
Escape From The Infinite Chamber

One day Luo Jian woke up from his sleep and found himself in a secret room with the door and windows sealed. A note nailed with a tack on the wall read: "From the secret room within one hour. Escape, otherwise you will be obliterated."

Lord_Luce · Games
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16 Chs

Ghost Ship(5)

Luo Jian stumbled around in the cabin, and finally took Feng Yulan to the crew lounge where he had found clothes before. The only bed there was where A Lan, who was shivering from the cold, could rest. Luo Jian didn't dare to make any stops along the way, for fear that something strange would suddenly pop out of the darkness and engulf the two of them.

After that, Luo Jian checked the small crew lounge again, which contained a bed and wardrobe, as well as a small desk and chair. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, Luo Jian carried A Lan to the bed and locked the door from the inside. The oil lamp he brought dimly illuminated the entire small space. Then Luo Jian put some of his belongings on the desk, including the logbook, a cross of medals, a purple printed note, and a silver pocket watch.

Then Luo Jian vigilantly searched Feng Yulan. There was almost nothing in his hospital clothes. After searching for a long time, Luo Jian found a familiar printed note on him. Luo Jian picked it up and looked at it. Once again, it was similar to the first time Luo Jian entered the secret room, and Feng Yulan was allowed to escape from the box within an hour. However, Feng Yulan obviously failed to succeed, because in the end it was Luo Jian who dug him out of the box.

After reading the message on the note, Luo Jian thought about the hints and realized that they were not of much value, so he turned over and looked at the back of Feng Yulan's note. Unexpectedly, the clues written on it were completely different from those on Luo Jian's note.

[ The sailing ship broke into a lot of fog and could no longer find the right direction. The crew became more and more panicked and desperate day by day. The first one who couldn't bear the pressure was the captain. The fog and darkness at sea aroused the devil in his heart, he instigated a few loyal crew members to attack a passenger. The poor victim had his limbs broken off and stuffed into a narrow box. After that, for a whole month at sea, different people died every day. The boxes in the storage room were piled high, as if their souls could fly to heaven one after another, but they still did not escape this seemingly endless fog. ]

Luo Jian read the clues on the note and determined a few things first.

First, he and Feng Yulan both have different notes and messages, and the messages will change according to the state of the environment they are in.

Second, there are clues written on the back of the paper. The clues are directly connected and the clues are complete when they are connected in series.

Third, if Luo Jian gave up looking for his partner and failed to rescue Feng Yulan, then he would have cut off one of the clues, and may even have lost the opportunity to find the exit as quickly as possible!

In conclusion, the secret room will not set up a 100% dead end. Everyone has a chance to escape. The chance of escape for two people is definitely much greater than that for one person. Therefore, companions are very important and even life-threatening. The Chamber of Secrets seems to promote teamwork in this regard.

After Luo Jian thought about this clearly, he couldn't help but frown and sit next to Feng Yulan. He couldn't help but reach out and touch this guy's forehead. He had a slight fever. This was not a good sign and meant that their ability to move in the future would be greatly reduced. If Luo Jian and Feng Yulan were separated due to unexpected circumstances, then A Lan would never be able to resist any monster attack alone.

"Stop thinking about monsters, think about puzzles." Luo Jian said to himself and began to analyze the contents of the two notes.

This ghost ship used to be a pirate ship. On its way back after plundering a large amount of treasure, it passed through Bermuda - also known as the Devil's Triangle, an area of ​​​​sea where countless ships and even planes have disappeared. It is known as the most dangerous sea area, full of of mystery and enigma.

Then according to the clues on Feng Yulan's note, the ship sailed into a huge and endless fog and completely lost its way. The fog was so thick that the sun could not be seen. As time passed, the crew became plagued by despair and panic, and mass chaos broke out. The first person to cause a dispute was probably the captain of the ship, and the first victim - Luo Jian suddenly thought of the body in the wooden box on the deck.

Mainly because of certain details that Luo Jian couldn't understand, such as the box on the deck and the body inside. Why aren't they stacked in the storage room like the other boxes? Instead, it was placed alone on the deck and exposed to wind and sun.

And that weird photo of the corpse.

and feline-like monsters that mysteriously disappeared.

But in fact, Luo Jian can ignore these details. They have nothing to do with the main clues. Maybe they are a plot deliberately arranged to allow Luo Jian to find the exit smoothly. Since the secret room itself is unreasonable, no matter how many unreasonable things are there, The plot will no longer seem abrupt and weird.

Luo Jian sighed. He felt very tired, and mental activities obviously consumed more energy than physical activities. Luo Jian was not so tired even after fighting with a non-human just now, so he had no choice but to lie next to Feng Yulan and wrap both of them in a thick quilt.

Luo Jian was so tired that he just wanted to sleep, but he couldn't. They can only stay on this ship for six hours. If they fall asleep, most of the time will slip away unknowingly. Luo Jian may even die while dreaming sweet dreams.

