
Esper's Game (Rewrite)

We are back boys and girls! I'm posting here for one, I don't want my fic to get snatched. Two, I want more people to read my stuff. With that out of the way, here's the synopsis thing. 'Soul' is suddenly thrust with a 'gamer system' and now has to do things for your entertainment. Watch as he goes around becoming stupidly overpowered in a short period of time. Round two... FIGHT! And I'm now on SGO as a pleb author, so that's nice, you can chat with me on there, so have fun with that. discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd art is of course not mine, but I'll just use the oficial one if the owner will decide they want it down.

balls_1124 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Salter's wanted a "pet"


"Finally! I can rest now." Forgetting the rest of the world around me, I deflated on the couch, ignoring a notification from the system. My consciousness faded in and out, as I was taken into a princess carry by a strong pair of arms. The last thing I saw before going to sleep was Salter's face, giving me a quick peck on the lips.



'Skye should send the letter any minute now, that leaves me enough time to discipline master's new pet.' She planned, closing the door. Moving into the living room, what greeted her was quite a sight.

Laying on the floor, covered in a coat of sweat, tucked away in the corner near the potted plants, was the new addition to the family. Luckily enough, the bitch learned to not attack me or Luke, lest she gets shocked once more. Making her way onto the couch, the pet growled at her like a rabid dog.

"Would you stop growling already? We'll have a very important guest arriving in a few moments. I'd rather not embarrass Luke because of your tomfoolery." With Salter's patience waning, black and red sparks violently flew from her body. The color of the room changed, parts of the couch were ripped, and a heavy weight was placed on the whole room.

The ghost pet's legs bucked and struggled to keep up, the anger almost instantly turning into fear. But the swordswoman, quickly realized what had happened, and retracted her aura.

"Hmm, I would go further, but that would make an unsightly mess. So, if you're going to listen to anything 'dog', then listen to this. If you even try to hurt or get Luke in a dangerous situation because you didn't help, there won't be a god out there to help you for what's coming next."

With her point clear, Salter spent the next 10 minutes repairing all the damage caused by her little outburst. When she finished, a cockroach holding something came through a small portal. Resisting the urge to squash it, she approached the messenger.

But as she was going to stand up, the bitch tried to kill it. The pet raised her hand, magical energy wrapping around it. A similar energy appeared on the cockroach, creating a dome around it. Moving as quickly as possible, Salter reversed the flow of mana, causing the pet's hand to burst in an explosion.

This stopped the spell, at the cost of leaving the ghost's hand very broken. "ARGHH! Why did you even do that!? Can't you see I'm trying to kill that-"A sudden smack to the head stopped her from saying anything else. It took a few seconds before the gears in her head began to turn, and the realization hit her.

"Is that supposed to be the guest?" Her tone turned shaky, eyes moved to the letter it held. Her mind catching up to what was being insinuated.

"No, but rather, a messenger of sorts. While I haven't met the person face to face, he was sending letters to Luke for quite a while. And from what master has told me, he has the charisma to make most women smitten by his mere presence." She explained to the clueless ghost girl, who just blankly nodded.

Grabbing the letter and sending the cockroach on its merry way, Salter placed the letter in Luke's room but decided the night wasn't over yet. There was still one more thing to do.

Staring at the ghost's broken hand, she passed some mana through it, just enough to let it heal by morning. "Now that that's out of the way, let me introduce you to your new family. My name is Artoria Pendragon, and you shall refer to me as that until you gain my respect. Am I being clear?" With the princess' rapidly nodding her head, it was rather clear what her answer was.

"Very well. As for the person who you are bound to, his name is Luke, though if the future remains the same, his name might change…" Salter trailed on reminiscing on the past, before shaking the thoughts out of her head. "You will refer to him as Master. However, if his personality is the same, he would rather you refer to him as something else. Just follow what he requests of you, or the slave brand will shock you."

The only thing that seemed to make its way into her head was the thought of punishment. "Yes! I mean, yes. I fully understand. I promise to be a good girl." A sadistic grin appeared on Salter's face as she placed a hand on the girl's cheek, and another on the top of her head, caressing the little girl.


P a t r e o n plug because why not: https://www.p at reon .com/balls1124