
Eternal Frontier

In the vast and enchanting Plane of Gaia, where the sun sets over sprawling deserts and the moon rises over untamed frontiers, a tale of epic proportions unfolds. Eternal Frontier weaves the atmospheric allure of "Abyss Domination" and the strategic intensity of "Night Ranger" into a western fantasy saga with a unique twist of time travel and a mysterious system.

af240124 · Fantasy
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Chapter 8 : Shadows Unveiled Part 2

The battle that ensued was a clash of ideologies, where the party's enlightened unity faced off against the shadowy machinations of the Architects. The alchemist's Abyssal Mastery elixirs nullified the dark rituals, the bard's anthems disrupted the Architects' concentration, and the rogue exploited vulnerabilities within their defenses.

As the confrontation reached its zenith, Zax, drawing upon his transcendent attributes, delivered a decisive blow that shattered the Architects' attempts at Umbral Ascendance. The System displayed a triumphant notification:

Challenge Overcome: Umbral Ascendance Thwarted


Eternal Vigilance Pact Strengthened

Dagger of Shadow

The Dagger of Shadow is a mysterious and potent weapon with a lineage intertwined with the shadows themselves. Crafted from rare and otherworldly materials, this dagger possesses an aura of darkness that extends beyond its physical form. 

Enchantments and Abilities:

Umbral Edge: The Dagger of Shadow possesses an innate ability known as the Umbral Edge. When unsheathed, the blade is enveloped in a shadowy aura, allowing it to cut through armor and resistances with an otherworldly sharpness. This effect is particularly effective in low-light conditions or areas shrouded in darkness.

Shadowstep Affinity: The dagger is attuned to the essence of shadows. When held by a skilled and attuned wielder, it grants the ability to execute a short-range teleportation known as Shadowstep. This swift maneuver allows the wielder to traverse shadows and surprise enemies with sudden, unexpected movements.

Silent Strikes: The Dagger of Shadow is designed for stealth and subtlety. Its strikes produce minimal sound, allowing the wielder to execute silent, lethal attacks. This feature is invaluable for an assassin or rogue seeking to eliminate targets without alerting nearby foes.

Corrupting Touch: On contact with the enemy, the Dagger of Shadow has the potential to corrupt the target's life force, sapping vitality and leaving them weakened. This effect is subtle and accumulates over time, making it a dangerous weapon in prolonged engagements.

Architects' Secrets Codex Fragment

The Architects' Secrets Codex Fragment is a rare and enigmatic piece of ancient knowledge, a remnant from an era when master builders and architects wielded mystic arts to shape reality itself. This fragment, often discovered in hidden chambers or ancient libraries, is part of a larger codex that unveils the profound secrets and arcane principles behind the creation of structures that transcend the ordinary.

The fragment is a weathered parchment, carefully preserved despite the passage of centuries. Its surface is adorned with intricate diagrams, symbols, and cryptic text written in a script that seems to shift when observed closely. The ink used appears to be a mixture of rare minerals, giving the writing an otherworldly luminescence when exposed to certain light conditions.


Geometric Harmony: The fragment delves into the sacred geometry and mathematical precision employed by ancient architects. It reveals how certain proportions and shapes resonate with the fundamental forces of the universe, influencing the essence of constructed spaces.

Elemental Binding: One section of the fragment explores the practice of binding elemental energies into the foundations of structures. Architects of old were believed to have harnessed the power of earth, air, fire, and water to imbue their creations with mystical properties, ranging from enhanced stability to elemental defenses.

Resonant Foundations: The codex provides insights into the creation of resonant foundations, explaining how structures can be attuned to specific frequencies of magic or natural energies. This resonance is said to create a harmonious balance between the constructed edifice and the surrounding environment.

Ethereal Extensions: Describing the advanced techniques of creating ethereal extensions, the fragment explains how architects could weave pockets of alternate dimensions into the fabric of their structures. These hidden realms could serve various purposes, from storage of ancient knowledge to providing sanctuaries for meditation.

Sentient Structures: Perhaps the most intriguing revelation involves the creation of sentient structures. The codex hints at rituals and methods employed to infuse life force into architectural creations, resulting in structures that possess a degree of consciousness and awareness.

