
Esper's Game (Rewrite)

We are back boys and girls! I'm posting here for one, I don't want my fic to get snatched. Two, I want more people to read my stuff. With that out of the way, here's the synopsis thing. 'Soul' is suddenly thrust with a 'gamer system' and now has to do things for your entertainment. Watch as he goes around becoming stupidly overpowered in a short period of time. Round two... FIGHT! And I'm now on SGO as a pleb author, so that's nice, you can chat with me on there, so have fun with that. discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd art is of course not mine, but I'll just use the oficial one if the owner will decide they want it down.

balls_1124 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Yandere Spotted


Being dead tired, I lay on my bed for a few minutes until the slight fatigue wears off. Fighting does take quite a lot out of you, but it's also a good stress relief. Just have to keep that in mind.

(̶N̶o̶t̶e̶s̶:̶ ̶M̶a̶s̶s̶ ̶G̶e̶n̶o̶c̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶F̶u̶n̶!̶)̶

Ignore that thought for a second imaginary voice. I'm getting several pings from my system.

[Skills Gained]


Spin, spinspin. Rip your enemies to shred in three easy steps.

Damage= {(INT+WIS) X 1.1}

Cost= 350 MP per cast

Note: Attack will make AOE attacks single target.

[You Gained an Item] X3

[Heart Crystal]

A heart-shaped crystal said to give relationship advice for a failing relationship.

+ 10 Affection/Reputation to anyone this is given to.

Note: Only works until the target's affection/reputation is at 50.

[Gacha Token] X2

The key to the underwo- I mean. It is the item required to use the gacha.

It's not like I have anything else to do… Roll the gacha!

[Rolling Gacha]

[Summon Crystal: Artoria Pendragon (Alter) {Saber}]

Summons and binds Artoria Pendragon (Alter) to the user.

[Random Man's Balls]

I don't want to talk about it.

We got the waifu… but at what cost. I'm not touching those. I don't even want to know who owns them. Is it some primordial being, game? Please tell me it isn't. I don't want to deal with people who have time powers.

[Now. It's not from a higher dimensional being.]

[That would be a fun concept.]

Aren't you supposed to help me? Why are you actively trying to kill me?

[I'm only supposed to guide you.]

[You can ignore this of course, and I have no control over you.]

[And the Gacha is very random, so blame the gacha on this.]

Why am I getting a weird sense of déjà vu? Like all of this has happened before. But just slightly different, so as to not alert me to the change. We might learn sooner or later, so it doesn't really matter as of right now.

Moving on, I went out of the room to check out the rest of the house for any family members. It seems as though there were none and I was left to my own devices by some shitty ass family… or they're dead, which is a possible answer. Surveying the house, it had 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a big living room.

Seems like the game really hooked me up with a good place for my first world.

[This is a one-time thing you know?]

And what of it? Shit doesn't come cheap I presume?

[Not really, it just takes time out of my day to set these up.]

[None of the other users want to help out.]

[If there were any of them left.]

Wonder what happened to them?

[Keep wondering and you'll find out.]

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Was that supposed to be a threat?

[Not at all.]

[If you keep going at the rate you are now, you'll survive long enough to find out.]

Okay, but that still doesn't explain anything.

[*shrug* Take it as you will I guess, just keep being entertaining and I'll let you live.]

Life and death battles are going to be commonplace, aren't they? *sigh* Time to summon Artoria. Crushing the gem in my hand, the motes of light that usually appear when breaking something clumped up together into one solid mass. Said mass slowly descended on the living room floor, shattering the table in the process.

Once the light show was over, a heavily armored pale blonde girl appeared in its place. "Servant class: Saber, name Artoria Pendragon, The King of Tyrants, I ask of you. Are you my ma-" Artoria suddenly came to a halt. Eyes resting on me, like she's seen me before. Slowly standing up, she dropped her sword into the ground.

"I'm finally back, Luke." The words enter my ear. Wait, what? It's like she knows me from somewhere? Is it the future? Her eyes are tearing up. Oh shit, did I do something wrong? Is she going to beat the shit out of me? Shit shit shit! "I did nothi-"

Pulling me close to her body, she brought me into a tight hug.

[- 100 HP]

"Shhh, you don't have to say anything. We can finally be back together with everyone else. With Jack, with little Eri, And the rest of the girls. You can rest while I do everything else." She calmly whispered into my ear

[+999 Affection with Salter… ERROR]

[+999 Obedience with Salter… ERROR]

[Perk Gained (Salter:50)]

[If I can't have you, then no one can!]

Affection, Reputation, Obedience Gain is faster with Yanderes.

[Perk Gained (Salter:100)]

[Draconic Magic Core] (Passive)

You gain dragon essence and a dragon magic core. Your mana increased with this. You also make mana faster and gain [Fire Manipulation].

+5X multiplier to Mana

+1X to Mana Regen

Gain [Fire Manipulation].

"Wait! I don't even know what's happening. First of all, why are you doing any of this?" I shouted in confusion; a bit frustrated at not knowing what the hell was going on. Salter looks taken a bit by this outburst. But after about a second or so, recomposes herself and says. "Master, the universe was ripped apart. Do you not remember such an event happening?" Salter asked. Now, the confusion on my face grows even more.

Using the upper power of my intelligence, I tried to think of a way this could have happened. Theory number 1, I died when some universe level threat curb stomped my and the world's ass into becoming dust. Which is certainly possible. And theory two doesn't exist. I don't have enough clues to make even a plausible guess. But as I was thinking, Salter takes the lead and goes into her spirit form and starts giving directions to where I could buy her more clothes.

After fumbling around and working my way over to the shopping district. According to Salter, it was where I apparently bought her favorite clothes, her Shinjuku outfit. Going inside the shop, I somehow bumped into some, even with Salter's help. Using the automatic response drilled into my brain by my parents, I apologized. "Sorry. I wasn't looking, I hope you weren't hu-" Looking down at the person who was on the floor, I recognized her. It was Momo from the series.

[-5 Affection with Momo, for staring at her ('tits')]

"Are you going to stop staring at me like that? It's embarrassing." Momo said in a soft voice. It took me a few moments to recompose myself, and after doing so, helped her up.

"Sorry about that, you just seemed familiar. My name is Luke by the way, and I swear I'm not a creep." I confessed which turned weird as I was in the women's underwear section. With a skeptical look on her face, Momo introduced herself. "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo. If I may ask, what brings you here?" Doing a brief check with Salter, I answered. "Ah, my sister needed some new clothes, and since this is my first time in Japan, I don't exactly know where I'm going." It was convincing enough for Momo to not see me as a creep… sorta.

[+5 Affection with Momo, for not being a total degenerate scum…maybe]

That reaction… is fair in all honesty. Moving on, Momo guided me over to where I needed to be and bid me farewell. That was weird. Meeting fictional characters and not having it be overly dramatic. Having a regular conversation with people without it being extra weird. It's nice.

But as I was getting to the cashier, I realized that I had no money on me. Really? Why must I be so forgetful to not even bring cash while shopping! Seriously, that's rule numb-. Oh. "Luke, I picked up your wallet just as we were about to leave." 'Why thank you, Salter. What would I ever do without you?' I communicated through our link.


[A/N: Next Chapter is prime cringe lmao]