
Eternal Harem

(Note1: For those who are curious about which world I have written till now, see the chapter list I always mention the name of the world in the chapter title. Note2: I'm not a professional writing nor I want to be, don't expect relationship development, my grammar and spelling mistakes might give you headache, I'm writing this on mobile and it's really pain in the ass. Those who are hardcore harem fans this may be treasure for you I guess hehe. Mc will visit many worlds but there will be only few chapters for each world. This ff is fully focused on waifu collection you have been warned.) This is the story of a man who died and finds him self in the void and he could not remember about him self he only remembered all the fictional work that he read and the games that he played. Then he meets One Above All. Find out how our mc Arch Elrod visits various fictional worlds and games to collect wifus and to have adventures. Mc will be manipulative he will steal wifus that he likes even from death. If mc likes a wifu but she have wrong personality or background he will change it as he see fit.(ex- Freya from danmachi) and yeah gender bland will be there too. Mc or me doesn't care about plot we only care about wifus. so those who likes plots or the original protagonists sorry there will be many changes you have been warned. Mc will be the doom of many male characters. Note: Manipulative and netori tags are not just for show you have been warned. Note2: I only own mc and maybe some oc, others characters are not mine. Note3: Those who likes and enjoy reading my ff thanks, if you don't give positive comments it's up to you but those who doesn't like it you can stop reading but please keep those negative comments to your self cause I want to keep my motivation to keep writing.

Jake_Makvana · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 24 In Another World With My Smartphone.

(A/N: So, the smartphone wins hehe)

(A/N: This chapter will be rushed, and btw I changed Jin's name to Jen sounds a bit feminine I guess)

===1 year later===

During this year I got so many wifus, some I persuade, some I summoned, some I revived and some I got through my crystalized blood that my other wifus of 'Little Garden' used.

They are...

Amalthea, Aura, Ayazato Suzuka, Ayesha, Black Percher, Canaria, Carol Gundark, Fiana(Faceless), Kudou Ayato, Lapace(Laplace Little Demons),

Lily, Merun, Prithvi Mata, Hallen (Queen Halloween), Ratten, Rin, Karyou (Roc Demon King),

Sala Doltrake, Sandora, Scathach, Willa (Willa-the-Ignis-Fatuus), Kurma (World King)

I also revived Kuro Usagi's mother her name is Miri (Kuro's mother was not mentioned so I made her up) she has long pink hair and pink eyes, with big boobs and perfect figure.

I also summoned wifus from fate verse that were remaining, all the 7 personalites of Tamamo, Gaia, Luvia, Arcueid, Aoko, Altrouge, Shiki and all the Alter egos grom a parallel fate verse.With all the necessary changes.

I spent a peaceful and loving time with my all wifus, I also many times created a separate space with time slow effect to go on dates with my wifus, this way I can give proper time to all my wifus.


After spend enough time and getting all the good wifus I decided to go for another world.

Arch: " Hmmm So...ahh I remember another isekai anime, it's called 'In Another World With My Smartphone' Good there are many wifus and some milfs too hehe."

I snapped my fingers and teleported from where I was standing to a different world, my surrounding was filled with Graceland, trees and Mountains.

Arch: "Hmm so, this is that world, seems good, as for Touya, he is still in his world, I used my powers so that he won't die from that old god's mistake, no need to thank me Touya enjoy a long peaceful life in your world."

Currently I'm wearing a white fitting Shirt and Black pants, I created some currency of this world, money is important no matter where you go.

I entered the town and was walking on the street, I heard a voice of girls, I moved towards the source of the voice and found my twins future wifus arguing with bunch of idiots who were trying to scam my wifus.

I moved towards those two idiots, held their heads with my hands while saying 'excuse me' and slammed both of their faces on the ground making them unconscious, I picked the item from the hand of one of the idiot, went towards the twins with a smile and said.

Arch: "How much for this item?"

But I didn't get any answers because currently they were in daze with a red face while looking at my face.

Arch: "*ahem* Are you two ladies ok?"

They got out from their daze.

Linze: "*blush* Ahhh yes hello M-My name is Linze Silhoueska, and this is my older twin sister Elze Silhoueska, we are fine thanks for helping us."

Elze: "*blush* Y-yes thanks for helping us."

Arch: "*Smile* my name is Arch, I'm new in this town, So how much for this item?, ' I'm sure they worked hard for getting this item, for money.' , how about two gold coins? "

I gave Elze two gold coin.

