
Escape From The Infinite Chamber

One day Luo Jian woke up from his sleep and found himself in a secret room with the door and windows sealed. A note nailed with a tack on the wall read: "From the secret room within one hour. Escape, otherwise you will be obliterated."

Lord_Luce · Games
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16 Chs

Ghost Ship(1)

At that time, Feng Yulan didn't understand that this small piece of paper was almost the turning point of his entire life. Whether it was loss or gain, he was unable to struggle out of this endless reincarnation it's sad.

Luo Jian bought porridge for Feng Yulan and hurried to the hospital. He stared at Feng Yulan as he ate one bite at a time. Finally, he patted the other party on the shoulder and said,

"I still have a lot of things to do in the company. I will get off work later. I'll see you again. And...I notified the police. The police will come over later to take a statement for you. If you need anything, call me again..."

Luo Jian rambled a lot, while Feng Yulan just nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. Then Luo Jian stood up and prepared to leave. Then he remembered something and glanced at the note on the bedside table. He reached for it and stuffed it into his pocket without looking at it carefully. And Feng Yulan only focused on eating, and the words and signature on the note had long been forgotten by him in the Pacific Ocean.

The following days passed very peacefully, and A Lan was not attacked again. According to the police, the criminal who committed crimes did not seem to have any definite target for the attack. He was almost casual and would kill whoever he caught, if you are hacked to death, you will be unlucky. If you are not hacked to death, the murderer will not attack you again.

For this period of time, people in this small and medium-sized city have been in panic. People have accused the police of failing to do things well, and the murderer has not been arrested for a long time. On the Internet, these consecutive cases of wanton murder have become more and more popular. As the heat got hotter, there was talk of a 'murder door' or something like that.

But this has nothing to do with Luo Jian. He calculated the time, and today was the tenth day. If nothing happened, he would be dragged into the strange secret room tonight.

This is undoubtedly a stressful thing. Luo Jian went home from get off work early today and sat in the room. He turned on the computer and browsed the web pages aimlessly. In fact, he didn't even know what he was looking at. Clearly, he carefully recalled all the details of his first escape room escape.

"According to the boss, the first level for novices is very simple, but in order to prevent accidents from happening, various props will be specially prepared in the secret room to improve the player's chance of survival. For example, if I am a little more vigilant, I will encounter the murderer. At that time, if I had held that gun in my hand and shot him in the head, maybe the situation would have been completely different."

Luo Jian thought in confusion. In fact, he knew in his heart that even if he really had a gun in his hand, he probably wouldn't have fired. He didn't have the courage. No matter whether the murderer was dead or alive, he didn't have the courage. Start the sinful cycle.

"Don't be afraid of Luo Jian, you will die if you are so timid." Luo Jian said to himself, sitting in front of the computer with a pale face, still holding the mouse in his hand, but motionless. He tried to divert his attention from the secret room. He tried to think about Feng Yulan, who was still in the hospital recovering from his injuries. He also went to see this kid today, and he still looked careless.

The hands of the clock were moving rapidly, and the sky outside was completely dark. Luo Jian gritted his teeth, went to the bathroom to wash his face, put the saber in his arms, and then lay down on the bed. Boss said that things in the secret room cannot be brought back to reality. Similarly, things in reality cannot be brought into the secret room (except for the clothes you are wearing, but the things in the pockets of clothes are not allowed), but this saber is an exception. , no matter where Luo Jian puts it, as long as he enters the secret room, this knife will definitely appear on Luo Jian's body.

So according to common sense, there is no need for Luo Jian to sleep with the knife in his arms. But Luo Jian was still very scared. He had to hold something to be able to balance a little. But he still couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning. He kept thinking about when he would enter the secret room. Then for some reason, a vague feeling of sleepiness came over him. After thinking about it, he fell asleep.

It seemed like I was dreaming again.

Luo Jian often has this dream. In the dream, there is always a person whose face he cannot see talking to him.

Disgusting dream.

Luo Jian opened her eyes in a daze, and the first thing she saw was the vast night sky. A few shining stars dotted the curtain of the night, exuding a mysterious color. Luo Jian felt a little stiff all over. He felt the moist wind blowing on his face, accompanied by the smell of the salty ocean.

Then Luo Jian sat up and suddenly realized that he was on a... ship!

A very, very old ship, the kind of large sailing ship that only existed in the 17th and 18th centuries. The wooden deck was dented in many places and had several corners missing. The wooden railings along the edge of the ship were all black and moldy, and it looked very tall. It was standing upright, as if it would fall down if touched.

