
Deja Vu

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep


Hassan was waking up. his heartbeat was so loud, until he can hear it with his own ears. his body was wet covered by sweat.

"everything was... just a dream?"

he looking around for his phone. when he push the button, his eyes focusing on the time date.

20 January 2019

"it's really just a dream."


hse throwing his body back on the bed.

he doesn't know why but, it was most realistic dream he ever got through. he felt so glad when everything was just a dream.

then he wake up again and wash his face, prepare for the day.





When he got into his house store garage, he saw his grandma already prepared everything that he need to carry likewise.

"Hassan, what happened? why are you so loud?"

"morning baa-san. i just got nightmare, it's really scary."

"are you okay?"

"yes, it's just stupid nightmare."

his heart felt ease after he had conversation with his grandma then he load all package tofu box into mini-truck.

"why there are more than usuals?"

"yes, Kuriyama-san just calling. he want to double our delivery for today"

when he heard it Hassan was stiffed. he felt something wasn't right.

"what's wrong? what are you daydreaming about?"

"ah no.. i just thinking, did we already have this conversation before?"

"what are you talking about?"

"no... nothing, just talking to myself"

Hassan who became awkward smiling at his grandma. then he finishing loading tofu package again. he start his car and goes into shopping district.




after sending the tofu package, hassan can't get rid weird feeling in his head. he doesn't know why everytime he send the tofu package he felt he already did same thing before. last tofu package is Kuriyama Shop.

"excuse me, Kuriyama-san! it's delivery, are you home?"

"yeah, iam coming!"

oldman Kuriyama get out of his house.

"Oh, it's Hassan! you are using that truck now?"

"yeah. i am already get used to it. wait, why are you asking it again?"

"asking what?"

"about the truck? yesterday you are already said that, aren't you?"

"huh? yesterday my shop was closed. and you didn't send any package here right?"



the situation became awkward, Hassan felt he already has this conversation. but everyone who meet with him had same reaction when hassan talk about it.

(why i am felt something wasn't right? what with dejavu feeling? why i am the only one who felt it? where am i hear it?)

for getting out of awkwardness, Kuriyama tried to change the topic.

"i heard you got full-time job at Obayashi Construction Corp. If you don't got a job i thought offering you full-time job at my store. but iam glad you got a job."

(wait.. he already said it before. if i answer like this..)

"Thank you very much Kuriyama-san. i can't trouble you anymore, you already gave us so much in the past."

(he will reply it nonsense, because he is grandpa bestfriend and we are same victim of that accident!)

"non sense, you are grandson of my bestfriend, and i already thought you guys like family after that accident that killed Hideo and my wife!"

(damnit. it's really happened!)

Hassan felt he was right. everything already happened before. and he felt he was repeating the day

"what's wrong? why are you became silent?"

"nothing. thank you for your concern Kuriyama-san. I'll get home now."

"take care"

then he drive his mini-truck home.

(what if my dream became reality? what if my dream is a ill omen? if everything was right then today...)

then he stopped the truck.

(i need make a call)

beeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeep

"Hello, emergency call of Slayer Association."

"hello, this is JSA? i want to make emergency report."

Hassan decide to call emergency number of Japanese Slayer Association.

"Yes, can i know with who i was talking?"

"Takatsuki Hassan"

"can we help you Takatsuki-san? what is the emergency? did you need us to track your location?"

"....." (wait.. what i am doing? i just said this noon a gate will appear because i seen it in my dream? they'll think it was a pranks!)

Hassan suddenly shut his mouth. when he think again, he doesn't know what he must say to JSA.

"Sir? you still there? are you in danger? we'll track ypur location.."

"Wait.. wait. i am still here! and you don't have to tracking my location."

"Sir, we need to know what happened. please tell us?"

(damnit.. what do i do? i must remember everything in my dream. Ah! that's it)

Hassan tried think something fast, before they thought it was just a pranks. then he remember what happened before in his dream.

"i think there'll be ESGATE appearing in District Ome! at construction apartment that was still built by Obayashi Corporation. and the address is-"

"please wait a minute sir. we will check validity of the information."

he tell construction site address to operators. after several minutes waiting the operator finally saying something to Hassan.

"thank you for your patience. i checked the location you mentioned earlier. but our satellites haven't detect any abnormalities. please be ease sir. there wouldn't be any ESGATE appearing in that location."

"i can't be. but i saw it with my own eyes!"

Hassan wasn't expecting that answer. so he denies it unconsciously.

"calm down sir. please tell us when did you see it? so we can verified it."

(damn it. i done it now! how do i tell them? if i said i saw it on my dream they'll think it was a prank. damn it! I don't have any other choice!)

Hassan steeling himself. he knows they won't believe him, but he doesn't have any other choice.

"listen. since little i have power to predict the future via dream. i saw a ESGATE will appearing at that location today in noon. please send team to analyzing the location!"


He can't helped but telling a lies. he made his voice as flat as possible to convincing the operator. but look like the operator was speechless after hearing what he said.

"so you just saw it in dream sir. i am sorry, but I'll remind you making a prank to emergency call are crime sir."

of course the operators wouldn't believe him.

"it's not prank! please believe me! you can track my location and sending police if you want. but i am telling you the truth!"

"are you okay sir? maybe it's just paranoia. we can help you calling ambula-"



before the operator finished talking, Hassan closing the phone. he knew they wouldn't believe him.

(what do i do know? wait.. i need to call boss!)

then he tried to calling his boss to warned him about ESGATE. but the boss only laughing and said he need clear his head. so Hassan can only get home






when he got home he saw his sister and grandma was preparing their breakfast. usually Hassan will wash his hands and join them in dining table, but this time he reach the TV remote control and turn it on.

