
Escaping the Eyes of the Yandere

Being watched. Everything you say. Everything you do. Everywhere you are. Jilun grew up in a small rural village. Located at the edge of a major Empire, the village only housed farming families. Because of this, Jilun didn’t really have anyone around his age in the small population of the village. Except one girl. She was named Jia, a bright and friendly girl who happened to be born around the same time. Their parents were great friends and even gave them similar names. Over the years, they grew attached to each other and did everything together. Jiluns dream was always to venture out of the bounds of the village to explore what the big cities of the empire had to offer. After explaining his dream one day to Jia when he was young, everything changed. Jilun started to notice changes in Jias personality. She became so clingy that she clung tighter to him then the clothes he wore. He wrote off her changes as natural for being the only one in the village around her age that could understand her. He found her to be perfectly normal as he had never met any other girl or boy of his age. Everything was fine… until the day he decided to leave the village. _____________________________________________ Contains Prominent Yandere Elements R-18/Smut Content Chapters Labeled (Don’t expect any until later chapters) I do not own the cover image. The artist can DM me and I will immediately take it down.

Czzi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Day of Arrival

After months of traveling, the City of the New Moon could finally be seen in the horizon.

It in reality, was huge. It was only now that Jilun knew that Old Gi wasn't lying.

The buildings spanned the line that which broke the sky and soil. Nothing but buildings stood root to the ground he otherwise knew to hold trees. Even with the still great distance present between them and the city, tiny dots, much like ants, could be seen frantically walking in all directions. It was truly different, a completely new world from the one he knew as his village. In fact, Jilun had never seen so many people at once. But here, just the amount of people that resided in one building could make up for their whole village!

As the convoy grew closer, stone walls that were maybe 10 meters high hugged the border of the city. At the opening of this wall, a guard post was stationed. There, many other traveling merchants and families lined up to be granted entrance to the city. Of course, there was also one for people, but that line was much shorter and occurred further into the city.

Although the wait was long, it wasn't in comparison to the almost 5 months of travel. Jilun honestly couldn't understand how protectors could endure such a torture. Always moving and never resting, it was a surprise insanity hadn't been deprived from such mentally straining work.

As they approached the foremost of the line, Jilun finally spoke to Jia, after being mesmerized with the city view.

"It really is as Gi had told us, I almost feel like our village is a cage when compared to this."

Jilun turned to faced Jia, who had the edge of her lips tugged in a smile. Though it wasn't for the same reasons as he thought.

"It is indeed very wonderful, though I prefer the calm village atmosphere, I could see myself enjoying our stay here."

She gently wrapped her arms around him, allowing her warmth to pervade throughout him.

"But it's unfortunate your bound to meet other people, just no girls, okay?"

She brought her face up to his, her warm breath glazing his face.

"Don't worry, in fact, I am most excited for you to be able to get yourself friends of your own gender. Though we both haven't experienced such a thing, it will definitely be a thrilling memory."


Jiluns and Jia turned to face the front of the convoy.

There, over 10 humans dressed in shiny combat armor tapped their spears in unison on the dirt earth. The many horses that pulled the train of carriages and carts paused their advance in obedience.

The leader of the Transporting Company walked out from the head carriage, presenting a piece of paper. The guard frontmost received, staring at the seal of the city before handing it back to one of his fellow guards behind him.

"Check the authenticity"

The guard nodded as he brought out a strange magnifying glass from within the guard station. He brought it up to the to glass as his eye gazed through it.

"It is authentic"

The frontmost guard again received it.

"Thank you"

After returning the seal to the company leader, he then turned to the guards within the station.

"Open the gates!"

The tall wooden doors, with a crescent moon engraved on them, opened horizontally to reveal the hidden city within.

Immediately, what greeted Jiluns eyes was the lively atmosphere of thousands of people. Murmur was a sound constantly heard throughout the air. People, walking and running at all different paces moved from one place to the other, appearing as a bunch of ants who had their colony attacked, zigzagging in all directions.

Jiluns eyes reflected this very scene, allowing it to burn within his memories. Jia, though, only spectated his surprise with a happy smile on her face. Whenever he was happy, she, likewise, was also happy.

The transporting company leader bowed in thanks to the guards, then heading back into his carriage before he shouted.


The horse riders yanked the leads on the horses as they began walking forwards at a moderate pace.

The many people in the busy street parted like a curtain once the large convoy entered their eyesight.

The road at which they were traveling was so wide, that even their convoy, 30 carriages and carts in rows of three, could fit in without disturbing much of the daily lives of the residents within the city.

It was truly testament to the size that such a city was. Though, this made Jilun more curious. If a local city like the City of the New Moon was like this, what of the major cities of the Empire? What would the size and population of those be like?

He could only imagine the insurmountable size of it, one that could not be imagined.

The convoy rode through the city. And it was only with a few hours that they had arrived at their destination.

It was a large warehouse, mountains upon mountains worth of stocked up herbs and plants.

Jilun widened his eyes at the prospect. It could be said that their family farm in hundreds of years couldn't farm near this amount, and that was just their storage. It truly widened his eyes, they were not the only farming village out there.

The convoy rode into the warehouse. As soon as they stopped, the many people waiting on stand by started to unlatch the carts of herbs and plants as they haul it to the side to be stored.

Soon, a knock came upon their door, it was the Transporting Company's leader.

"We have arrived, esteemed guests. As you may not know of this city and the location of the Aster Grounds, I requested one of our respected protectors of this trip, who is also of the Aster Grounds, to guide you."

As he stepped aside so that Jilun and Jia could get an idea of this person, the same masked girl appeared within there sights. The leader spoke once again.

"As this marks the end of our journey, we will part ways here. I hope your traveling experience was only the best with my men and carriage."

He bowed as he left the scene.

Jia narrowed her eyes as she focused them upon the cloaked girl.

The girl ignored her as she bowed, her pink her falling beside her.

"A pleasure to meet you again"


From a fair distance away, the other protectors scrambles to their powers.

The following days would be very chaotic.