
Eternal Conquest : The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death

Freedom, was it, he longed for, for years after years, but was grabbed by hands of those he didn't knew. Leverage, an organization , that trained kids into a weapon of their will, Vivek was one of them. Born an orphan and raised by this organization, that shadowed itself with a name of a top tech tier institution, Vivek from age of six was put under training to become one of it's subject. Mentally rent asunder, physically morphed into a weapon and emotionally disabled, Vivek became the most lethal weapon Leverage had ever created, that goes by the name of the slaughter king. But , spending twenty years in the mess, he found solace in love and a mission , a last mission, was bestowed upon him to grant his freedom. But later, his loved one and his only child was slaughtered by the whims of Leverage infront of his own eyes. He did took revenge against those act, by slaying the head of Leverage, whom he considered father like, but was left alone in the world, no longer he wanted love or anything, his sole desire was just freedom and so he shot himself, only to be reincarnated somewhere, else. A place where power reigns supreme and a single can battle through the heaven and earth alone , Vivek stood at the ridge, with a new name Zhen, with only the desire of freedom, Freedom from the cycle of this life and death, freedom from the guilt of not being strong enough to protect he held dear. Hence his goal became stoic in his mind, immortality, yet in his heart somewhere linked the sole desire to meet those he held dear, be it in after life, his heart was obsessed with what others will find crazy, - Death.

Vasudeva_AY · Eastern
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16 Chs

Perception unveils the opportunist in everyone.

Author : Vasudeva_AY

Amidst the hush and murmuring of the people, the clan leader and a group of elders approached the couple. Recognizing Li Wei, the leader's brows furrowed a little as he inquired, "Is that your son, Li Wei?"

Li Wei met the clan leader's gaze, the leader's expression as calm as a serene lake. His eyes then drifted towards Vivek nestled in the women's arms, focusing on the insignia adorning the child's forehead.

"Judging by that insignia, this child is undoubtedly linked to the Supreme Orbis. If I deny paternity and reveal that I found him elsewhere, Lei Zhao might seize the opportunity to exploit the situation for his own gain," Li Wei pondered, apprehensive of the clan leader's cunning nature, "Probably it is the will of the moon deity, and this way there is a chance for Miko and me too" .

With a respectful bow, Li Wei replied, "Your authority, this child indeed belongs to Li Wei."

The clan leader raised an intrigued eyebrow, his thoughts inscrutable. Finally, a small smile crept across his lips as he spoke, "Returning after three years, and with a child. Congratulations to the Li family and to you, Li Wei, from the Lei family and me, Xiao Lei Zhao," he declared, extending his clasped hands towards Li Wei and Elder Bi, who stood steadfastly behind him.

Li Wei regarded the clan leader, sensing the forced nature of his smile. The leader's gaze shifted towards the woman carrying Vivek. "And who might this be?" he inquired.

Caught off guard by the question, hesitation danced across Li Wei's features as he searched for an answer. With a respectful bow, he replied, "My wife, Miko, your authority."

The clan leader's brows furrowed in scrutiny. "I can't sense the aura of a Yodha from her. Has she used some special means to hide her aura?" he questioned further.

"This cunning Fox.... I can't hide the fact anyway." ,Li Wei clenched his teeth in frustration, realizing the clan leader's shrewdness. Despite his reluctance, he bowed again and confessed, "My wife... she is not a Yodha."

As Li Wei spoke, he felt the clan leader's silent amusement and sensed Elder Bi's growing anger. Murmurs rippled through the crowd, reflecting the intrigue surrounding Li Wei's revelation.

"He disgraced his own family," murmured the crowd, their voices carrying disdain. "Yeah, he married a lowlife. His entire lineage will be impure, and who knows if the child will be disabled from being a Yodha."

In the society of this world, there existed two distinct classes of people: the Yodhas, comprising the powerful, affluent warriors, and the lowlifes, encompassing the weak, the untouchable, the servants, simply ,those who can't awaken and become a Yodha. These societal boundaries were rigid, with Yodhas maintaining a considerable distance from the lowlifes, often regarding them as little more than livestock. Therefore, marrying a lowlife was deemed a grave transgression in the eyes of society, a stain upon one's honor and reputation that could scarcely be washed away.

Li Wei heard the comments, his fists clenching and teeth gritted in frustration. Yet, he knew that anger wouldn't resolve the situation.

"Li Wei, you are aware of our Clan's rules, and yet you disregarded them, mixing your blood with a lowlife and producing an offspring," the clan leader's voice echoed with authority.

Li Wei stood silently, acknowledging the truth in the leader's words. Elder Bi observed the scene, contemplating the situation. "Li Wei has disgraced our family, but judging by that insignia, this child is blessed with the potential for supreme Orbis," he pondered. "He could be the key to restoring our family's power in the future. And Li Wei marrying a lowlife woman," he smirked, "It's a perfect opportunity for me to strengthen my foothold in the family."

"You have violated our clan's sacred rule to the point of even letting this impure spawn of yours join in the moon festival and receive the blessing that should be ours," thundered the Clan Leader, his voice carrying an unknown authority. "Your actions have only one redemption: give this baby to us, the clan, and once the blessings bestowed upon him come into action, we will excavate it for our clan's future."

