
Escaping the Eyes of the Yandere

Being watched. Everything you say. Everything you do. Everywhere you are. Jilun grew up in a small rural village. Located at the edge of a major Empire, the village only housed farming families. Because of this, Jilun didn’t really have anyone around his age in the small population of the village. Except one girl. She was named Jia, a bright and friendly girl who happened to be born around the same time. Their parents were great friends and even gave them similar names. Over the years, they grew attached to each other and did everything together. Jiluns dream was always to venture out of the bounds of the village to explore what the big cities of the empire had to offer. After explaining his dream one day to Jia when he was young, everything changed. Jilun started to notice changes in Jias personality. She became so clingy that she clung tighter to him then the clothes he wore. He wrote off her changes as natural for being the only one in the village around her age that could understand her. He found her to be perfectly normal as he had never met any other girl or boy of his age. Everything was fine… until the day he decided to leave the village. _____________________________________________ Contains Prominent Yandere Elements R-18/Smut Content Chapters Labeled (Don’t expect any until later chapters) I do not own the cover image. The artist can DM me and I will immediately take it down.

Czzi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Departure for the New World

A Week Later.

It was finally time, the day Jilun had been waiting for.

The transport arrived early morning. For the first few hours, the farmers of the village loaded their plants and herbs into the train of huge containers hauled by a group of horses.

Many martial artists traveled with the transportation group. As they were hauling around a large amount of agriculture, it's bound to attract magical beasts.

So the city sent members of the various powers to assist in the protection of the haul.

After the plants and herbs were loaded into the many large carts, the members of the transporting company paid with goods and gold alike.


As it grew late, the farmers finished with their exchange with the envoys.

The members of the transporting company started packing up. Draping covers over the many carts to dampen the smell of plants as well as securing the carts tightly to ensure they wouldn't come loose.

During this process, the leader of the group from the transporting company stood watch.

Seeing as he wasn't busy, Jilun and Jia approached the man.

"Excuse me, Sir"

The man turned to look behind him.

"Oh, did I pay you the incorrect amount?" The man gazed at the two.

Jilun shook his head.

"No sir, we would like to travel with you guys back to the City of the New Moon."

The man sighed.

"We can't have any more people on board-"

Jilun brought the wrinkled seal of the Aster Grounds into his sight.

"O-oh! You are members of the Aster Grounds! Sure, we'll clear you a carriage for the ride!"

The man sped off in the direction of the convoy of carriages.

Jilun surprisingly looked towards Jia.

"I never knew a piece of paper could hold so much power."

Jia giggled as she nodded.

"Yes, though a certificate of marriage with both of our names on it would be even more powerful~"

Jilun didn't respond as he looked ahead at the man running in the distance, a pink hue appearing on his cheek.


"Here is the carriage we prepared for you."

The man lead them to a carriage at the very front of the convoy. As they approached the carriage, the man opened the door for them.

"The bed is already prepared for your esteemed selfs inside, we will depart shortly."

As Jilun and Jia entered the carriage, the man shut the door behind them.

"Wait, he said one…"

"…bed. What? You don't want to sleep with me? I never knew you were into men."

Jia walked up to the frozen Jilun as she rubbed his chest. She rested her head against his shoulder.

"Though I'm sure with your handsome face and scrupulous body, they'll accept you into their beds immediately."

Jilun awoke himself of his state as he gently pushed Jia's hands away.

"Well, I can't lay in the bed as filthy as I am, I'm going to go change."

Jilun opened the door as he stepped down and exited the carriage. Jia's eyes flashed as he closed the door.


"It's him! Him and another girl! They are the reason boss sent us to sleep in the hay!" A man hidden behind a bush whisper to his friend beside him.

The other man silently laughed.

"They are easy to get rid off. These country peasants haven't a clue on self awareness."

The two men laughed as they approached the unaware Jilun.


