
Esper's Game (Rewrite)

We are back boys and girls! I'm posting here for one, I don't want my fic to get snatched. Two, I want more people to read my stuff. With that out of the way, here's the synopsis thing. 'Soul' is suddenly thrust with a 'gamer system' and now has to do things for your entertainment. Watch as he goes around becoming stupidly overpowered in a short period of time. Round two... FIGHT! And I'm now on SGO as a pleb author, so that's nice, you can chat with me on there, so have fun with that. discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd art is of course not mine, but I'll just use the oficial one if the owner will decide they want it down.

balls_1124 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Fight for your life!

My Hero World


I open my eyes for the first time in a while. Having a body after being in the formless void feels nice. It's like swimming in very viscous water. Very comfortable.

Looking around the room, I noticed that the bedroom I now lived in was quite expensive. Conveniently, it had most of the things I needed. A phone, laptop, computer, and some files on a nearby table.

Just as I was about to do some other things, I got a notification from the system.

[Skills Gained]

[Quirk: Electrokinetic Human Physiology] (Active)

Your body can produce more electricity than humanly possible. The limit to the amount that you can make is based on stamina.

[Quirk: Psychic Crystal Manipulation]

The ability to shoot out crystals that affect the mind/deals mind damage. Enemies hit with this won't get hurt physically but will be given a massive headache.

That should be good. But it feels like I'm missing something. I don't know, perhaps it's the flashing light at the top right of my vision. Focusing on the blinding notification, a window popped out.






Huh, is there like an AI, that can help me with this? Or does it only appear in the tutorial?

[Fortunately, or unfortunately, I am assigned to all the systems that are made by me.]

[So yes, you do have a voice in your head that will answer most questions you have about the system.]

[But, that doesn't mean I'll be nice about it.]

[And yes, this is an indirect fuck you.]

Bitch what the fuck? You know what? Just give me the damn rundown of everything. Why? Because fuck you.

[That's the spirit.]

[Menu Guide for Dummies]

Stats Menu- shows stats, current classes.

Inventory- An infinite space where you can store anything that you touch.

Gacha- … Hell. You can gain anything through the gacha. It pulls anything from anywhere in the omniverse.

Quest- Specific tasks that give you rewards for completing them.

Relationships- Character development in a can. No seriously, it makes people react to you based on the number of their affection/reputation.

[For more inquires and fun time, please just say "Game"]

"Ya, ya," I said to the air in front of me. Time to look for the fini-

[Quest Accomplished]

[Can we get a tutorial?]

Objective.- Finish the tutorial

Rewards - 100 EXP, 3 Skills

Failure - Can you really?

[Skills Gained]

[I.D. Create] (Active)

Create a whole new world filled with mobs to grind.

Cost= 0 MP to cast

Dungeons Available






[I.D. Escape] (Active)

allows you to leave the dungeon.

Cost= 0 MP to cast

[Plunder] (Passive)

Steal the enemy's stats when you defeat them.

Steal rate- 1/10

At least I don't have to die immediately die. Probably. I should at least have enough SP to stab and electrocute everyone till I have enough MP to sustain myself with spell casting.

Raising my hand like in the manhwa, took a deep breath before saying. "I.D Create: Goblin"

The world around me shattered like glass, being replaced with a dimly lit cave. 'This was the beginning of a wonderful journey' I thought to myself walking inside the entrance.

[Quest Added]

[Goblin Slayer Apprentice]

Objective.- Kill all the goblins in the dungeon.

Reward – 25k EXP, 2[?]

Failure – Enslavement by the goblins.

The first things I see are two random goblins walking from left to right, bored out of their minds, watching the same dimly lit entrance with bored eyes. But as soon as I enter the cave system, the alarms in their minds start ringing and they both rush to attack me.

Looking at both of their feeble attempts at trying to attack me, I use 'Force' to fling them into the other side of the small rocky room.

[-100 MP]


One goblin's brain splatter upon impact. The other goblin looked horrified, to see its partner dead right next to him. And in a fit of rage, literally came in swinging his small hammer, trying to hit me. Trying something different, I channel some electricity into my hand. Grabbing the small gobo's head, it started burning. First, it's nonexistent hair, then its eyes, and finally in a display of what the electric chair looks like, his head.

[-50 SP]

With both bodies slumping down onto the ground, I was met with a notification.

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 2, DEX- 4

The bodies of both of the goblins disappear into small cubes of light, hover just above them to not be super distracting. With the small burst of power being shoved inside of me, it felt great, like a shot of caffeine.

Moving further into the goblin encampment, there were some wondering goblins in the area. Why does this have to be an extra stealth mission? Either way, I have a more stealth way of disposing of them. Electricized psychic crystals. Using both of my quirks at the same time creates this sort of fusion that if hit in the head, might be able to suck the bio-electricity in the brain.

This seems to work as one goblin demonstrated to me, as it was distracted by taking a piss. Moving over to their water supply, I waited for a goblin to get some water from it. Several minutes later, I see 3 goblins walk in. They all seem to be on some kind of high? And with the smell of sex trailing them… It wasn't farfetched to assume they just rape some poor woman… or worse girl.

I'm not going to some guy with a weird hero complex and shit, because right now, they are the best distraction to killing the fools while undetected. But I will put them out of their misery once all of this is over.