Vivek observed the unfolding drama, noting the expressions on everyone's faces. "Everyone here is looking for an opportunity, especially this leader and those behind him, not even this Li Wei is a saint." he thought while eyeing the Clan Leader. "He is like him," the image of Leverage's head came to his mind.

Throughout the ordeal, Miko stood silently beside Li Wei, sweat forming on her forehead and her throat parched with fear. She hesitated to intervene, fearing that her interference might escalate the situation. However, the uneasy expressions on their faces unsettled her. Deep down, she knew they were lying. Moreover, as a non-Yodha, she understood the precariousness of her situation. She realized that these people held the power to end her life at any moment, adding to her sense of dread.

Elder Bi interjected with a bow and a clasping of his hands. "Respected Leader, you are wise and merciful, and your decision is valued more than life by us," he began. "But you also know, both the Li and Lei families are the original families of the Xiao Clan. And since this crime has occurred in our Li family, I ask the leader to be merciful and grant the Li family the rights to punish this crime."

"This old hag..." the leader thought, his brows furrowed.

"Are you questioning my order?" The leader's voice cut through the tension, the air growing colder as waves of energy pulsated from his body.

Elder Bi bowed deeply. "This Elder dare not, but according to the rules set by our great ancestor Xiao Shen 500 years ago, such decisions should be made by the original family in the crime only."

Elder Bi spoke loudly, ensuring that others heard his words. "Once the name of the ancestor is invoked, this man too can't do anything," he thought.

The crowd erupted into chatter, some calling it unfair while others saw it as the wish of the great ancestor. Hearing the murmurs, the clan leader found himself unable to act further, knowing the weight of the ancestor's name and rules within the Xiao Clan.

"Very well then..." the leader said, departing toward the colossal stone.


Inside the Li family's ancestral house, Elder Bi sat on a chair that resembled a throne, positioned on a platform elevated a few feet above the ground. The room was well-lit, spacious, with a grand interior and a red-carpeted floor.

Li Wei and his wife stood in the center of the room, facing the elder. Elder Bi's brows were tightly furrowed, his hands clasped as he regarded the couple holding Vivek.

"Do you understand the gravity of the crime you have committed, Li Wei?" the elder inquired.

"Yes, respected Elder, it amounts to treason against the clan," Li Wei replied, kneeling on one foot with his head bowed.

"And do you comprehend why you both are still alive?" the elder continued, his voice steady.

"Yes, respected elder, it's due to the law of the original family, and by your mercy" Li Wei responded, though in his mind, the answer held deeper implications: "Because of the baby, with the potential to nurture supreme Orbis."

Li Wei didn't name the baby as his own without reason; he had his motivations. Ever since the baby received the blessing, the idea of claiming the baby as his own emerged in his mind. It was a calculated move to protect both Miko and himself from execution — if not himself, then at least Miko.

Elder Bi rose from his chair and descended the stairs step by step, each movement exuding an unstoppable aura.

"Li Wei, your talent is undeniable. Achieving rank 3 in your mid-twenties is commendable, but..." The elder paused, his voice growing more intense. "You have dishonored our family and tainted our bloodline."

"You are the most shameful stain on the lineage of our Li family, marrying a low life out of base desire," Elder Bi's voice resounded with anger.

Although Li Wei wanted to interject, he remained silent, knowing that humans do not speak only power has right to speak. Nestled in Miko's embrace, Vivek observed the scene unfolding before him. "This man, Li Wei, vanquished that enormous creature with a single stroke, and now he kneels before these two figures, first the clan leader and now this elder," Vivek thought, feeling the spark of power within him roaring into a flame.

"Do you comprehend the shame you bring upon us? What about your ancestors? What if your grandfather learns of your actions?" The elder's voice dripped with anger.

"For sparing your lives, you must sacrifice your honor," the elder declared solemnly. His words carried the weight of authority. "The name 'Wei,' bestowed upon you by your family, is no longer yours. We revoke it."

In this world, names were a reflection of one's lineage and identity. A person's name consisted of their clan name, followed by their family name, and finally, the name given by their family. Stripping away the last name was the ultimate form of disrespect, tantamount to social death. Name revocation was considered a punishment more severe than physical death. Such individuals, even if they held high positions, would be stripped of all respect and dignity, condemned to a life devoid of honor.

"Since you are my Uncle's grandson, this is the least I can do for you, rather than getting executed," Elder Bi turned his back towards the couple and said, his voice softening with a hint of pity. "This way, my sons can have a clearer path to leadership within the Li family," he contemplated silently.

Li Wei knelt on one foot frozen, his gaze fixed on the ground, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape. His expression mirrored that of a lifeless shell, drained of color and vitality, like a corpse left in the wake of despair.

* * * * *

Hello, fabulous folks! Hope you're riding the roller coaster of life with your hands in the air and a smile on your face. If you're feeling the vibes, toss some power stones my way, and your comments & reviews? Well, they're more precious than a diamond-encrusted pizza, so don't hold back!

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