Linze & Elze: "what!! "

Linze: "Arch this is too much money."

Arch: "No, it's ok money is no problem, plus i got to meet two beautiful ladies here, hehe it's worth it."

They both blushed and accept the money.

Arch: "By the way do you know a good Inn to stay?"

Elze: "Yes, the Inn that we both are staying is good, it's called Silver Moon Inn."

Linze: "Yeah what do say want to visit that Inn?"

Arch: "Yes, please lead the way."

As we entered the Inn I saw a girl with red hair she was Micah the Inn keeper of silver moon inn, She had the same reaction as the twins,

Elze: "*ahem* Micah, he is Arch and he is here to rent a room."

She got out of her daze and covered her face with her hands to hide her embarrassment, then she calmed down introduced her self and finished process for me to stay in the Inn.

Me and the twins sat on the table drinking tea while they were talking what actually happened earlier.

We talked with each other for some time, they both asked if I wanted to join their party or not, I agreed and they become happy while hugging each other.

The next day I went to Guild with the twins, I registered in the guild got guild card which is black with few design, I stored it in my personal space which I created.

Elze: "Hey Arch, how about we take this quest, we have kill five one horned wolfs how about?

Arch: "Sounds good."

Linze: "umm by the way Arch what about your weapon and armor?"

Arch: "Ohh I don't need armor, I feel uncomfortable in it and as for weapon it is in my personal space."

Linze & Elze: "What!!?"

Their shout attached few people, the twins calmed down and looked at me with a socking and curious gaze.

I smiled at them and pulled out a Katana from my Storage (Personal space), they both got surprised, people around us also got surprised and started whispering.

Linze and Elze looked at each other and nodded, Elze went towards guild counter to register the quest while Linze grabbed my hand and pulled me outside of the Guild.

Linze: " Listen Arch, you should be careful, Space magic is really rare, now that you showed your magic many people will come for you and not all of them are good do you understand?"

Arch: "*smile* Yes I do and don't worry about that I can hand those things and you also don't have to worry about me leaving your party."

Linze: "*blush* N-no it's not.."

Elze: "Hey guys I'm back, Ohh my Linze since when did you two got this close, holding your hand in public like that so bold."

Linze looked at her hand which was holding mine, her face turned red she quickly let go of my hand and cover her face with her hands while mumbling something.

Elze got close to Linze and said.

Elze: "I won't give up either hehe"

Linze looked at Elze and both of them nodded with resolve in their eyes.

After some time we reached at the forest and found our target, there were 8 one horned wolfs.

Elze used her gauntlet and took care of two wolfs, Linze was holding a little staff and after chanting she casted fire magic on took care of two wolfs, while I used my black katana with red light new on it to slice the heads of the remaining 4 wolfs with ease.

Elze: "Wow Arch you're pretty strong and that's a cool looking sword you got there."

Linze:" yeah we only needed five hornes but now we got 8."

We head back to Guild and submitted the hornes, the female guild receptionist who had light orange hair and black eyes she was wearing glaces. her name is Gina (Just made it up)

She verified our loots while stealing glances at me with blushing face. And then did something to our guild cards.

Gina: "*blush* I-i have verified it, here you go and there is also money for extra hornes."

We went back to the Inn and and was having tea.

Linze: "By the way Arch You have aptitude for space magic that is really amazing, I wish I had that kind of aptitude."

Arch: "Hmm aptitude you say, could tell me both of yours' aptitude are? if you don't mind."

Elze: "It's ok I have Fortification aptitude through which I can fortify my body, but I can't use any magic *sign*."

Linze: "And I have three aptitudes Fire, water and Wind, do you have any other aptitudes asides from space?"

They both looked at me with sparkling eyes, I smiled and told them to go to open space so I can show them properly.

We went a bit far from the Inn where no one can see us.

Then I used all the elements and showed them, they had look of disbelief on their faces.

Linze: "No way you can use all magic and without even chanting!??"

Elze: "Yeah that's really amazing haha"

Linze was little jealous, while Elze was jealous and sad, she hid her sadness with fake smile, hmm maybe not being able to use elemental magic really hit her hard.

Hmm I can help them in two ways first is to bless them so that they can use all kind of magic and second is that I make them my wives, what to do, I actually wanted to first enjoy my time with them then make them my wives.