
Escape for the Princess

A human child who grew up as a princess in a world of half human beasts is sent away to get married for political reasons. Nervous about her fate, she prays for someone to come save her, only to be kidnapped by a third party who only wants to use her for their own gain.

Lady_Embric · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Hawkeyed Varis

Emilia's new guard, Varis, followed her closely. After the brief introduction, Emilia went down to the royal family's personal dining hall to eat breakfast. The table was set for 4, but she was the only one there. One of the plates at the table had already been used, while the others remained untouched.

Emilia knew that this could only mean that her brother had already eaten and that her parents were probably forgoing breakfast again. Sigh... Guess she'd be eating alone again.

She sat there silently as she ate. Varis didn't bother trying to make any small talk, he just watched her like she was a prisoner. She didn't mind it though. She was used to being watched like this and even thought it was nice that he wasn't going to try and get to know her like some of her past bodyguards. Those ones always got replaced the quickest.

As Emilia finished eating she decided she'd test her new guard. "Why don't you have a seat and have a bite to eat, guard?" She hadn't even bothered to remember his name yet.

"No thank you, Princess, I ate before you awoke today," he replied calmly without taking his eyes off her.

Shoot! He knew better than to eat from the royal table. He even knew not to fall for her trick by looking away from her to look at the delicious food! He was pretty sharp for his first day. Maybe somebunny gave him some pointers? Hmm.. how do I get away from him to go see Kit? (Kit was the name she decided to call her nameless whipping boy)

After a moment of thought she picked up an apple and quickly shouted, "think fast!" while simultaneously throwing the apple right at the guards face. Without flinching, Varis snatched the apple out of the air with his left hand, his eyes remaining on her, and a look of anger appearing on his face. "Nice try, Princess," he said through a tight, forced smile as he glared.

Emilia shrunk back in her seat, disappointed that he hadn't tried to dodge the apple instead. She started to fiddle with her fork and ended up dropping it on the floor, which gave her two ideas.

She could either get up to get the fork herself and sneak off after crawling under the table, or she could make the guard pick it up for her and make him chase after her as she runs away. She felt like the latter of the two would probably be more effective since she knew where all the hidden passages were and he didn't, but before she could ask him to pick it up he gently grabbed ahold of her wrist and knelt down to pick it up, preventing her from running away, frustrating her.

"Princess, don't you think you should quit this sharad and move on with your day? Maybe go outside and enjoy the morning air before you have to start your daily lessons? Hm?" the guard said this in a rather seductive sounding tone, even though he was clearly just as frustrated with her as she was him.

Emilia blushed and pulled her arm out of his hand, glaring at him. "Fine! You will escort me to the flower gardens then and help me make flower crowns!" she commanded as she got up, her head held high.

Varis bowed slightly and replied, "yes, your highness," and escorted her outside the dining hall and straight to the flower gardens.

Emilia wandered into the garden for a little bit before sitting down on a bench surrounded by flower blushes. She looked up at Varis and commanded, "now, pick me some flowers."

Varis was taken aback, but did not look away from her, only replying, "Princess Emilia, with all due respect, I am not yours to command like a servant. I am a knighted guard, sworn to protect you. Would you hinder my duties by making me pick flowers? Why not simply have one of the maids do it?"

Emilia was infuriated by this, standing up she pouted and shouted, "Fine! I'll do it myself! I don't need those pesky maids nosing around in my business! I see how worthless you are, I'll just hurt my own poor tender little fingers if you cannot help me!" and with that she started to storm off. Varis felt a little hurt, and a bit angry as he followed closely behind her, keeping up with ease at his normal walking pace.

Eventually Emilia stopped, and started picking some flowers with tears in her eyes. How could this guard still be so close to her? Didn't he ever take a break or relax? She pouted and cried to herself, missing Kit, as she picked flowers and started weaving them into a crown. After some time she calmed down and turned to look at her guard to apologize, but as she turned to look at him, he suddenly pulled her into a tight embrace with his left arm while drawing his sword and deflecting an arrow with his right.