

A boy witnesses the murder of his family. The culprit? A paranormal being. When he tries to confront it, he believes that the ghoul possessed him. Now he has supernatural abilities that normal humans don't have. -- The protagonist of this story, Murakami Kouta, quickly realizes that everything in his life isn't in black and white. At Iwasaki High School, he has two friends, Sato Kasumi and Miyazaki Yumi, both girls in his grade. It doesn't take long for them to get entangled in the dark jungle that is Kouta's life, but when they do, it just might be too late for their feelings to reach him in the end. There is a power struggle in the city of Tokyo, Japan. Our main character becomes deeply rooted in the depths of the shady group of criminals called the Underground. He struggles with the mystery surrounding his parents' deaths, and the even bigger mystery relating to his grandfather. In the grand scheme of things, what is Kouta's true purpose as the last of his bloodline?

officialknight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Hashimoto Ryoto

The city of Tokyo was in an uproar. Many people complained about the city's police not being able to protect their citizens, which made them question their safety. Others patrolled the streets, protesting the existence of these newfound 'espers'. And of course the funerals for the nearly fifty thousand victims left many people sad and depressed over the loss of their beloved family members and friends.

One of the people affected by this tragedy was none other than Hashimoto Ryoto. He was walking through the hallways of Iwasaki High when he heard the explosion. Everyone in the school began freaking out. He wouldn't find out until a day later, but Ryoto's mother died in the attack. And he didn't have anymore family.

Even so, Ryoto came to school the next day just like any other day. He went to class, didn't pay attention as usual, ate lunch, and went about his business.

After class two of Ryoto's friends met up with him in the hall. Ringo and Morio.

"Yo, Hashimoto." Morio said.

Ryoto ignored his greeting. He was scrolling through the news on his phone.

Morio looked at Ryoto's phone. "Oh yeah, that Murakami guy became pretty notorious lately. He's the one who killed Mr. Sano and took on all those police officers."

Ryoto's eyes narrowed. "The world's about to change. Two of the top figures in the Underground were taken down. Abe Shinya lost everything. The TPD has full control of Tokyo now."

"You seem to know awfully a lot about this kind of stuff..." Ringo said.

Ryoto gave him a dark look. "My dad worked for Shinya. He'd always tell me stories about the Underground. Until he was killed." He turned around and started walking away.

"Hey, Hashimoto, you don't have anyone at home right? You can always stay at my place, my folks wouldn't mind..." Ringo said.

Ryoto didn't look back. "I'll pass. Also, tell everyone that I won't be coming back to school. There's no point in it anymore."

As Ryoto walked home taking the backstreets, he looked up and saw a familiar face sitting on the roof of an abandoned building. He climbed up a ladder that led to the roof.

He stood behind the person with his hands in his pockets. "You're Sato Kasumi right?" he asked dryly.

Kasumi looked behind her. "Oh, it's you. How'd you find me?"

"I was never looking for you. Why would I be? I thought you and Murakami were all buddy-buddy."

Kasumi shook her head. "Not anymore. I...said some horrible things and distanced myself from the others. So now I'm here."

"Just go home then."

Kasumi smiled sadly. "I'm a wanted criminal. I can't go home."

Ryoto started climbing back down the ladder. "Stay at my house then, there's no one there anyway."

Kasumi ran over to the ladder. "Isn't your mom at home?"

"She died in that explosion the other day. There's no one home like I said, don't make me repeat myself."

Ryoto started walking down the street on the way to his house.

Kasumi soon followed. "You don't seem like as bad a guy as everyone says."

"Oh?" Ryoto said with a mean look on his face.

"Well, other than the fact that you and Kouta were always fighting..."

"That's because the bastard pisses me off."

Kasumi let out a tiny huff of a laugh. "Is it because you never could beat him in a fight?"

Ryoto glared at Kasumi. "Eh?"

Kasumi quickly straightened up. "Nevermind!"

Ryoto turned back around and continued walking. He was quiet for a minute or two.

"I already know that I can't beat him in a fight. He has powers."

Kasumi looked surprised. "You know about-"

"Yeah I already knew. I was there when he first got them."

The two came up on Ryoto's house. He put in the key and opened the door.

Kasumi walked in and looked around. "Nice place."

Ryoto took a look at the inside of his own house. "You can live here if you want. I'm not staying. The police won't look here trying to find you." He went upstairs and came back down with a one-strap bookbag slung over his arm. He opened up the front door and threw Kasumi the key. "There's a safe in my mom's room that had some money for emergencies. The code is 4903." He closed the door behind him.

Ryoto took the train down to Tokyo. He walked the streets with his hands in his pockets and his eyes glued to his phone screen.

As he was walking, Ryoto bumped shoulders with a large man. A vein pulsed in his forehead. He put the phone in his pocket and turned around. "Hey."

The man turned around. "What do you want? I don't like that look in your eye."

Ryoto walked towards him. "You just bumped into me. Watch where you're going."

"You look like you're asking for trouble. I don't think you know who you're talking to."