Putting my hand in the water stealthily, I use all my SP to fry them in the water.

[-465 SP]

[You Gained a Level]

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 3, END- 2 ,DEX- 6

Sadly though, one of them screamed just before dying, which alerted the entire camp that something wasn't right. And when they reached the water source, I had already vanished, trying to find where they kept the women.

Following the sound of grunts and laughter, I was able to a building that was built to go deeper into the ground. It was all made of wood surprisingly. Something which made me a bit happy, as it would be easier to gain levels and kill whoever was inside.

Grabbing a nearby torch, I lit the place ablaze, spreading it all over to speed up the process. While I was at it, I nabbed a couple of fairly large rocks, putting them at the door and preventing the goblin's escape. From inside, I could hear the women damning them to hell, happy that their revenge was fulfilled.

[You Gained a Level] X 2

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 21, END- 25 ,DEX- 27, INT- 9, WIS- 9, CHA- 13, LUK- 1

[Secret Boss Defeated]

[Special Rewards will be given out.]

[Lesser Earring of Mana Regen]

An earring enchanted by a no-name beginner enchanter.

+1X to MP regen

[Storm Bringer]

A straight sword owned by a disciple of the storms. This sword was given to the new members to help in casting lightning spells.

Damage- {(STR + DEX X 0.5) + INT} X 1.2

Special Skill- Lightning Bolt

[Lightning Bolt]

Send divine retribution from the heavens above.

Damage- 1000

Cost- 1000 MP

Was I supposed to fight whatever was in there?

[Son of a bitch!]

[I had this cool boss fight all planned out.]

[And you just had to ruin it, didn't you?]

Ha! Feel the pain of many of the DMs that have suffered before you. Feel their wrath!.

Pulling out the sword, it looked pretty cool. The small dragon-like design on it was neat. The light glow of the lightning only made it cooler. Wait, shit. Can't get distracted again. We have to kill everyone here and leave quickly. But where would they all… the water thing. The leader would of course be concerned. They still needed water and it being contaminated would bring sickness and death upon their tribe.

So, as I slowly sneak up behind them, I notice some children waiting for their drink. A little bit to the left of the commotion. With the commotion happening, nobody was paying attention to them. Do you see where this is going? 'Force'

[-100 MP]


[Stats Plundered]

STR- 2, END- 1 ,DEX- 3, INT- 1, WIS- 1,

How to annihilate the entire new generation in one spell. That sounds like a LN title now that I think about it. Slowly going behind the goblin populace, I finally find their leader. An Ogre!

Yes, Shrek was in the goblin swamp. And this ogre had armor, this is going to be a slight problem. But with enough heat, we can turn this into a benefit. First, we have to kill the rest of the goblins. And looking at my mana. I surely had enough to kill most of them, while not killing the boss sadly.

[-900 MP]

[You Gained a Level]

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 20, END- 18 ,DEX- 29, INT- 8, WIS- 8,

The Ogre was a bit disorientated. Still feeling its brain being knocked around its head. But in a few seconds, its wounds healed. And looking over to see who it was that attacked and killed everyone. He saw me, a mere human. It only fueled his anger more. Once the race that killed his family killed it once more. With fury burning in his mind, heart, and soul. He gripped his sword tightly and roared.

'Observe' I thought using the skill to compare our stats

[Ogre (Enraged)

HP- 90% (5% per min)

MP- 100% (0.2% per min)

LVL- 20

Rank: Boss

Skills: Ogre's Regeneration

STR- 100

END- 75

DEX- 25

INT- 4

WIS- 6

CHA- 2

LUK- 3

Thoughts about you: MURDER!]

'We're fairly the same stat-wise. I just have to keep the regen in mind. But besides that, I think I should be fine and ready to fight him.' I rationed, running towards the behemoth.

Channeling some lightning and adding my crystals to extend the range, I ran at the Ogre. The boss swung its massive sword around like a club and was able to hit the walls, making big rocks fall from above. Dodging left and right, I smoothly evaded the rocks but forgot I was fighting an enemy.

And his massive greatsword came falling down towards me.

[250 Damage Received]

My entire left arm made a sickening crack. The whole thing was then snapped back into place using 'Gamer's Body' restoring me to 'full' health but still leaving a pain that had me backing off from the Ogre for a solid second.

With the Ogre slowly approaching, I wagered that it would die relatively quickly in a few strikes from my sword. The only hurdle would be the regeneration, so I have to make quick work of him before he gets me.

Now holding my sword in two hands, I use 'Force' on the Ogre to quickly stun him. This works, and I was free to land the finishing blow on him. Climbing up his back and plunging my sword directly into his skull.

[Dungeon Boss Defeated]

[Quest Accomplished]

[Goblin Slayer Apprentice]

Objective.- Kill all the goblins in the dungeon.

Reward – 25k EXP, 2 Gacha Tokens

Failure – Enslavement by the goblins.


[You Gained a Level] X 5

[Stats Plundered]

STR- 10, END- 7 ,DEX- 2

'Let's go!' I thought while casting 'I.D. Escape' and leaving the goblin dungeon for now.


[A/N: I'll upload the other chapters later, have fun till then little readers.]