Jilun walked behind a tree as he looked at the dark skies. This would be the last time he would see the sky from this perspective for a while.

"It will only get better from here."

He basked in the Moons light, allowing the wind to brush up against his skin.

Suddenly, he heard a sound. It was very faint, but it sounded like…



"Just wait until he gets a little further out, that girl is bound to search for him, and we can't have her finding him too fast, because they are still members of the Aster Grounds even if they are insignificant as to be sent out to a rural desolate village."

The other man slowly pulled out a large knife.

The two men followed Jilun until he arrived at a tree, waiting in the distance.

Crouching in wait behind a bush, the pair got ready to pounce on him.

"Is this a game people from the city also like to play? But aren't you a little too old for hide and seek?"

The two men jumped in fright at the suddenly eerily giggling voice behind them. The man with the knife slash at the voice with no hesitation, the other retreating a good distance away from the voice. But the man with the knife realized he slashed at nothing once he looked behind him.

"What the fu-"

"I was behind you~"


A long gash appeared on the man's neck.

He frantically grabbed at his neck to stop the bleeding, but realized he also had no hands. He screamed out loud, though it was soon replaced with gurgling as he choked on his own blood. He finally stumbled back as he collapsed onto the grass earth.

His accomplice watched this all only feet away, frozen in fear.

Jia suddenly turned her head around, facing the man.

Who was she? She couldn't be the same person from before? Red hair? Her eyes? She seems to know martial arts, but his buddy had trained a couple years too, he just wasn't good enough to be accepted into a faction.

But to die so quick, and to an unarmed child at that? This being in front of him couldn't be anything but a monster.

But she was tamed when near that boy… he needed to get his attention.

He turned around and sprinted in the direction of Jilun, screaming and waving his hands crazily.


He suddenly stopped moving.

'What… what's happening?'

His vision suddenly started to raise higher up into the air.

'Am I… growing?'

His vision now suddenly started to lower to the ground, now only hovering three feet above the ground.

He saw a body near him, though it's clothes were unidentifiable as they were soaked in blood.

'Didn't I run away from him? Why am I suddenly back her-'

His vision started turning until he faced behind him. Two hands held each side of his head, and he could feel them. They were so soft, softer than silk, but that was last thing he thought about.

"Sorry, you were to troublesome with your body still attached. I just remembered you only need your head to feel pain."


"Oh, you were running to my Jilun to get a look at him? Don't worry, I was here to do the same thingggggg. I told that Jilun that if he didn't keep his face hidden he would needlessly be attracting these older men. See? I told him I wasn't lying but he fails to see his own beauty…"

She then turned his severed head to face Jilun who was leaning on a tree.

"But you understand me… right? Both of us can recognize his handsome self without hinderance."

The head shook.

"You b*tch! What the f*ck did you do to me?"

Jia turned her eyes away from Jilun, turning the head back to face her.

"Ah! Why so rude!"

She grabbed the head by the hair on one hand, using the other bloody hand to wipe away her fake tears.

"You don't need your mouth if your not going to say anything nice!"


Her free hand jabbed into his mouth, ripping his jaw out of his head.



Jia put her pointer finger on her mouth as she prompt him to be silent.

"Although Jilun can't hear you, it ruins my viewing experience with all the noise on this beautiful night."

The head kept groaning with what was remaining of his mouth. Jia ignored him as she continued.

"Ahhh I'm so excited! Finally we are going to be away from our parents! Just him and me~ he will be a lot more submissive now~"

She brought the floating head up to her face.

"Aren't I beautiful? What man would resist me?"

The head kept making inaudible sounds.

She sighed.

"Ugh, now I'm bored."

She tossed the head on the floor.

"Maybe in your next life you would do well to date a man your own age, because Jilun is taken~"

She raised her foot as she brought it down upon the head, splattering it like a tomato.

She looked at the Jilun resting upon the tree.

"Return to me soon Jilun~"

She turned around as she headed back to the carriage.