

Do not get hurt. Do not do anything dangerous. And always be careful. Like a mantra, these words were always repeated in her head. She didn't have a choice but to remember those words. To avoid danger she trends on the right path. To avoid accidents she does things carefully. Though tired of these things she has no choice but to accept her fate. " Avoid danger" was always a warning from her family. But what happens when she catches the eyes of danger unknowingly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked, her expression giving nothing away and leaving the men shocked. "Miss. How can you ask that to someone you just met?" One of the men asked in disbelief. "Why? What is wrong with my question? I asked him to be my boyfriend is there anything wrong with it." She tilted her head to look at the man who asked the question. Meanwhile, the big man with eyes as hard as steel continued to stare at her with a gaze his surbodinate has never seen before. Was that a look of amusement and interest in his eyes?

Midter_summer · Urban
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37 Chs

Chapter 32

Esmeralda stared at Mr Bay for five minutes straight. The other party didn't know what was going through this woman's head as she stared at him like she was trying to suck his soul out of his body.

"Mr Bay, make sure you take good care of Isabella. I don't want to hear any complaints in the future."

"Yes, boss. I'll make sure she's well taken care of and treated like a diamond."

Mr Bay nodded like a rattle snake. He could only abide to this woman's wishes.

Isabella on the other hand could only stare at the woman with admiration. This woman always treated her well despite her short comings. She was really grateful.

"I'll take my leave." Esmeralda said to the two people. Her eyes glancing from one person to the other.

"Let me escort you out." Mr Bay said quickly and prepared to leave.

"There's no need for that Mr Bay. I'll go on my own." Esmeralda turned and left not wasting time.

She walked out the back door and exited the building before hiding in a dark corner.

"Why isn't she out yet?"

She could hear a voice say. She looked towards the direction of the voice and saw three silhouettes standing beside a black car. One figure leaned on the car, another stood beside the figure quietly and the last was busy pacing up and down. She instantly made out the owners of the silhouettes and frowned.

'Who were they looking for?'

She didn't bother to stay and watch the show. Turning around she walked deeper into the dark and then came out on another road. A black escalade parked by the side and a man stood by it.

Noticing the figure walking towards him the man stood upright and waited.

Esmeralda stopped some inches away from the man and stared at his face, crooked nose, tattooed brows, spiked hair... He was the definition of trouble.

"Sam." she said

"Boss." He greeted with a bow.

Esmeralda observed this man with an unfathomable gaze. You couldn't tell what she was thinking at all. Her face void of emotions and eyes blank, her stance was calm but alert.

Sam squirmed at the way she was staring him down from head to toe. Ever since he was told to meet her his mind wasn't at rest. He knew that there must be a reason why she called to meet up this late and he was sure that reason wasn't an invitation to a tea party.

"Do you know why you're here?"

He heard her ask. Now he was sure he must have angered the tigress.

"No, boss."

Esmeralda nodded her head and turned to face the moon that shined brightly.

"Then I'll tell you." she started "Did I or did I not tell you to keep that man alive?"

Everything around grew silent.

Sam froze in his place. His blood grew cold and fear infiltrated his veins. He thought that he had passed through this phase and didn't need to worry about anything since she didn't say a word about the deed.


"You what?" she interjected.

"I never gave the orders to finish him off so who told you to?"

Sam frowned but still shivered. He had originally thought that she had given the orders to that woman to finish that man off. How come the boss is questioning him about what she ordered? Or did she not give the orders and that woman had given the orders herself? God! He was in trouble.

"I'm sorry boss. I thought you had given Lisa the order to kill that man, I didn't know you were not aware." He quickly defended himself. He didn't want to die so early

"Lisa?" Esmeralda frowned.

"Yes boss. She came and said I should kill him. You know you usually give the orders through her and that's why I did it. I didn't know she lied."

"Bring Lisa here."

Sam looked at her and wondered if she was talking to him. He wanted to ask but stopped when he saw two body guards dragging Lisa out of the van behind them. 'How come he didn't know that she had been in that van all along?'

"Boss what is going on?" Lisa struggled with being manhandled unaware of the deadly atmosphere. She caught sight of Sam and frowned.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

Sam ignored her. He couldn't take any chances now his life was on the line.

"Lisa, did you order Sam to kill that man?" Esmeralda asked, all the while still staring at the moon.

Lisa swallowed hard as the body guards released her from their powerful grip after making her kneel.

"Boss I-"

"You what? Did you think you can order people around now that I've taken you under my wing?" Esmeralda questioned with a dangerous tone.

"No." Lisa let out a tiny squeak. Her mind was already blank.

"Then what is? I've been watching you since the day I accepted you as one of my people. I excused most of your mistakes and avoided punishing you because of circumstances."

Lisa shut her eyes and let out a shaky breath. She knew she was done for and this was the last straw. How could she have made a grave mistake? If she had stayed loyal would everything turn out differently?

"I didn't know what came over me." Lisa croaked


The sarcastic question sent a dangerous message. It was clear that Esmeralda did not believe whatever Lisa said.

"Let's play a little game. I ask you questions and you answer truthfully." Esmeralda turned around to face the two culprits with a menacing gaze.

Both culprits flinched at the gaze. In all their years of working with this woman they had never seen a change of expression on her face. But today, they were seeing more than one emotion and they were not the happy kind.

Sam glanced at the woman kneeling on the floor with pity. He could only pray that her soul finds peace in hell.