
Know Your History

So we went inside the school and found Annie and Ken in the cafeteria. Ken was drinking water and Annie was holding a first aid kit. My heart started filling dark inside like something terrible was bound to happen. I covered my hands over my face praying not to burst into tears.

Kennedy then spoke: What are we going to do? No one is in school and no one is peeking up the phones.

Jin commented: It's all Jordan's fault, I told you to keep the balls and we would bring them tomorrow. I said," Jin it's not time to play the blame game, it's no one's fault.

Annie: I agree with Marcel.

Peter groaned and shook his head and the silence continued not until a spark hit my brain and i said, " Annie today morning we didn't see your parents (since i had slept over) . Annie replied, " yeah and we didn't see anyone on our way here or here, it's creepy as she lowered her tone.

Jordan: What do you mean you saw no one?

We didn't see any body since Annie's parents came to tell us to stop making noise at 10pm, we have seen no one since then except you guys.

Leo stood up from the corner he was seated in and said with tears in his eyes and said," Have you mates heard about the History of Tavia?

Every one seemed to be in confusion till i said softly, " I have!"

Leo smile a bit and sighed with relief.

Peter turned to my direction and said" hey um??? what's your name again?

Am Marcel. What is the story about he asked?

We all know that Tavia is a realm of people with many origins. Our time is specific and our seasons change. by the reflection of the Palace of Peruth also known as " The Palace of Hope" where upon that hope we have life. The walls of water at the end of this kingdom are no prison. The prophecy says that one will find a way out and escape the forces that keep us below . He shall go to the unknown ground where that force shall be no more. He shall rise back to the surface where our ancestors fell and shall travel the sea till he finds land and people of his kind but before that journey is taken, the Jewel of the Deep shall be stolen and the emblazon of the Palace of Peruth shall fade and that already took place. Leo then added, when he reaches the surface and tells of his story and the truth about the life under the triangular waters, we shall all vanish except for eight of those chosen. They will have to escape through any of the three walls before the tri waters shrink into nothing and all those that where existent will disappear. The only way the eight can escape is by identifying their value. We have been taught these in school and have been taking classes according to the value assigned to each of us. We all whispered under our breaths Knowledge of All, Pure Jewel, Control of the Helm, Slayer of that Within, Shield of All and Leadership.

Leo: what if we are the chosen eight?

Annie: But we are seven here.

Jin: Y'all believe this crap.

Ken: My dad has told me half of the story!

Peter: I don't know.

Jordan: I guess i believe in it! what else could explain what's happening. Marcel, you?

I looked around to everyone and my eyes showed fear and belief.

Jin said sarcastically," And you believe that everyone disappeared except us, What if there is a town meeting that we don't know about.

Annie stood up: I believe the story because Mrs Goldly has told it to us ever since me and Marcel were little.

Peter seemed touched but he was speechless.

Jordan: i guess we have to stick together if we are going to solve this.

Jin got up : i am leaving, i am going home, y'all sit here and have a good time.

Jordan: Seriously!!!

Peter stopped Jin: So what if it's true, what are you going to do. Relax it's not like we planned all this.

I had never heard Peter say this much but I was happy with his boldness.

Ken added: Yeah, stick with us Jin, no one knows what to do alone.

I gained my confidence and said, " Our first goal is to find the eighth"

Our facial expressions all seemed to agree.