Unlocking the Codex:

The Architects' Secrets Codex, of which this fragment is a part, is believed to be scattered across the realms, hidden in places of great architectural significance or within the constructs of legendary builders. Those seeking to unlock the full potential of the codex must locate and assemble all its fragments, embarking on a quest that may take them to the heart of ancient civilizations or forgotten realms.

Legends speak of individuals who, armed with the knowledge contained within the complete codex, could reshape reality, construct impregnable fortresses, or even bring forth architectural wonders that defy the limitations of the mundane world. However, the pursuit of such power is not without its perils, as the codex is said to be guarded by ancient wards and the echoes of the architects' secrets themselves.

As the elusive Planes cheered with the echoes of their triumph, the alliance emerged victorious. The Architects of Shadows, their plans thwarted, dissipated into the shadows from whence they came. Zax, now an enlightened leader, gazed upon his council with a sense of accomplishment.

Back in Ranger, the fiefdom celebrated the transcendence of their Marquis. The System's interface displayed the updated status of Zax Ranger:

Name: Zax Ranger

Race: Half Human / ?


Strength 28

Dexterity 26

Constitution 30

Intelligence 34

Wisdom 30

Charisma 32

Profession: Level 40 Noble (Marquis)

Health Points (HP): 400/400

Experience Points (EXP): 150,000 Available

Skill Points: 250

Attribute Points: 50

Status: Ascendant

Profession Skills:

Persuasion 140

Diplomacy 135

Management 130

Perception 125

Combat Skills:

Sword Mastery 130

Tactical Leadership 120

Abyssal Resistance 100

Abyssal Mastery 90

Zax Ranger feels that he is not strong enough and wants to have a side profession aside from his main class, a Noble and many side jobs that can be uncharted in the game of eternal frontier that Zax spent 15 years playing like, alchemist, blacksmith, mage,summoner and etcetera. He wants to get a Tamer job because it can increase combat power immediately by contract with power pet. He spends time at the library that Ranger fiefdom castle has valuable knowledge and information and several skills that are useful for his adventure. 

Sneak Skill Acquired!!!

It represents the ability to move silently, avoid detection, and perform actions covertly. 

Stealthy Movement: With a high Sneak skill can move quietly and remain unnoticed by enemies or other individuals. This is particularly useful in situations where avoiding detection is crucial, such as infiltrating enemy territory or sneaking past guards.

Hiding in Shadows: The Sneak skill often allows hiding in shadows or behind objects, making it more difficult for enemies to spot them. This can be essential for setting up ambushes, eavesdropping, or avoiding confrontations.

Detection Avoidance: An individual with a high Sneak skill is less likely to be detected by enemies or security systems. This might involve avoiding line-of-sight, moving through areas without triggering alarms, or bypassing magical or technological surveillance.

Backstabbing: With high Sneak skills may gain bonuses or special abilities when attacking from behind. This represents the advantage of surprise and a well-executed stealthy approach.

Lock Picking: While not always directly tied to Sneak, lockpicking as part of a stealthy skill set. This allows individuals to bypass locked doors and containers without drawing attention.

Disguises: With a high Sneak skill can effectively use disguises to blend in with the environment or infiltrate specific areas without arousing suspicion.

Environmental Awareness: With a high Sneak skill are often more aware of their surroundings, including potential hiding spots, patrol routes of guards, and areas with reduced visibility.

Silent Takedowns: With a high Sneak skill to perform silent takedowns or incapacitate enemies without alerting others. 

Taming Skill Acquired!!!

The Taming Skill is a proficiency skill that involves the ability to tame and gain control over wild or untamed creatures. This skill is often associated with individuals who have a deep connection with nature, beasts, or magical or mythical creatures. It allows individuals to approach, interact with, and ultimately befriend or subdue creatures that would typically be hostile or uncooperative.

Key Aspects of the Taming Skill:

Animal Communication: A skilled individual with the Taming Skill may possess a heightened understanding of animal behavior and the ability to communicate with creatures through non-verbal cues, body language, or even limited telepathic means.

