
Escape Artist

Seal master Uzumaki Naruto finally perfected a battle-use seal to rewind time for short moments. What the idiot forgot was that he tends to overdo things when in a pinch. MinaNaru, shounen-ai, slash, time travel, AU. Pairing: Namikaze Minato/Uzumaki Naruto Warnings: AU, MinaNaru, INCEST, Shounen-ai, Violence, Language, Angst, Mentions of Rape and Torture Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me, and I'm not making money off of this. Up to chapter 18 is not my story it is from a author on fanfiction.net the first 18 chapters were made by the author fiorea

Sirsniffs · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Warning: Mentions of mild sexual themes.



As Team 9 and Turtle neared the Capital, Turtle was sorely tempted to activate his time seal to escape this miserable situation Minato had dragged him into.

Their pace was vexingly slow.

He had picked the Turtle mask as a joke, but Team 9 should have been named Team Snail, because it seriously felt like they were traveling at a snail's pace…

The Temporary ANBU knew he was being unfair since not only was speed was one of his strengths, but Team 9 was also much faster than all of the Jounin teams he had ever joined. Still, he was entitled to be extra grumpy after losing against the other blonde (that chakra-abusing cheater!).

From the back of the group, he drilled holes in Minato's head and grinned evilly when the man's shoulders stiffened visibly from the subtle killing intent.

Curiously, he hadn't switched personas into Akashiori or any "Black Ops" mindset when the ANBU mask slid over his face. He remained Uzumaki Naruto, the proud prankster and reckless idiot. It was a pleasant change from the efficient but dark Hunter-nin he usually turned into.

"So what's the mission?" Turtle asked once he admitted the futility of sulking.

"We're tracking a 23-year-old A-rank kunoichi," Tiger moved to sprint next to him.

"Missing-nin or Missing-In-Action?"

"She's the Daimyou's rebellious betrothed."

Turtle arched an unseen eyebrow. "And they're sending the fourth best ANBU team to track down a wayward fiancé?"

"Remember, she's A-rank, and that rating is legit. She's one of the best Cleaners in the Five Countries – high in demand for high-profile missions where all footprints of Fire Country need to be erased," he explained. "We're apparently the only ones to ever succeed in finding her."

"For Team 9's tracking expertise," Turtle added quietly to himself, impressed by her skill. "So where do we start?"

"The capital. She always starts there."

"Always? This is a recurring event?"

"Let's see, twice already this year, five times last year, and I think three the year before."

Turtle's jaw dropped. "So she's going to run away a few more times?"

"Yeah, probably." Tiger shrugged. "Crazy woman right?"

The Temp ANBU shook his head and wondered whether he should feel flattered or degraded.

The capital was a large, bustling city predominantly made up of civilians.

"Ahh yes, Konoha's ANBU Team 9. I am pleased you answered my call so promptly," the Daimyou greeted them in his nasally voice. "My darling loves to play hide-and-seek. I hope you will indulge her again."

Play hide-and-seek? Turtle suppressed a snort as he eyed the distasteful man. Who convinced him of that lie?

The kunoichi lived up to her reputation as he experienced her outstanding skill first-hand. After much difficulty Team 9 located the kunoichi's almost nonexistent trail heading towards Hot Water Country. Forced to scrutinize the surroundings and backtrack often, their progress was even slower than before.

Turtle felt out of place as he watched the men work as a cohesive unit. He had no idea what he was supposed to do. Each member seemed to have their established role and had no problems filling Lion's. He, on the other hand, had only tracked missing-nin alone over the last two years. Even on team missions as Tokubetsu Jounin, he was a tag-along infiltration specialist rather than a team member.

Would it be a bad move if he mentioned that her trail had deviated to the left several meters back?

He had intended to thoroughly mask his discomfort, but the ever perceptive ANBU Captain picked up on it immediately.

"Turtle, your chakra control is the best in the team. Take a look around us."

He nodded a silent thank you to his friend before closing his eyes and expanding his senses. His respect for the kunoichi grew when he found barely any trace of residue chakra, and it grew further when he recognized the chakra split four ways up ahead, three of them as decoy.

He instantly pursued, stopping for only a short moment to sniff the air before speeding down the right.

Team 9 hastily pursued Turtle when he suddenly shot off running and changing directions with seemingly no care to check the trail.


"It's alright, Leopard. I've seen him track before. His methods are unorthodox but accurate and efficient. Team, prepare for a grueling pace."

