
Eternal Embrace:A Uzumaki's quest for Immortality

MC was transmigrated from earth,into a world full of dangers.but with his boon (AI chip) he will navigate the situation and will strive to become immortal. Note:Respect to creator of Naruto.

Mine_Galaxy_4290 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Getting a Teacher

Jin's brow furrows as he struggles to comprehend the elder's words.

Yet, as Jin meets Hiroshi's unwavering gaze, he senses a deeper truth beneath the elder's words. There is a certainty in Hiroshi's expression, a conviction that speaks of a knowledge that transcends the bounds of the physical world.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jin finds his voice, his words laced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

"Grandfather, I know I was wrong before but now I understand what you were telling me?"

Hiroshi's smile deepens, his weathered features softening with a paternal warmth that Jin had not seen in years. The elder extends a hand, gently placing it on Jin's shoulder, the gesture both comforting and grounding.

"I know, my child," Hiroshi replies, his tone measured and reassuring. "For now, know that you are home, and I will protect you untill my last breath","so how about you accept me as your teacher and I will teach you various sealing techniques and ninjutsus of our uzumaki clan".

The mention of the Uzumaki clan piques Jin's interest, and he finds himself leaning forward, his scientific mind already brimming with questions. What was the nature of this lineage? What secrets and powers did they possess?

As if sensing Jin's unspoken curiosity, Hiroshi's expression shifts, a glimmer of excitement flickering in his eyes.

"The Uzumaki clan," the elder begins, his voice taking on a reverent tone, "is a lineage steeped in rich tradition and formidable abilities. We are a people of immense power, wielding the very energy of the world itself - the chakra that flows through all living things."

Jin's eyes widen, his rational mind struggling to reconcile Hiroshi's words with the scientific principles he had once held as gospel. Chakra? Power flowing through living things? It sounded like the stuff of fantasy, yet the conviction in Hiroshi's voice was undeniable.

"Chakra?" Jin echoes, the word foreign on his tongue. "But how is that possible? How can such a thing exist?"

Hiroshi's gaze grows distant, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Ah, my child," he murmurs, "the mysteries of this world run deeper than you can possibly imagine. But fear not, for I shall guide you through the wonders of the Uzumaki clan, and together, we shall uncover the secrets that lie within."

Jin's mind races, a whirlwind of questions and half-formed theories swirling through his consciousness. As he gazes upon his grandfather's weathered features, he senses a profound wisdom and understanding that transcends the boundaries of the physical world.

In that moment, Jin feels a stirring within him, a connection to this unfamiliar realm that he cannot quite explain. The rational, scientific part of him rebels against the notion of such mystical forces, yet there is a part of him that is drawn to the allure of the unknown, the promise of secrets and wonders that lie beyond the confines of his previous existence.

Steeling his resolve, Jin nods, his expression one of determination.

"Then I am ready, Grandfather," he declares, his voice steady. "Teach me the ways of the Uzumaki clan, and help me understand the purpose of myself in this world."

Hiroshi's eyes crinkle with a warm smile, and Jin senses a glimmer of pride in the elder's gaze.

"So be it, my child," Hiroshi says, his tone laced with a sense of anticipation. "The journey ahead will be one of discovery, of challenges, and of great responsibility. But I have no doubt that you are the one who will lead the Uzumaki clan into a new era."

With those words, Hiroshi turns, gesturing for Jin to follow, and the young man finds himself drawn into the unknown, his scientific curiosity and thirst for knowledge propelling him forward, even as the weight of his newfound destiny begins to settle upon his shoulders