

Do not get hurt. Do not do anything dangerous. And always be careful. Like a mantra, these words were always repeated in her head. She didn't have a choice but to remember those words. To avoid danger she trends on the right path. To avoid accidents she does things carefully. Though tired of these things she has no choice but to accept her fate. " Avoid danger" was always a warning from her family. But what happens when she catches the eyes of danger unknowingly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked, her expression giving nothing away and leaving the men shocked. "Miss. How can you ask that to someone you just met?" One of the men asked in disbelief. "Why? What is wrong with my question? I asked him to be my boyfriend is there anything wrong with it." She tilted her head to look at the man who asked the question. Meanwhile, the big man with eyes as hard as steel continued to stare at her with a gaze his surbodinate has never seen before. Was that a look of amusement and interest in his eyes?

Midter_summer · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 34

In the Stone Mansion

"Son, when are you inviting that young lady over?" Cecilia stirred the soup with a frown. Ever since their mother and son time in the garden her son didn't bother with the topic.

"I was thinking of inviting her to dinner." Dominique answered calmly. His waist leaned on the counter and arms folded, his whole stance was filled with boredom.

Timothy who sat on the counter close to his brother was busy munching on an apple listening to their conversation.

Cecilia turned around with a smile on her face. Finally there's progress.

"Why don't you call her now?"

Dominique decided to pay heed to his mother's advice and call her. Scrolling through his phone he suddenly froze as he realised something, he didn't have her number!.

"Why did you freeze?" Cecilia glanced at her son and saw that he froze.

"He doesn't have her number." Timothy who was busy eating suddenly said. It took him three seconds to realize what he just blurted out. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the death glares and cursed his mouth.

"Is that true Dominique? You don't have her number?" Cecilia fully faced Dominque with a disappointed look. How did she give birth to a bunch of idiots. They only know how to dominate and intimidate having no knowledge of love or romance. They are truly their father's sons.

"I'll ask her when I see her." Dominique kept his phone on the counter and folded his hands together ignoring his mother's stare.

"I can't believe you." Cecilia rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the soup.


A small voice echoed gaining the attention of the three elders in the kitchen.

Cecilia saw a small figure running towards her and hugged her leg. Smiling she gave the ladle to Timothy to continue from where she stopped and bent down to hug her grandson. She was shocked to see the wide smile on his face and couldn't help but ask

"Why is my handsome Ezekiel smiling?"

"Grandma, I met auntie Snow White today." Ezekiel said gaining the attention of Dominique who whipped his head towards Ezekiel's direction.

"Where?" he asked

"At Grandma's restaurant." Ezekiel answered his uncle obediently before returning his gaze to his grandmother. "Grandma, do we still have my cookies."

Cecilia remembered the cookies her and her grandson baked yesterday, nearly burning the kitchen. Cecilia smiled at the memory and nodded "Yes, do you want some?"

"No, I want to give them to auntie Snow White. I promised her cookies the last time we met." Ezekiel explained.

"Is she here?" Timothy butt in looking at the curious face of his elder brother.

"Yes, in the living room."

And like the wind Dominique disappeared leaving a confused Cecilia and a happy Ezekiel.

Cecilia looked back at Timothy and saw him smirking. That was when it hit her that auntie Snow White was her son's unreachable love.

"why didn't you tell me that it was that lady that brought Ezekiel back?" Cecilia smacked Timothy's head after she got up from her squatting position.

Timothy felt offended. Why was he the one always being attacked? "You didn't ask." Timothy defended himself and took a step back preventing any unknown attack.

Cecilia glared at her son and huffed. She grabbed the cookie jar from the cupboard and handed it to her grandson with a smile.

"You never smiled at me like that." Timothy commented rubbing his head. His eyes stared at his mother with dissatisfaction.

"Although you are my baby you are too old to get that kind of treatment especially when Ezekiel is here."

Cecilia walked out of the kitchen in a haste ready to meet the woman she had been dying to meet.

Dominique walked into the living room and saw the figure he had become familiar with, her back facing him as she studied the painting on the wall.

Sensing a familiar presence Esmeralda turned around and saw Dominique panting softly like he had ran a marathon.

"Hi," he greeted

"Hi. Sorry I came unannounced, Ezekiel dragged me here." Esmeralda apologised for her sudden visit.

"It's okay, that's not a problem." Dominique answered, about to say something he was cut off by Ezekiel who made a sudden appearance with a jar of cookie in his hands followed by a feminine voice which belonged to his mother.

Esmeralda saw the little panda running towards her and a woman in her 40s coming after him. She recognized the woman, Cecilia Stone.

"Here you go auntie Snow White. I kept my promise." Ezekiel handed the jar to esmeralda who accepted with a small smile visible to only Ezekiel.

"Thank you Ezekiel." Her tone softer than usual.

Ezekiel responded with a gummy bear smile. His eyes shining brightly with innocence.

"Hello dear,"

Esmeralda drifted her gaze to Cecilia who smiled at her warmly.

"Hello Mrs Stone." Esmeralda nodded her face expressionless as usual but that didn't disturb Cecilia.

"You can call me Cecilia."

"Okay." Emeralda nodded not wanting to be rude in any way.

Cecilia sized up the woman in front of her. Just like the first day they met, beautiful and well mannered. Her son has good taste.

"Come sit and have lunch with us." Cecilia proposed hoping to seize the opportunity in getting to know this daughter-in-law well.

"I'm sorry but I have an urgent matter that needs my attention." Esmeralda said

"Can't it be postponed? You just got here." Cecilia whined. She remembered this lady say the same thing the first time.

Dominique stood by the side as he watched his mother shamelessly try to coax Esmeralda into staying.

"I'm sorry maybe some other time." Esmeralda didn't understand why Cecilia was hellbent on making her stay.

"Alright. But make sure you find time to visit us, okay?" Cecilia said

"I'll try." Esmeralda said with a nod not promising anything.

She was about to turn when she felt something or someone tug at her hoodie. She looked down and saw the little panda gesturing for her to bend down. She did that and felt the little panda's lips on her cheek shocking her and the people in the room.

Dominique glared at his nephew filling the air with jealousy and was noticed by his brothers who had been standing by the side quietly, not uttering a word.

Jake was shocked at his son. Since when did his son become this flirty?

Cecilia on the other hand was happy that her grandchild and future daughter in-law were getting along. If Dominique didn't have designs on her then she would have made her Ezekiel's mother instead.

Esmeralda recovered from the shock and then ruffled Ezekiel's head before returning to her normal height.

"I'll get going going now. Bye." She waved at Ezekiel who waved at her back before leaving.

"Auntie Snow White, don't forget to give uncle Kyle some!" Ezekiel shouted at the disappearing figure.

"I won't." She said before closing the door behind her.