Ryoto cracked his neck. "I don't think I care."

The man cracked his knuckles. "Miyazaki Taro. Ring a bell?"

"Taro... You're Yumi's old man?"

Taro grinned. "So you know who my daughter is...where is she?"

Ryoto put his fists up. "Like I know."

Taro grew an entire foot taller. "Then you're nothing to me."

Ryoto rushed in for a punch.

Taro backhanded him in his face. Ryoto was flung to the opposite side of the street into a wall.

All of the innocent bystanders screamed and ran away from the scene.

Ryoto fell to the ground on his feet. Taro was walking towards him. "I don't think you understand how strong I am."

Ryoto put his hands back up. "You called that strong? I've been hit harder by children!"

Taro huffed. "Stop bluffing. You're in way over your head kid."

Ryoto rushed him again. Taro flicked him on his forehead and uppercutted him in his gut. Ryoto coughed up blood and fell to his knees holding his stomach, barely able to breathe.

Taro laughed. "I gave you a chance to run, so now I don't have to show mercy."

Ryoto wiped his mouth, stood back up and put his fists up. " I can do this."


"No you can't idiot." Taro said.

Ryoto didn't fall over this time. His face was bloody but he was still standing. "You won't put me on my knees a second time."

Taro grinned again. "Wanna bet on that?"

Taro's fist glowed with Zen. It was extremely dense, as he charged it with high concentration. Ryoto braced himself. "Why am I doing this?" he thought.

Even as he questioned his own actions, there was no doubt in Ryoto's mind that he'd lose to Taro.

And yet Taro hit Ryoto with the force of a speeding jet slamming into one person. "Herculean Might."

He flung Ryoto through several buildings before he hit a concrete wall and stopped.

Taro stomped his way through the holes in the walls, heading in Ryoto's direction.

When he reached him, he was surprised to see that Ryoto was indeed still standing, though barely if at all conscious.

"You're still standing? Impossible. My punches are one-hit kills." Taro said.

Blood dripped from Ryoto's face. He started laughing darkly.

"What's so funny? Have you finally lost it?" Taro asked.

"No it's just I finally got a feel for it...that power you guys use..." He looked up at him. His eyes were glowing yellow and small horns were growing from his forehead. "I feel it."

Taro charged his fist with Zen again. "Doesn't matter. You're still going to die. Herculean Might!"


Taro's fist pounded into Ryoto's face.

Ryoto did not flinch, nor did Taro do any damage. Ryoto's muscles tightened as his body grew to the same height as Taro. He retaliated with a punch to Taro's face. He knocked him all the way back the way he came and into the building on the opposite street. Taro hit the concrete and blacked out.

The TPD came at the same time. Takeshi saw the unconscious Taro on the street. "Miyazaki Taro...who did this? Arrest him at once! This is the only time we can get our hands on Taro!"

The TPD arrested Taro and took him away.

Takeshi noticed a backpack on the ground. "Who's bag is this?"

Ryoto rushed in and swiped the bag out of his hands.

"Hey! You! Get back here!!" The police started shooting.

Ryoto cut through a back alley and ran away.

The TPD weren't giving up so easily. They got in their cars and made chase.

Ryoto was too tired to run full sprint. He was breathing heavily. Then he heard several explosions behind him. A girl ran along one of the walls and jumped to the ground. She pulled on Ryoto's arm and led him away. It was Saki.

"Who're you...?" Ryoto asked.

"Doesn't matter, just shut up and come on!"

Saki led Ryoto to their hideout. He walked in after her, taking a look around.

Saki brung Ryoto to the far back of the warehouse where the rooms were. She put him in an empty bedroom. "Lay on that bed and don't go anywhere!" She closed the door.

Ryoto sat on the bed with a neutral expression on his face.

Saki came back into the room with a bucket of water and a towel. "Wash your face."

She held out the items. Ryoto frowned. "I don't need anyone taking care of me."

"Just take it. You're high on adrenaline. Once it wears out you'll be bedridden."

Ryoto glared at her for a few seconds. He decided to take her advice and clean his face off.

"You run this place?" Ryoto asked.

Saki shook her head. "I'm just keeping watch for the moment. I have two others who are recovering from injuries and Yumi, who's doing whatever right now."

That caught Ryoto's ear. "Yumi? Yumi's here?! Miyazaki Yumi?"

Saki nodded. "Friend of yours?"

Ryoto looked down. "Barely."

"My name's Saki. Kaneko Saki."

"Hashimoto Ryoto."

"I was watching your fight. You're strong. Not anyone can defeat Taro, much less in one hit. I thought you were just an ordinary idiot at first, but seems like you had it under control after all."

"When he told me his name, I went into that fight ready to die. I bet everything on his punch giving me powers."

Saki's eyebrows went up. "Ah, so you're a new esper. Interesting. I didn't know Zen could be awakened like that."

"What's Zen?" Ryoto asked.

"The powers you're talking about. It's called Zen."

"Oh...Zen..." Ryoto fainted from exhaustion.

"Geez...at least lay down the correct way first." Saki left the room.