
Escape Room

Short story's can always be better then normal ones. publish (hopefully) 2 times a week

A9K · Horror
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10 Chs

Short story 002

I was bored one day and decided that I wanted to do something.

So I went to a mall.

Picture this, a bunch of people in a big place at once; and i was in the middle of it.

After some looking around I saw a plant shop and a lot of people were there, they had paper plates with numbers on them; it was like they were bidding on something.

And they were bidding on something, they were bidding on a…..plant? I was confused until someone told me that it was a special plant, apparently it was scientifically proven that it cured cancer.

I bid $10,000 more than the current bid. I won the plant, and burned the plant in front of everyone.

People were crying, laughing and yelling.

After that I was walking home.

Someone was following me, they cursed at me and lunged forward at me.

I didn't realize what happened until I was on the ground bleeding, with a knife in my gut.

I bled out to death.

poor guy, oh well

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