

Juan_Diaz_0578 · Sci-fi
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1 Chs


I'll start by introducing myself.

My name is Ryu Izumi (Do not say anything), I am 14 years old, although there are a few days to turn 15.

I'm not otaku, but I read manga, novels, I watch anime and stuff.

My favorite genre are where the protagonist travels to another world with special abilities and is really strong. I also like the fact that they have harem (Although it bothers me that I am not the one in the harem)

I'm a bit of a pervert, almost not at all athletic, although thanks to my parents' genes my body is quite large and resistant.

I must measure around 1.70 meters, I weigh around 80 kilos ... Yes, I am a fat man, but it does not show if I put the air in!

My hair is black and I am very beautiful (That is what my mother tells me).

I pride myself on my strength and intelligence, I haven't failed any subject since I started studying and I easily beat anyone my age when it comes to strength. I haven't had a fight in my entire life, yep, I didn't train any martial arts either. or practice fighting.

I may not have a girlfriend because I am very selective and I prefer to wait for the woman to fall in love completely, although that means being alone until I am an adult ...

My dream is to be able to have a quiet life with my family, find a beautiful woman who loves me (I can only legally have one) and have children to take care of ...

Well, enough introductions and let's start what they came for!

Why am I thinking about this? Is this breaking the fourth stop without realizing it ... No ... I'm talking to myself ... Right?

I'm already scared ...

Leaving aside my idiocies I will say what happens from now on, I like to narrate my life in this way, it makes me think that I am the protagonist of a story ...

Hahaha ~! As if it were possible!

I am just a person who is talking to myself so as not to think that I have no friends to talk to ... Am I going crazy? No, I do not think so...

Putting that aside I am on my way to my school.

Since every school is so far away that I have to walk for a few minutes to get there ....

It must be like 7:00 am, the city is very active at this time.

I take my way walking, step by step, quietly listening around ...

"Move on, idiot!"

"Force me!"

Traffic in the morning ...

I better hurry the step a bit ...

I arrived at school quietly and class started as usual.

The classes were not something to entertain ...

It was kind of boring to watch the professor open and close his mouth over and over again.

Today was only a review of yesterday so it was not something I did not know, I have a very good memory.

As always I went out and bought a sandwich for the way home.

Even though I say sandwich, I actually bought myself a packet of cookies, some sweet breads, a flavored drink, and an energy drink.

Yes, I know, it's too much for me ...

On the way home I see how a girl who was with a boy and one more girl dropped her cell phone.

I hurried up and took it.


I called her and ran to her.


That attitude is scary, it seems like it disgusts me, I hate that kind of people.

"Well I ..."

She interrupted me.

"I don't like you so don't try."

I looked at her from head to toe, her hair is black to her waist, loose which gives her a different air, she wears a short skirt, a shirt ...

"You're not my type, sorry."

That's the only thing I could think of.


I bet a lot of guys would pay to see that expression.

"Personally, I think she is prettier, I do declare myself to her, but not to you."

Aim at the other girl in the group, her hair is equally black, but the length of her reaches her shoulders, she has a good lump on her chest, she is my type, also her face is like an angel ...

"Then why do you call me that ?!"

I gave him the cell phone.

"You dropped it."

Hahahaha! I can't stop, her face is completely red, she must have been ashamed.

"You die!"

She got mad and went to the other guy's side. If my guess isn't wrong, they must be boyfriend or family somehow.

"H-hi, I'm Nori"

The pretty girl left me, although a little fearful.


A strange light shone on our feet ...

"No fuck ..."

It's a damn magic circle!

Wait ... don't play with me ...

"" Kyaaa! ""

"What the hell is that?!"

The others screamed, I was ...

"It's an invocation!"

Yeah I was excited, this is going to be fun ...

As soon as I realized I was kneeling, it must be because I lost my balance because of everything

I looked around, we were in a large room, in front of us was a person. Very! Fat, must weigh 150 kilos, he was sitting on his throne next to another person who was to the right of him, she was an ugly woman, but very ugly, they both saw us.

"Welcome Heroes!"

Fuck you! It is a presentation of bad thorn.



"Where we are?"

The others were puzzled by the change, unlike me who already know what happens.

Now the question I have is ...

What kind of world is this? Is that fat ball the king?

"I know you must be confused Heroes!"

The fat man has already begun to speak.

"Why are there four?"

"Shouldn't it be three?"

