
Encounter (pt 1)

My name is Ji-woo Xia, but most people call me Xia. I'm not your everyday average girl though. I come from a rich family, but not a peaceful one. My father once owned Xia Corporation, the second largest company here in Korea. Well, until he died when i was five. "It was a sudden disease" is what everyone keeps saying, but i think it was murder. Why? Because lately my family has been a target by others. No one dared provoke us until now. I lost my mother after turning twelve, i lost my friends and the trust of my classmates. So now i'm pretty much on my own. But that's the past, now it's time for the present.

*Present time: PE class*

"Xia get your head out of the clouds!" Coach yelled out.

The ball was coming directly at me. It missed me by that much, as i dodged swiftly. "Sorry coach. I'll pay better attention next time." I said as i ran from my other teammates, who were chasing me, for losing the game by letting the other team score instead of blocking. I saw a smirk across Lin's face as she celebrated with her team. Lin was the popular girl at school that everyone describes as pretty, smart, talented and kind. In others words, my number one enemy in the school. Everyone thinks that she and Xiyeon Lee look good together. She likes to brag about how rich she is and what a strait A student she is.

The bell rang just in time as i took a shower and changed my clothes to get ready for English class. I was stopped by Lin and her two other followers. "Good game today Xia. Try to do better at blocking with your face next time though." Her corny jokes made me wanna throw up. The two girls behind her started laugh as i stood there staring, un-amused. I tried to go around them but one of the two behind her blocked the way.

"Where do you think your going?" She sounded mad now. She pushed me down and my book fell out of my hand. Lin had a smirk on her face. "Your family may be the second biggest company in Korea, but your betrayed by everyone. So know your place!" She raised her arm and was about to hit me, i blocked waiting for her to finally swing her arm across my face for what felt like five seconds. I looked up to see a boy grabbing her arm and holding it in place so she doesn't hit me. 'Why does he look so familiar?' I thought.

I got up and dusted my clothes. I stood in shock finally realizing who he was. "Xiyeon, what are you doing here?" Lin asked. She sounded scared because she knew she was busted. Xiyeon was the top student in the school and the heir to the Lee Corporation. Anyone who messed with him, would never see the end of it.

Hello everyone and thank you for reading the first chapter of Escape your nightmare: Xia's adventures!

*Question of the week*

What is the one place you have always wanted to visit?

SkyWhalecreators' thoughts