Luo Jian found herself lying next to the main mast of the ship. There was no sail on the mast, only a few pieces of cloth hanging on it, and rotten ropes hanging loosely on it. In front of the mast is a circular rudder, the kind used to control the direction of the ship. There are very ancient inscriptions on it.

The ship was floating alone on the sea. The dark night sky and the dark sea were connected to each other, and it could not be seen at a glance. Luo Jian couldn't help but shiver and folded his arms together. The air was very moist and cold. He was wearing summer clothes and couldn't keep out the cold at all.

"By the way, a note, a note..." Luo Jian was stunned for a while, then quickly got up to look for the note. Soon he found the familiar printed paper note on the main mast, which was nailed to it with a tack. Luo Jian pulled it off, and there were still beautiful pen words:

[ Dear Mr. Luo Jian: ]

[ Welcome to the secret room full of wonders again. This time you have a new partner, but unfortunately your partner is very lucky. Oops, he's somewhere on the ghost ship now, hidden by the ghosts. You can stay on this ship for six hours, but you must find your partner within one hour, otherwise he will die. ]

[ Of course, you also give up looking for your partner and spend more time looking for the exit from the secret room. ]

[ Believe me, this ship will only be able to drift on this sea area forever. It has no route and will not dock. It is a moving secret room. If you don't want to become one of the ghosts on the ship, try to find a way to leave the ghost. Way to ship! ]

[ Of course, I will still give you tips: ]

[ First, don't jump into the sea unless you want to become the sea monster's dinner. ]

[ Second, don't always stare at the sea. The sky is the best shortcut to leave the secret room. ][ Third, if you can't take the shortcut, just stay silent. ]

[ Extra tip, keep a pocket watch that can tell the time in your pants pocket. ]

[ Above, the prompt is completed. Good luck! ]

"Holy shit, what the hell is this supposed to mean?!" Luo Jian read the note, and his head was pounding for a moment. He touched his pants pocket, and sure enough, there was a palm-sized pocket watch inside, and he opened it. At a glance, the time shows 12:05.

"In other words, the period from twelve o'clock to five o'clock is all the time I can stay on this ship." Luo Jian calculated, put the pocket watch into his pocket, and read the words on the note again. Word.

"What partner?" Luo Jian was confused. How could he have an extra partner? Doesn't the boss say that every player can only play the game alone unless he invites others to form a team? Luo Jian didn't remember inviting anyone else when he was a genius.

"What's even worse is that if I really have an extra partner, wouldn't it be twice as difficult?" Luo Jian suddenly broke into a cold sweat, but the wind on the sea was so cold that it made him shiver. Doubling the difficulty is a magical concept. Luo Jian has not experienced it in practice, so he cannot imagine it, but he just heard the name of this ship - Ghost Ship! Luo Jian already felt that he was either dead or injured.

As a last resort, Luo Jian turned the note over, and sure enough, he saw a paragraph written on the back:

[ The navigation industry was developed in the 17th century, and all kinds of pirates rose because of it! But the ocean is so mysterious, full of unknowns and dangers that people don't understand. After plundering a large amount of property, a pirate ship passed through the Bermuda Triangle and was hit by a storm. It was never able to escape from the devil's sea. ]

"Devil's Delta! Damn it!" Luo Jian shivered. It was too cold on the deck and he couldn't stay any longer. But he turned around and looked at the entrance to the cabin. It was pitch black inside, which made Luo Jian's hair stand on end. It seems like this is still a ghost ship, right? Are there really ghosts?

Luo Jian was scared to death, but he didn't want to freeze to death on the deck in the cold wind. He touched the saber that had been hung on his waist for some time and walked into the cabin bravely. The ship was very old, and the deck creaked under the feet. As soon as he reached the door of the cabin, Luo Jian couldn't help but take a step back. It was really too dark inside, with no light at all! Luo Jian could still see a little starlight while standing on the deck. Although it was not bright enough, it was not particularly dark, but it was really hard to see inside the cabin.

"It's too dark. If I encounter something bad when I go in, I won't even have time to react and I will die." Luo Jian had no choice but to retreat and returned to the deck, starting to walk around here and there. He rummaged through it, hoping to find something useful, and soon after, he found a pile of rags.

A long rope that was so rotten that it almost broke when pulled. There were several large wooden barrels, but there was nothing in them. A crucified box and a lamp without oil.

"There is no difference between having a light and not having a light." Luo Jian first looked at the lamp. It was a broken lamp. The glass cover had broken into a large piece, and it was no different from a tattered lamp. As for other things, Luo Jian looked left and right, and it seemed that only the nailed wooden box was of interest.