
Esper's Game (Rewrite)

We are back boys and girls! I'm posting here for one, I don't want my fic to get snatched. Two, I want more people to read my stuff. With that out of the way, here's the synopsis thing. 'Soul' is suddenly thrust with a 'gamer system' and now has to do things for your entertainment. Watch as he goes around becoming stupidly overpowered in a short period of time. Round two... FIGHT! And I'm now on SGO as a pleb author, so that's nice, you can chat with me on there, so have fun with that. discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd art is of course not mine, but I'll just use the oficial one if the owner will decide they want it down.

balls_1124 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Weird dreams, and surprise cliffhanger

[A/N:Before we begin, info dumps. Pain.]



'Where the hell am I now? Can a man get 30 minutes of sleep? And by the look of things, we're in a field of… Wait a minute!' Over to my right, were two figures. One clad in red and the other in black.

Just as I was about to take a step in, an older man blocked my nonexistent path. "You can't intervene in their path, no matter what. This… is for the better." He commanded me, pausing at the end of his words. The man had this aura around him, I just can't explain it in proper words. This might just be the unreachable chad state.

"Too many changes to this world could cause it to turn against you, even if you're a 'type'. One of the things you need to keep in mind for the future. It isn't fun having to spend 4000-something years stuck on a planet that wants to murder you, that's for sure." That's fair. It's like having an overbearing roommate, but this one kills you. And so, I just sat there, looking at the scene unfolded in front of me.

"Are you happy now father? To see your kingdom in ruin? To all the knights, friends, civilians, and even that man of yours, dead because of your decisions." The knight in red armor taunted, even removing her helmet to emphasize her point.

"You bastard-"

"You're not wrong there at all. I was always the unwanted child!" This only seemed to make the red armored woman more crazed, as the small house behind her fell in front of both of them.

"FINE! You want the crown!? Then pry it off my cold dead hands, but not before I gut your insides for what you did!" She lady in black armor shouted, raising her sword up for one last strike.

"Let's do this FATHER! ONE LAST CLASH!" The other shouted, also raising her sword. Both warrior's swords sucked up all the surrounding ambient mana, charging up their strongest attacks. And with a drop of a pin, they went off.


They final slash to end it all. The knight in red fell to her knees and in her last dying breaths, said. "Denied once a- *cough*. Damn it! i- it was supposed to be me~." The lady in black didn't come out unscathed either, getting a deep gash along her entire chest. Though she was still alive, it wasn't for long. No matter how much mana she had, she couldn't heal anything of that level fast enough for her to survive it. And on a pile of dead knights, on top of a hill, that was her resting place.

To her death, she only had one regret. "If only Luke didn't die" She later succumbed to her wounds, alone and feeling guilty of her past actions and mistakes.

"That was rather sho-" The dream was apparently going on for too long, and Salter was now trying to wake me up. "Luke~. Hey~, wake up~. I got the holy water you needed~. It's time to grind~. I'll jump your bones if you don't wake up in the next 5 seconds~." Upon hearing the threat on my life, I opened my eyes as fast as I could. Nope, I'm not dying on my first day.

"Do you have the holy water?"

"Of course. But it was tough finding a church. The majority of the places here are shrines, I wasn't able to find it till I went over to the next city" Salter says with a sigh.

Grabbing the holy water and both of our swords, I doused the two weapons in the holy water. This would let me hit the ghost, while also giving Salter more damage. Now that we were ready for the challenge ahead, I raised my hand. "I.D Create: Undead". The world around us once again shattered, this time, being replaced with a graveyard, overlooked by a massive mansion at the end.

[Quest Added]

[I'm the queen of the castle.]

Objective- Defeat the ghost queen to finish the dungeon.

Bonus Objective- Defeat secret boss.

Secret Objective- ?

Reward- 60K EXP, 1 Gacha Token, [Undead Monster Hunter] Title.

Bonus Reward- [Familiar Stone]

Secret Reward- ?

Failure- Eternal damnation in hell.

Either the game is telling me to fuck a ghost with the secret quest, or it's telling me to get a pet. Both are equally good, but one is better. Whichever one that is, it's all personal preference.

And looking at the other notifications filling up my screen. Oh no.

[Quirk Assimilated]

[Quirk: Steel-like Bones] (Active)

You can harden your bones to the point that they're as tough as steel. It runs on milk.

+1000 HP

+25% Damage to fist-type attacks.

Cost- 30 SP per second.

[Quirk: Fa Jin] (Active)

A simple quirk that allows you to store kinetic energy. The energy can later be used to strengthen attacks or provide a short burst in speed.

Conversion- 40 SP/ 1 STR, DEX

[Quirk: Danger Sense] (Passive)

Similar to the 'Spidey Sense', it can warn the user of incoming danger. The user will receive a stabbing sensation when warned, however.

Cost- 5 HP per warning

[Quirk: Black Whip] (Active)

Allows you to create black tendrils that can be used to grab/ pull things. It also gets stronger the more emotions the user is feeling at the moment.

