
Escaping Grand Duke Amadeus

[ WARNING: MATURE CONTENT!! ] Desperate to escape her arranged marriage to the cruel Grand Duke Amadeus Vandenberg, Anela did what any sane human being would do. Escape a week before her engagement party, got tangled with a stranger of no name nor status, and showed signs of pregnancy on the day of her official engagement. It's not like she was getting engaged to the Empire's soulless, cold-heart, and bloodthirsty Grand Duke Amadeus, what could go wrong, right? Apparently... everything. ___ ____ ___ Escaping Grand Duke Amadeus story by d13f0ry0u — start date: December 26 — ended on: — content warning: this story contain themes that are upsetting, please read at your own risk — tags: fantasy | noble | politics | war | heir | succession | arranged marriage | smut e l s e w h e r e [ under construction ] ___ ____ ___ THIS STORY IS R18 Amadeus has explicit, steamy scenes. This is not a slow burn when it comes to physical intimacy

d13f0ry0u · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

[R18] Prologue

[ ⚠️ smut ahead!!! ]





A moan escaped from her kissed-swollen lips. The room was dark and the only light came from the festival below, pouring through the small window. Her glassy viridian eyes couldn't stay away from the handsome man on top of her.

He looked so beautiful with his dark blue hair cascading down. It looked so soft. Anela could drown in those ocean-blue eyes that stared intently back at her. She almost let out a whimper feeling his hand caressing her cheek, another sliding on her thighs.

"Aren't you the prettiest thing?" his voice was low, deep, and rich. The mere sound of it tickled every inch of her.

God, even his voice was attractive. How come everything about this guy was attractive?

Dipping down, Anela welcomed another searing kiss from the nameless stranger. She would like to pretend that she was experienced in this field but if she was being honest, this was her first time kissing someone.

She had read about it countless times before in books but this sensation was nothing compared to how they described it. Anela never thought how much kissing felt good. It felt so good that if this stranger decided to eat her up, she would gladly welcome him. The moment his tongue slid inside her mouth, Anela shuddered. He was kissing him so hungrily. As if he had been in the desert for years waiting for the rain.

The way his fingers dug themselves into her thighs was delicious, every part of Anela's body was screaming to be touched. To be held and to be loved even just for this night. The stranger was quick to remove her clothes, staring so fiercely at the meal that was served before him.

"So fucking pretty," he admired, hand mapping Anela's body.

Embarrassed, skin flushed, Anela covered her face with her arm, looking away. Suddenly, it crashed to her the reality of what she was doing. She was naked underneath someone she doesn't know. Someone whom she was sure didn't have a status and she was offering all of her firsts to him just so he could break her engagement to her fiance.

The stranger removed her arm, "Don't hide from me now," he whispered with a soft smile. Anela wasn't sure how to react, feeling his fingers comb through her soft red curls. She felt his thumb pressing against his lower lips.

"Now that I can see you, you can't hide from me now." Her skin felt warm and she was sure she was red all over. People had always commented on how fair her skin was. How delicate it looked that whenever she blushed, it shows quickly.

Before Anela could say anything she was drowned in another searing kiss. The stranger swallowed her moan as soon as he began touching her sensitive parts. For a moment, Anela wanted to stop him. Wanted to tell him to get away but all logic flew out of the window at his every kiss. When his lips trailed down her skin, whispering praises and worship, Anela's conviction was ignited.

"Aahh," she desperately held onto the mattress as he felt his fingers parting her folds, he then pushed one digit into places that weren't his. That was reserved for her fiance, the Grand Duke Amadeus Vanderberg. Anela wondered how will the Grand Duke react when he found out that his fiance was now spending some passionate night with a nobody. That a stranger was taking what was supposedly his.

The stranger chuckled against her ear, adding another finger inside, "You're squeezing my fingers tight." he licked her ear and Anela almost came. She heard him click his tongue, "Not yet, my lady. I want you to come using my tongue." He pulled the fingers out and Anela quickly felt the emptiness he left.

She didn't have the time to whine a complain when the stranger parted her legs and began licking her. All kinds of noises that she didn't think were possible to come out of her, left her lips. Her head trashed left and right at the sensation every swipe of his tongue brought her.

"You taste better than I ever thought," he growled against her pulsing folds. "You're perfect. So damn perfect."

Oh god, she's going crazy. Her stomach was cramping from all these pleasures that were assaulting her.

The moment he felt his tongue inside, Anela let out a cry. Gripping his hair, she tried to stop him but he only held her thighs, pulling him closer until she reached her climax, shattering into nothing. All of her energy left her and it was as if she could no longer control her body. Her vision began focusing the moment she felt something hard against her. Her eyes looked up at the man hovering above her. "We're far from over, my lady." Guiding his throbbing dick inside her. The smirk on his lips was so unbelievably sexy but what took the candle was the way those ocean-blue eyes were staring at her like a hungry predator.

