
A threatening message

When I woke up, I found blood from my head and my mouth. 'I guess they decided to beat me as I was knocked out' I thought. I started moving my head and tried to move my arms and legs, but they were tied to the chair.

"Great, your awake!" I looked up to see someone in a black hoodie. I couldn't see his face so all I heard was his voice. "I wanted you to experience the pain. Don't worry I'll try not to kill you!" He swung a metal pole at me as I closed my eyes waiting to be hit.

I opened my eyes to see him stop in mid air. Although it hurt to move, I slowly looked up to see a boy wearing blue, holding the pole in place. My sight was blurry, but I could have sworn he looked just like Xiyeon.

I wasn't able to take a better look cause I fainted again. I woke up not knowing where I was, but I felt safer here, even though I don't know how long it's been. I felt a cool breeze coming from next to me. I looked out the window to see a world full of lively people. I lied back down and looked to my left.

Xiyeon was sleeping next to me on a chair, his head laying on my bed. I wondered if it really was him who helped me back there. 'Maybe I should do something to thank him later' I smiled as I stared at the ceiling.

What are you smiling about? People aren't usually happy when they find themselves in a hospital you know." I turned to see him awake.

"Your awake? Why are you here?" I asked trying to sound upset, cause he does make a fair point. "Obviously I came to see you, and no other reason, at all. What were you smiling about?" He asked impatiently.

"It's none of your business!" I turned around to face the window. "What about school? Aren't you going?" I tried to change the subject.

"If I go to school, who's gonna buy me a coffee and breakfast pastry?" He smirked and I knew exactly why. THIS DUDE IS TRYING TO GET ON MY NERVES!!!! "I don't need you playing around right now!" I flicked his forehead with my finger.

"Well I'm bored. There is absolutely nothing to do here. Another reason why I hate hospitals." He started pouting, but I admit it was kinda cute. "Well, go do something else. Don't bother me while I'm resting. I need to get my energy back." I sounded like him now, ew!

"Seems like you have a lot of energy if you can talk big and flick my beautiful face." I was un-amused by his words, as he looked at me innocently.

"By the way, how did I get here? Was it you who helped me yesterday?" I decided to ask before the curiosity killed me. "Aren't you happy that I helped? You'd be dead if it weren't for me." He looked away with an expression I could never imagine on his face. "But why did you help me, and more importantly, how did you know where I was? WERE YOU STALKING ME?!" I nearly strangled him before he could say anything, but that was in my head. "No, I just followed you to see who was so important that you just HAD to meet. Not surprisingly, you were kidnapped. I didn't save you right away cause I wanted to see if they would kill you or not." I knew he was joking but I still wanted to strangle him. "Also, your my servant. If I don't save you from danger, I would have violated our contract, and I can't have that." He looked at me innocently again. This time, I REALLY wanted to strangle him.


He left in the evening and I was released the next day since the injuries weren't life threatening anymore. I got a message from the unknown number again. It read:

*Unknown number*

"That boy seemed to know you if he risked an arm injury to save you. I bet it really hurt him. Meet me again on Friday, and bring that man with you, or else..."

This sounded more like a threat, than a meeting. And what did he mean by arm injury. I went back to when he said something to me as he if was hiding something. 'Obviously i came to see you, and no other reason, at all.' He was definitely hiding something. But what exactly happened?

Question of the week:

What are your favorite and least favorite colors?

SkyWhalecreators' thoughts