I saw some women next to a girl about my age, that girl did not move.

'If they say it should be Three, it means that I or someone else is over and dragged here ...'

Let the fat ball keep talking and approach the girls, the king was talking while he closed his eyes so he didn't notice.

"What happened?"

I asked the girls, it looks like he died or something.

"He sacrificed himself to summon them ..."

I walked over to her and checked her pulse ... No

there is nothing...

"How long has he been like this?"

"Less than a minute ago."

She was with her eyes red and inflamed, it seems that she is saddened by her death.

I took out my cell phone and put the flash in her eyes ... They responded! Although it was barely.

"She is still alive."

I adjusted her head and started the Rcp maneuver. I always wanted to try this! I read that the priestess who invoked the heroes died from the load that she produced on her body, it is also said that she can only do it once in her life.

For obvious reasons.

It seems that the load on her body causes her heart to stop!

Good thing she had practiced this in the past.



Suddenly she took in a large amount of air and her pulse returned.

"Heh ... I thought she wasn't coming ..."

Her eyes snapped open and he looked around her.


The other woman who seemed to have cried came over and checked her out.

"Are you okay daughter?"

"Mom ... am I alive?"

"Yes doughter..."

The woman looked at me, she showed no hostility, she showed some gratitude.

"Oh Hero, how do I save her?"

The king seems to realize what I did ...

Considering what I read and how similar this is ...

"It seems the priestess had so much magical talent that she could survive only that her heart had stopped, I just made it beat again."

I don't want to say much, this ball of fat gives me a bad feeling.


The priestess thanked me, I just gave her a smile and went back to the others, the introduction must continue.

"Heroes, we have called you here to help us overcome this calamity!"

Oh, let me guess, the demon king.

"The Demon King and his army threaten the life of this kingdom!"

Take it now! I got it right.

"I would like to ask for his help in order to overcome the coming calamity!"

The others started talking about what to do ...

I don't have many options.

Considering the king's appearance and that there are a dozen guards at the exits ... I don't think he'll take "no" for an answer ...

If I say that he can't possibly lock me up so that he doesn't use me anywhere or help other races ... But it's more than perfect.

"Menu ... Statistics ... Character ... System ..."

None huh ... Well then ...


I muttered under my breath as she pretended she was thinking

Name: Ryu Izumi

Age: 14

Race: Human

Work: [No work]

Titles: [Person Drawn to Another World]

Hp: 10/10

Mp: 10/10

Atk: 15

Def: 15

Int: 30

Agi: 10

Luk: 10

Passive skill:

Active skill:

Unique Skills:

Yes! I have a state!

My Int is high, but afterwards everything is low ...

"I'm sorry your highness, but I don't think I can live up to his expectations, I don't even know if I'm a hero."

The king looked at me ...

"I'm sorry it must have been a mistake, originally there must be three heroes, but now four, check their status to check if the title and job is [Hero]."

I played the idiot like he did it, again.

"Says [Person Drawn to Another World], my job is commoner and all my attributes are less than 10."

Come on, come on, say it ... Just say it!

"So I'm really sorry, you can back out, we won't hold you."

He gave me a grotesque smile, that guy sucks.

"I appreciate your kindness."

I saw that he glanced at a maid who nodded and left ... This guy is planning something ...

I guess I have no other choice.

I walked to the exit, but first pass

by Nori-san's side.

"Don't trust them or you will die"

I whispered that in his ear.

I walked out the door and the previous maid was waiting for me there.

"I'll show you the way out sir."

"I appreciate you."

I'm trying to be courteous so as not to raise suspicions.

I followed the maid.


The priestess, whom I kissed (First kiss of my life, although it was only a maneuver to save her life) came running.


I stopped and waited for it to come.

"Th-Thanks for saving my life!"

She leaned in when she said it, it seems that she is very shy.

"I was able to taste the lips of a beautiful woman."

A ladykiller! (I don't know where I got it from)

Her face flushed completely and she lowered her gaze.

"I have to go, I would be happy to see you in the future."

"I assure you! I-I'll look it up!"

I just smiled at him.

"Goodbye." eleven

She continued to follow the maid.

We walked for a while, already in a

zone without people, she slowed her steps, enough to go behind me ...

She better she gritted her teeth ...

"Excuse me."

The last thing I felt was a strong blow to the back of her neck, which knocked me unconscious ...

I knew this would happen .... It's all part of my plan