Anela let out an almost scream at the feeling of being stretched. "It hurts," she gritted. While making out, she already felt that he will be big but she didn't expect her to be this packing.

"Shh..." he showered her with quick pecks on the lips. Trying to distract her. "It's fine, I got you." he gently trusted inside her and Anela felt all the air from her lungs left. She felt full. "Good girl," he kissed the top of her head before kissing the tears away from her eyes. "Look at you taking me in so well, my lady." Anela could hear the shortness of his breath.

"Fuck," he raked his hair. Anela couldn't think anymore. Every move, every thrust, it was like her brain was melting into nothing. "You feel so good. So damn good." Anela felt his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her up. His pace increased and every move was going in deeper than before. "Want to stay inside you forever," he kissed her.

"You feel so good, I feel like I am going to come anytime," his breathing was hitched. Anela somehow enjoyed those small /ahh/ and /nghh/ from him.

"You're going to make me crazy," he growled biting her shoulder as Anela whimpered. His pace became erratic the closer he was to the climax. It was starting to get rough but Anela doesn't mind because it was a whole new sensation that just blows her away. "I'm going to come," he groaned. "Take it all in, baby." he slammed harder, burying himself deep. Anela's body shook at the feeling of being stuffed. She could feel ropes upon ropes of his thick release flooding her.

Anela wasn't sure how many times they went at it. At some point, she knew she lost consciousness only to wake up to the feeling of being full. There were moments where guilt ate her but with how good the stranger was making her feel, she wasn't really able to sit down and process that feeling.

"I'll see you soon."

Anela couldn't see anything. Was she still dreaming? Most likely. She knew she passed out at some point from their /activity/.


She woke up unable to lift a single finger. Anela knew she was dreaming about something but somehow she couldn't seem to remember it. More than that everything of hers ached and it was a good kind of ache but also she felt like she was dying. As she eyed the ceiling of the inn she was currently checked in, she thought to herself that she finally reached the point of no return.

"You really did it," she muttered, gripping the blanket that covered her naked body. "You actually did it." Anela wasn't sure what she was supposed to feel. If she was being honest, she was still in disbelief.

"This is insane. I am insane."

Anela Iren von Sommers daughter of Marquess Sommers and the fiancee of the cruel Grand Duke Amadeus just slept with a stranger, one week before her official engagement. She would probably lose her head if the Grand Duke finds out. Clearly, she didn't think of this well but somehow she felt giddy.

For the first time in her 20 years, she went out and did something for herself. Yeah, she probably would die but at least she will be at peace knowing she will die after having the best sex of her life. Not like she had anywhere to compare for it but she knew it wasn't just your typical sex. It was mindblowing.

Forcing herself to sit down, she thought of what she would do next. She has all day, so she might go eat some meat skewers and then maybe catch the train and leave. If she move now, she could run and never look back. After all, she and the Grand Duke's engagement was nothing but a political affair. In the 15 years that they were engaged, she never even saw his face. To be fair, only chosen people of the Empire have seen his face considering he was always out to some battlefield for the Emperor.

Stretching her arms, she hummed happily and got inside the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she was putting her clothes on, that's the only time she saw the small note left to him by the stranger.

[ See you soon. ]

Anela frowned before crumpling the piece of paper. Don't get her wrong, the stranger was handsome, his body was modeled after the gods, and lords, and his stamina and /skills/ were commendable but Anela knew they would never ever cross paths with each other again. After this day, she would be gone from the Empire of Elvia for good! She will be traveling all over and doing what she wanted.

She can hardly wait.

A knock on the door snatched her off her daydreams. "Young lady," the person called. The moment Anela recognized the voice of Vanderberg's head butler Finn, she felt her knees go weak. She quickly looked out at the window and saw the head of the Vanderberg knights, Cato, waving at her with a smile. "Good afternoon, young lady!" he grinned.

"Are you kidding me?" Anela groaned in frustration.

"Carriage is ready, my lady, let's go home!" Cato happily said.

Anela fought the urge to smack her forehead. Like a kid throwing a tantrum, she put her coat on and opened the door as Finn bowed down to her. "I prepared a small meal you can enjoy in the carriage." the butler smiled and she was tempted to tell him how she spent her night but decided against it.

All her escape plans went down the drain as she found herself inside the carriage, biting through the sandwich that Finn prepared.


this is my official entry to the romance carnival.

i hope you enjoy it.

d13f0ry0ucreators' thoughts