
Servant Girl

I woke up the next morning hoping it was all a dream. I put on my uniform and bought breakfast from a store. I checked my phone for the time and saw a message from an unknown number. I bet you think it was Xiyeon don't you. Well it's not. We exchanged numbers after signing the contract yesterday. I checked the message and it read:

*One unread message*

Dear miss Ji-woo,

I request to meet you tonight at 8 pm at the abandoned railway. I must warn you though. If you ignore this message, you will suffer greatly.


I decided not to care. What could be more painful than being Xiyeon's servant? But then again, in those drama's i used to watch, whenever someone ignored these kinds of things, bad things would definitely happen. Maybe i should go.

I arrived later at school pretty early. I thought i would head to the library and study a bit, when i got a text from Xiyeon.

Annoying boss man:

*Come to the school cafe. I need you to do something for me.*

I started whining my way there. I stopped at the door and calmed down. I went in and walked to where he was sitting. "What do you want now?" I asked sounding upset.

"Speak to me with respect! Call me master Lee and stand strait when you talk to me, got it?!" As usual, he was annoyingly bossy.

"Yes, Master Lee!" I said in a mocking tone.

"Anyway, i need you to buy me a breakfast pastry." He ordered.

"You know you could just buy them from the counter, right?" It sounded so obvious.

"I want you to buy them from a different cafe. I sent you the address." I checked my phone and looked at the address shocked.

"Why is the cafe so far?!" I asked nearly screaming and attracting attention.

"You had better get going. You have only thirty minutes starting... now!" He clicked a timer on his phone and i dashed out the door, rushed out the school and called a taxi. It took me fifteen minutes to get there, but i rushed through the door after paying the driver.

It took about five minutes until it was finally my turn to order. I bought exactly what he asked for and ran out. I looked around for a taxi, when a biker started coming right at me.I tried to dodge but my shoelaces became untied and i tripped, protected the pastry in my arms.

The biker turned the corner and apologized as he rode away. I hadn't noticed that i scraped my knee until i felt the pain. I checked my phone for the time, it was six-fifty. 'Shoot! I have five minutes left to get there' I thought as i finally found a taxi and left.

I had finally gotten to the school, but it was seven o' clock by then. Like i said before, the school was really big so it took time to get to Xiyeon's private room in the school. One where no one was allowed to enter without permission, even though the doors are always wide open. I found him sitting on the couch holding up the timer for me to see.

"Your five minutes late." He didn't look mad though. Instead he told me to sit on the chair.

"No thanks, I have to go to the library to study for an upcoming test. I had better go." I said after leaving the pastry on the table. I turned to leave, when he grabbed my arm and forced me to sit on the chair.

"Do what your master tells you to do." He took out a box from his cabinet and opened it. He set it on the table and bent down to my knee. He started applying some cream, when i flinched at the pain.

"Endure it." He said as he continued applying the cream. At that second, i thought 'Maybe he really can be nice to people.'

"Don't think too much of it. I'm not doing this cause i care about you, I'm doing it cause i need you to be healthy if your gonna be my servant." Why did i ever think he could be nice? He got up after putting on a band-aid.

"Don't worry, i will never think of you as a nice person anyway." I got up to leave when he called out to me again.

"Hold up, I didn't say you could leave. Here." He took the pastry out of the box, split it in half and handed me a piece. I looked at it and said "No thank you. I will do fine without it."

"It's a reward for you, for going out that far and managing to be only five minutes late. What? Did you think it was because i like you? Quit dreaming girly." He stuffed it in my mouth and started laughing to himself quietly.

"Also, i need you to come with me after school. My bodyguard won't be here today, so i need someone to hold my bags for me. Meet me at eight o' clock in front of Silvia's shopping district." He started to leave, when i remembered the message from this morning.

"Sorry but i can't. I have to meet someone at that same time. Carry your own bags." I headed for the exit when he pulled me back.

"Who could be more important than your master? Your parents are dead and you have no friends. So who are you meeting at such a late hour?" I probably should have kept my mouth shut.

"It's none of your business. I have to go study now so, i'll see you later." I left and went to the library.


After classes, I finished my assignments by seven forty-five pm, and headed out. I had to make sure no one was following me because i felt an odd presence behind me. I went to the abandoned railroad, where "anonymous" told me to meet him. I called out for people but no one was there. I walked around to look for him, but couldn't find anyone. I suddenly heard a deep voice behind me.

"You actually came..." I tried to turn around to see who was there, but was grabbed by the neck and my eyes were now covered. I tried to scream for help, but he knocked me out before i could say anything. I couldn't tell what happened after that, but i knew they wouldn't kill me, not yet at least...

Hello, SkyWhale here. I will try to update as much as i can for you guys, but let's just enjoy the story as much as we can. I will change the cover when i have a redraw of a picture i saved so lets wait for that too. Question of the week is on the previous chapter. Until next time everyone!

SkyWhalecreators' thoughts