading towards the Royal capital, say want to go together.?"

Yae: "Of course, please take care of me."

After eating we went towards Capital using a carriage, Yae and Elze was sitting on the driver's seat while me and Linze were behind, I was reading the book that Linze gave me it had records of many magic, there was one magic that got my attention, this is like the legendary magic which a certain person used to steal panties hehe.

Linze: "W-why are you smiling like that? I have a bad feeling about that."

I moved my hand a bit forward and called out 'Steal' Than my hand glowed while I closed my hand.

Linze: "Steal?, what did you do?"

Elze: "Kyaaa!!"

Both Yae and Linze looked at Elze.

Linze: " What happened!?"

Yae: "Are you ok?"

Elze was blushing while putting both of her hands on her crouch, then she looked towards me with a blushing face and sharp gaze.

Elze: "Arch, give it back please."

Arch: "*smile* What could you possibly be taking about madam?"

Elze:" *blush* Give me back my Panties!!"

Both Yae and Linze got surprised and looked at me blushingly.

Arch: "Ok ok here it is, this magic is really convenient hehe."

I gave her, her white panties back she snached it with 'hump' sound but she was smiling.

Linze: "*blush* A-Arch, you know if you wanted p-panties you could just ask m-me."

She whisper, I smiled at her and patted her head.

Arch: "Well, I just wanted to play a prank hehe"

Elze somehow wore her panties back, Yae looked at her then said.

Yae: "Aren't you mad at him? he stole your panties after all."

Elze: "It's fine, me and Linze are in relationship with him after all."

Yae: "What!! both of you?"

Elze: "Yeah he is a capable guy, *smirked* what you wanna join in too?"

Yae: "*blush* N-no i-i"

She blushed and shutter while looking at me.

Elze: "*smile* it's ok, there is no one better than him if you want to pursue him you have my as well as Linze's support."

Yae widen her eyes.

Yae: "Really!? *ahem* i-if you say so than don't regret it."

Elze: "hehe don't worry we won't."

After few minutes I smelled blood in the air.

Arch: " 'so it's time huh.' There is some trouble ahead, I'll be heading first."

Elze and Linze nodded, I flew towards the direction of the battle.

Yae: "Wait he can fly!? amazing."

I saw a carriage and few lizard men standing there, there was a man with black hood too, I quickly drew my Katana and killed all the lizard men then captured the hooded man.

Elze and the girls also arrived, Few soldiers came towards us and thanked us, suddenly i heard a girl's voice.

??: "Someone please help."

We quickly went inside the carriage, inside the carriage there was a cute girl crying, and a old man who had a wound on his chest.

?? : "Leim please don't go."

I quickly used my powers to get the arrow from his chest while using [Heal], The old man opened his eyes and sat on the seat, while the little girl hugged him while crying.

Leim: "i-im fine? haha young miss please don't cry I am totally fine haha, thank you young man, my name is Leim a Butler, and this young lady here is Sushie Ernea Ortlinde,I'm indebted for your saving grace."

Hearing him we also introduced our selves.

Sushie or Sue wiped her tears and looked at me as soon as she looked at me she froze her face turned completely red.

Leim: "hmm Young miss are you ok?"

Sue: "*blush* ah Y-yes I'm fine, hello my name is Sushie Ernea Ortlinde y-you can call me Sue, thanks for saving our lives as well as Leim."

Leim: "She is the daughter of the Duke."

Hearing that Yae quickly bowed down.

Arch: "Hmm What happened Yae?"

Yae: "Well she is the daughter of the Duke meaning she is the member of the Royal family."

Sue: "Yes my father is the brother of King."

Arch: "Ohh so, the king is your uncle, hmm good for you."

She smiled, then Leim said with a serious face.

Leim: " You guys seems to be adventures,could I request you to be our guards to the capital, naturally you'll be rewarded for this job as well as saving us."

Arch: "What do you guys think."

The girls nodded.

Arch: "Ok then we'll escort you to the Capital."

Leim: "Thank you very much."

Sue smiled blushingly, then we headed towards the capital using our carriage.

We arrived at Belfast, we entered a castle, we were greeted by many maids lining from both the side. when all the maids looked at me they all blushed.

Arch: 'Ohh my so many cute and beautiful maids gonna get them all hehe.'

A middle aged man came down from the stairs.

??: "Sue!!"

Sue: "Father!"

They both hugged each other, then the man looked at us introduced him self as Alfred, then he kneeled I front of me.

Alfred: "Thank you for saving my dear daughter."

Arch: "It's ok please stand up, 'you won't be too grateful when i get your daughter, wife and these maids from you' "

Currently we were having tea while Alfred was talking about the attack on his daughter.

Sue: "Father"

Sue came wearing a princess dress.

Alfred: "Did you talk with Ellen?"

She nodded, she looked a bit sad.

Arch: "Who is Ellen?"

Alfred: "She is my wife, I'm sorry she can't meet you because she has blindness, we tried everything but couldn't find a cure."

Yae: "How about you let Arch help you, he used amazing magic to heal Leim."

Sue: "Yes, we can try that maybe we can cure mother."

Alfred looked at me and Sue also looked at me with sparkling eyes.

Arch: "Ok, we can try I'm 80% sure that I can cure her."

Alfred: "Really!! then please come with me."

We went in a room where a beautiful woman was sitting on the chair, Alfred explained everything to her and she agreed.

I stood in front of her placed both my hands on her eyes and used [Over Heal] ,my hand glowed then I removed my hands, she slowly opened her blue eyes and looked at me, she froze completely, her face turned red as she was staring at me.

Alfred felt uncomfortable and coughed, she came out of her daze and looked towards her daughter who was running towards her and hugged her.

Ellen: " I can see, Sue my dear daughter I can see."

She cried and looked at her daughter who was crying, things were awkward with Alfred.

(A/N: Read the below mentioned details, that will applied to every worlds, well kinda late to mention it but here you go.)

Obviously because I changed the settings of this word, The women that I'm after will all be Virgins they won't have any physical contact with any males. Only the married women will be non virgin but they only do it once to bear their daughters (future wifus) After that they won't have any kind of physical contact with their husbands or any other men.

Ellen then looked at Me blushed, smiled and bowed.

Ellen: "Thank you for curing my eyes *smile*"