Costs- 50 SP per tendril.

[Quirk: Smokescreen] (Active)

Creates a thick cloud of smoke that comes out of the user's body.

Cost- 50 SP per meter covered by smoke.

[Quirk: Float] (Active)

Allows the user to float in mid-air, giving them the ability to seemingly fly if used correctly.

Cost- 5 SP per foothold.

[Skill Updated]

[Quirk: One For All] (Active)

Cost- 500SP- 400 SP

Those are a lot of notifications. The other quirks should be from the other users, though I'm not familiar with three of them. The abilities themselves are pretty good if combined with the boost that OFA provides. Getting a basic look over our surroundings, we found multiple graves, a forest to the west of us, and a totally not villainous giant mansion up north.

Just as we were about to move, a rotten hand sprung up from below. Then multiple other hands came out of the ground. And as to signify their arrival, a skeleton rose from the dirt and 'screeched'. Now the hands were accompanied by their bodies, all of them crawling out of the soil.

Not leaving any of them to transform into some rat king abomination, I bring the wrath of the storms upon them. *ehem* I mean lighting, yes, lightning bolts. None of that chunni stuff a second ago.


I was quickly overwhelmed by the burnt smell of rotten flesh; it was quite unbearable to even stick around the zombies and skeletons afterwards.

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 7, END-4, DEX-2

They weren't that much stronger than the goblins. Then again, they didn't have any weapons or armor of note besides some of them wearing suits.

But now that I'm here, where should I go? It's either the forest or the mansion. And now that I think about it, I'd be better to go through the thick and probably foggy forest than a mansion filled with tight corners, some large sections, and possibly ghosts.

And so, we ventured forth into the unknown, killing any and all zombies that either me or Salter came across.

Taking our first steps into the forest, we were met by the guards. They still seem to be zombies, only difference here is that they seem to retain some knowledge on how to wield weapons and have armor. Weapons ranged from daggers, bows, swords, axes, and spears.

The zombies adopted a wave strategy, going in squads to whittle us down so as to swarm us with an all-out attack later. First wave came in and they looked to be peasants, wielding farming equipment and wearing rather worn-out clothes.

Gripping my weapon tightly, I channel some electricity through my sword. Going for the first enemy, I swung overhead, taking it down successfully. But, two from the back, in a sort of planned attack, stabbed me in my sides with their pointy rakes.

[120 Damage Received]

That was more painful than I expected, shit. 'Lightning Bolt' There, that should take out both of them. Wait, aren't there more? Looking behind gave me an answer, as Salter had already killed the rest of them.

[You Gained a Level]

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 2, END-1, DEX-1

Neat, but there's still like 20 more waves of zombies, ghosts, and other bullshit. Giving a glance towards the new horde, I used both 'Twister' and a couple of psychic crystals to shred or leave them brain dead. This surprisingly worked, as they stopped struggling as soon as they were caught up in the large spinning death tornado.

Next wave came in and now they were some basic soldiers with swords and one spear guy. They were all quickly taken out with a couple bursts of 'Force'. This kept going on, with the hordes slowly but surely growing stronger with each wave, more and more undead joining them, and getting bodied by the holy water enhanced swords.

Every 5 waves though we were met by a mini-boss, a stronger variant of a standard enemy. Nothing particularly of note until wave 15, dungeon dropped a buffed-up version of the tank from left for dead. So much for doing the mini-boss solo.

After that quick recap of monotonous wave clearing, we finally finished wave 19.

[You Gained a Level] X11

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 37, END-23, DEX-41, INT- 7, WIS- 4, LUK- 2

[Skill Gained]

[Psycho Slash] (Active)

Cut the air using your mind. Can be used to give enemies a bad time.

Damage- INT +WIS X 2.3 Slash Damage

Cost- 750 MP per cast

[Skill Upgraded]

[Plunder +1]

Stats Plundered: 1/10 - 1/5

[Telekinesis Mastery] (Passive) {Apprentice}

+20% Damage to [Esper] class attacks

-10% MP cost to [Esper] class spells

Surprisingly it got better, the game never told me it could. But this should be the last mob until we get the sweet reward at the end of the tunnel.

*clop clop clop*

Horse-rider? Wait one second. If this is what I think it is then.

[Secret Boss Triggered]

[Boss: Dullahan]

'Shit.' Just one word was able to describe what was happening. A rider atop the hill of corpses that were decaying. Riding high and mighty on his horse, he wielded a giant glowing sword in one hand and an armored head in the other. The boss just gave this ethereal feeling in the air, what might be massive amounts of mana being poured out by the sword. The horse neighed seeing us standing at the bottom.


[A/N: For that one just in the bad, yes, this is a rewrite. The original fic was trash, and so is this. But this on is better. P@ treon link is below if anyone wants to support my writing.

ht tps://www.pat re on.com/balls1124 (remove the spaces of course)]