"Hassan, wash your hands first then we can have breakfast."

"wait a minute baa-san. i need to check something."

switching the channel Hassan finally found which channel he want to see.

「This morning, people already crowed on Narita International Airport. The plane arrival is 10:00am but now like you can see on behind me, so much people already gathered here.」

「according schedule, 'The Gaijin Hero' James Walker will arrived at japan in 10:00 am. but as you can see his fans and people who appreciate of him already stuffed here.」

(as i thought. it was same as the dream.)

"don't change the channel. i want to watch it!"

when he was thinking about it, his little sister suddenly interrupting him. he can only sighing and give up about it. then he was wash his hand and had a breakfast with his sister and grandma.

"i thought it was because you are sleepy this morning. but why are you keep rubbing your right eyes? it's itchy?"


Hassan hasn't realized that he was rubbing his right eyes since morning. but he just realize when his grandma told him about it.

"it's better if you check it up at doctor."

"don't worry. my vision isn't blurry and it doesn't hurt. i just feel uncomfortable"

Hassan just realized he can see something small in the lower-right side of his vision. even if he was rubbing his eyes that thing didn't go at all.

(what? it still there?)

when he tried to close his right eye, and looking at lower-right side of his vision, that thing still there. so he just ignore it and hold himself to urge rubbing his eyes.

(it's about the time.)

then Hassan looking at the clock. he compare what happened in his dream and now. so he wait while looking at the clock.

"i am done! look at the time! i'll late for the train!"

"just left it there. i'll wash it for you."

"Eh!? really? thank you nii-san~"

(she really said same thing as in my dream. even the answer was little different because i am the one who reply it.)

now he believe that everything happened in his dream will became reality. when he remembered about his dream it make him goosebumps. he really don't want to come to his workplace today, but if everything in the dream doesn't happen, he'll became laughing stock.

(even if boss doesn't trust me at dream. he still defending me until end. i can't let him die)

after cleaning all the dishes, Hassan change his clothes and go to work.






Hassan was timidly walking into the building site of apartment that Obayashi Corporation built. the dream experienced last night was felt so real, that made him cringe every time he was imagined it.

"Yo. ohayou Takatsuki! early likewise huh?"


"what with that face? you still at dream that you talking this morning huh?"

when Hassan got into construction site, Tomura has greeted him likewise. He knew no one will believe him about it. but he still had a hope his boss at least will considered it.

"i got to call JSA because of that. but they said, they didn't find any abnormalities in this location. everything will be safe!"


Hassan eyes brightened when he heard what his boss said. usually people will think what he said as rubbish and won't listen to him. but his boss is really the most reliable person. that make him happy even if a little.

"Boss. if everything i said was happened. after launch break if there an earthquake please run from here as far as you can!"

"hahahaha. yeah.. yeah.. i'll listen to you. but i'll make sure everyone got evacuated when there is an earthquake."

he knew his boss doesn't believe him hundred percent, but he still felt responsible if anything happened to man that even call JSA for his subordinate dream.

"please don't! leave everyone behind and get out of here!"

"you knew i can't do that, aren't you? don't look at me like that, i'll considered it. now get your equipment"

"Hai boss."

Then they got their equipment and preparing for doing their job.







"Takatsuki, are you okay?"

"ah Nandou-san. i am fine, what's wrong?"

Hassan was working at second floor outer wall of apartment building, then suddenly someone was calling him. it was Nandou, this man was dead in his dream because of wrong answer he gave to Skeleton.

"i see you always rubbing your eyes. are you really okay?"

(damn. i did it again unconsciously huh? what wrong eith me?)

Hassan hadn't realized that he was rubbing his eyes while working if it not Nandou mentioned it to him.

"i don't know. since this morning, I can't resist the urge to rubbing my right eyss. it's felt like there are something small that obstructing my right side of vision"

"did you check it to doctor? let me see it for you."

"i didn't. i want to go to doctor after work. thank you for checking it."

Nandou was looking into Hassan right eyss closely. but he didn't find anything wrong with Hassan eyes. Hassan eyes looked so healthy.

"it's weird. your eyes look okay. there aren't any dust in it. o think it's better if you check it. what is the obstruction look like?"

"it's Small like this."

Hassan using a wet concrete to draw obstruction of his vision on the floor. when Nandou look at it his forehead was frowned.

"isn't it a message symbol?"

"message!? wha-"

"yes, it was look like message symbol of my old phone. what's wrong?"

Hassan was surprised. when he said 'message' a window was pop-ing up in front his face. it's look like window of computer program.

「You Have 2 Unread Message left!」

「System: Welcome Player!」

「System: Warning alert!」

"what is this? you can see it Nandou-san?"

"see what?"

He doesn't understand what happened and he want to explain it to Nandou, but suddenly another pop-up was appeared.

「Warning: You don't do daily quests 'Morning Exercise(Stackable:1)' until the specified time!」

「You will entering Penalty Time(Stakable:1) until you finished the Quest or the times is up. Body weight and pressure will be double.」




Before Hassan can respond. he felt his body was so heavy, then he losing his balance was tripped and fall from second floor. Nandou who was surprised tried to reach Hassan hand but he is failed. Hassan was fall like that into first floor.


thank your for your critic and comment

i knew my grammar are sh*t.

it's really hard to visualized the scene with my shitty grammar

but i hope you like it.

thank you very much.

and happy Chinese new year 2019

RageBananacreators' thoughts