Befriending Creatures: Taming involves building a rapport with wild creatures, earning their trust, and establishing a bond. This can be achieved through gestures, offerings, or by demonstrating non-threatening behavior.

Training and Commands: With a high level of Taming Skill can train creatures to follow commands. This may include simple tasks, such as fetching items, or more complex actions like aiding in combat.

Beast Mastery: With Beast Mastery can control and direct creatures in more intricate ways, potentially having multiple creatures under their command.

Creature Empathy: Taming often includes a form of empathy that allows individuals to understand the needs and emotions of the creatures they seek to tame. This empathic connection can strengthen the bond between tamer and creature.

Uses of the Taming Skill:

Companionship: Taming allows individuals to have loyal animal companions that accompany them on adventures. These companions may provide assistance, support, or serve as mounts.

Battle Support: Creatures tamed through this skill can be utilized in combat situations, either as direct combatants or as support through unique abilities or attacks.

Exploration: individuals with the Taming Skill can navigate through areas with potentially hostile creatures by taming or calming them, turning potential threats into allies.

Quest Solutions: Taming may be a crucial skill in solving quests or challenges that involve interaction with creatures, especially those guarding important locations or items.

Wilderness Survival: In wilderness settings, the ability to tame and befriend creatures can be invaluable for survival, as creatures may provide food, protection, or assistance in navigating the environment.

Wild friend acquired!!! 

Wild's Friend is a unique ability to form a deep, almost empathic bond with the wild or untamed aspects of nature. This skill goes beyond traditional taming and implies a more profound connection with the wilderness and its inhabitants.

Key Aspects of "Wild's Friend" Skill:

Empathic Bond: individuals with the "Wild's Friend" skill can sense and understand the emotions and needs of wild creatures. This goes beyond simple communication and implies a shared emotional connection.

Harmony with Nature: Those possessing this skill are in tune with the natural world. They can navigate through the wilderness effortlessly, deciphering signs from plants, animals, and even the elements.

Communication with Beasts: Similar to traditional taming, individuals with the "Wild's Friend" skill can communicate with animals. However, this goes beyond mere commands, involving a mutual understanding that allows for cooperative actions.

Symbiotic Relationships: The "Wild's Friend" skill may extend to forming symbiotic relationships with certain creatures. This could include creatures offering protection, assistance, or unique abilities in return for the individual's care and companionship.

Environmental Awareness: individuals with this skill possess an acute awareness of changes in the environment. They can sense disturbances or imbalances in nature and act as stewards to restore equilibrium.

Guidance through Wilderness: individuals can navigate through dense forests, treacherous terrains, or other challenging environments with ease, guided by their connection with nature.

Side class Tamer Acquired!!!

Level Up Tamer class to 30

-100000 EXP

Assign 200 skill points to Tamer Skill!!!

Assign 50 Skill points to Sneak Skill!!!

Assign 10 Attribute points to Strength!!!

Assign 10 Attribute points to Dexterity!!!

Assign 10 Attribute points to the Constitution!!!

Assign 10 Attribute points to Intelligent!!!

Assign 10 Attribute points to Wisdom!!!

The System's interface displayed the updated status of Zax Ranger that requested after strengthening in his room. 

Name: Zax Ranger

Race: Half Human / ?


Strength 38

Dexterity 36

Constitution 40

Intelligence 44

Wisdom 40

Charisma 32

Profession: Level 40 Noble (Marquis) / Level 30 Tamer

Health Points (HP): 500/500

Experience Points (EXP): 50,000 Available

Skill Points: 0

Attribute Points: 0

Profession Skills:

Persuasion 140

Diplomacy 135

Management 130

Perception 125

Combat Skills:

Sword Mastery 130

Tactical Leadership 120

Abyssal Resistance 100

Abyssal Mastery 90

Taming 200

Sneak 50

Zax, now a Marquis, stood as a symbol of unity and enlightenment. The Architects of Shadows had been unveiled, their dark plans thwarted, and Gaia stood resilient against the shadows that sought to engulf it. Yet, the whispers of the System hinted at challenges yet to come, as the dance between light and darkness continued in the ever-expanding tapestry of the Eternal Frontier.