But sleepiness came over, Luo Jian yawned and fell into a light sleep. The silver pocket watch placed on the table, under the dim oil lamp, the hands continued to move. About half an hour later, Luo Jian fell into a daze again. When he woke up, Feng Yulan beside him also covered his head and groaned as he stood up.

"My head is so dizzy! My mouth is so thirsty!" Feng Yulan muttered these words as soon as he woke up. Then he seemed to realize the difference in the environment. He turned around and saw Luo Jian next to him. He was stunned for a moment, and suddenly rushed towards Luo Jian. In Jane's arms, she said with a sad face: "Jian! I just had a nightmare!"

Luo Jian was also a little confused and followed his words: "What nightmare?"

"I dreamed that you locked me in a coffin for an infant. I was struggling inside and you were laughing outside!" Feng Yulan cried pitifully and lay on top of Luo Jian with snot and tears. , looked at him accusingly: "A Jian, how could you do this! You don't even love me anymore!"

"What are you talking about? Are you still dreaming?" Luo Jian was speechless and patted Feng Yulan's head hard. Feng Yulan had to cover his head with his paws and continued to say pitifully: "Don't hit, you will become stupid. !"

When Feng Yulan finally came to his senses and realized that the situation was different, he glanced at the small closed room around him, grabbed Luo Jian's clothes and asked tremblingly: "A Jian, where are we?"

"A ghost ship." Luo Jian didn't know how to speak, so he could only briefly state the key points.

"Ghost ship...?" Before they finished speaking, the two of them felt the ship under their feet shaking violently, like the impact of waves. At the same time, Luo Jian also vaguely heard the sound of rain falling on the water, seemingly It started to storm outside at sea.

"Are we really on a ship?" Feng Yulan asked inexplicably: "What are we doing on the ship? It's so dark here!"

There was only one oil lamp in the room that was almost out of oil. The gloomy light only gave the small room an even more terrifying color. Feng Yulan trembled and looked back at Luo Jian. Luo Jian had already gotten up from the bed, holding a knife. After tying the sheath to himself, he took out the short sword inside and inspected it carefully.

Feng Yulan shivered even more when he saw this scene.

So he swallowed and asked tentatively: "Jian, what are you doing with the knife?"

Luo Jian unconsciously licked his lips and said two words: "Surge monsters!"

After that, Luo Jian briefly explained the current situation to Feng Yulan, told him some things about the secret room, and then left the small lounge with Feng Yulan who looked confused and confused. They still had to Keep looking for an exit, no place is completely safe.

In order to save time, Luo Jian showed Feng Yulan the sailing logbook that was full of English. He remembered that Feng Yulan was very good at English. He also majored in English when he was in college. After that, he joined a foreign company and worked with a bunch of foreigners. He hung out with other people, but then for some reason he didn't want to do it anymore, so he resigned, and then he took on some translation work.

Full of confidence in Feng Yulan, Luo Jian stuffed the logbook into his arms. A Lan was forced to have no choice but to frown and read the words that looked twisted as if they had been twisted by someone in the dim light. Finally, he updated He said helplessly: "It's too dark, and...the words written by this person are all messed up and twisted into a line, and...this diary is too old, and many of the handwritings are blurred!"

"It's not important. Just read it to me as much as you can understand! There will always be some clues!" Luo Jian was very strong. He stood in front of him and opened the way. He held a knife in one hand and led Feng Yulan away with Feng Yulan holding the hand in one hand. Looking at the diary, he lowered his head silently and began to read slowly: "The time is... Well, it started on August 6, 1655, the seventeenth century. The recorder of this diary was the captain. The name is too illegible to make it clear. This is The log was written on...the first day of the fog, recording things such as wind direction, route, distance, and time, as well as a summary from the captain: Even the fog can't stop our ambitions."

"The wind direction, distance, etc. are not important to us. Next, you only need to tell the time and the captain's summary." Luo Jian led Feng Yulan and walked slowly, keeping alert at all times and listening carefully to Feng Yu. As for Lan, this is a little difficult for him, but it's still acceptable.

"Okay." Feng Yulan understood what Luo Jian meant and continued: "On August 7, the navigator said that the weather will improve soon. By the way, the weather on this day was foggy and light rain."

"On August 8, Jer and Luke had a little conflict. It was still raining."

"August 10th..."

"Wait a minute." Luo Jian frowned and said, "What about August 9?"

"I don't know, a page was torn out."

"Okay, let's take a guess. Maybe a small conflict turned into a big chaos. Something happened that made the captain feel bad and must be erased from the log."

"What could that be? Someone died?"

"No, no, no, even if someone dies, the captain will not deliberately tear out this page. You have to know that the predecessor of this ship is a pirate ship. The people on the ship are all criminals. They may kill many people, and they are very The seventh century was a chaotic era, so it's not surprising that one or two people died."

"If someone didn't die, what would it be?"

Luo Jian thought for a while and laughed: "Now this ship is called a ghost ship. Maybe it really has something to do with ghosts."