Just as warned, Turtle showed no signs of slowing hours later. Minato's teammates were quickly tiring from the marathon sprint through the forest, and over two hours ago, irritation at being robbed of their job had set in solidly. Yet, he paid them no mind, focused solely on hunting his quarry.

"Turtle," Cheetah called out but received no response.

"So much for being a turtle. The guy is insane…" Tiger grumbled to Leopard who agreed with a huff.


"What?" The Temporary ANBU whirled around with a kunai raised, ready to attack the one who was interrupting his mission.

He froze when he saw them. "What are you guys…oh."

"You forgot us, didn't you?" Cheetah stepped up to him and tugged the weapon from his hand.

"I…yeah," Turtle admitted stiffly to the four individuals he had subconsciously labeled as competent non-hostile bodies, which made them inconsequential factors in his mission. "I told you I don't work well in teams."

The Captain ruffled his subordinate's hair in forgiveness. "It's alright. Just slow down and keep us in mind. We're not hunting an enemy."

Turtle mumbled a disgruntled apology.

Next morning, the team resumed tracking, once more following Turtle's lead. By afternoon, they followed the trail to a mid-sized village in Hot Water Country.

"She arrived around 9 this morning," Turtle informed them. "Her movements were a leisurely walk of 3.6 ft/second. She is still here, and I'm pretty sure she means to stay. But, her trail is now everywhere, intentionally tangled, so I can't pinpoint her location right away."

The team blinked collectively.

Cheetah recover from surprise. "Separate and search. Turtle, since you don't know what she looks like, you're with me. Report by radio," he commanded.

An hour later, Tiger located her.


"Tiger in the west – village district 4, block 7. I found her at a dango shop across from Kinosaki Onsen."

"Good job. Everyone, gather."

The kunoichi was indeed munching on a stick of dango.

When Turtle saw her, he almost made a spectacular fall off of the roof they were standing on.

'Holy shit! Kyuu, is that who I think it is?' He exclaimed.

'It seems running away is a trait shared by both the owner and every generation of her cats,' Kyuubi snorted. 'I would pity you if I did not find this hilarious.'

Turtle stared owlishly at the young woman, as skinny as a stick, with heavy purple eye shadow and bright red lipstick.

'That's the daimyo's scary wife…' he thought faintly. 'That can't be anyone other than Tora's overweight owner. The keyword being overweight!' The only recognizable features on her bony figure were the hideous makeup and huge dark-brown hair which made her head look like a burnt pumpkin.

"Captain…her name doesn't happen to be Shijimi, does it?"

Cheetah turned to his subordinate in surprise. "I thought you didn't know her."

Turtle's eye twitched.

"D-ranks and stupid cats…" All the respect for her vanished in half a blink.

He frowned when Tiger pushed Cheetah towards the edge of the roof. "Go get her, Captain!"

Cheetah grimaced. "I think the correct phrase is 'Go get'em, Tiger.'"

Bracing himself for the confrontation, the reluctant blonde jumped to street level and approached her. "Shijimi-sama, Team 9 has been sent to escort you back to the Capital."

Shijimi's squealed in delight. "CHEETAH-CHAN! It's wonderful to see you again. I have been miserable without you," she attempted a cute pout… "Won't you join me, my dearie?"

Everyone in the vicinity watched the ANBU Captain with pity as she sprang up to hug him tightly. Latching onto his arm like a leech, she dragged him across the street, fawning over the man who was doing his best to inconspicuously extract himself from her.

"Kinosaki is one of the finest onsen resorts in the Five Great Countries. We must spend a night there, together." The blonde's adamant protests were ignored. "Don't worry, dearie. I already sent a message to the Daimyou-baka. He approved one night here for you and me…and your team. He even reserved a private onsen pool for us. The two of us can enjoy some quality time. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Think of how much fun we could have!"

Everyone cringed.

Cheetah threw his team one last look of a doomed man before the front doors slammed shut behind him with a loud bang.

Courtesy of the Daimyou, they were given a lavish room to share on their unexpected vacation.

"This is great." Leopard stretched happily, his mask off for the first time in Naruto's presence. "I haven't been to an onsen since joining ANBU."

"Where's Minato?" Naruto asked.

"He's being mauled by Shijimi."

"Mauled?" The corners of the blonde's lips twitched downwards.

"Yeah, we're pretty sure she runs away just so she can see him," Tiger snickered. "That's why she leaves us a slight trail."

Lips pressed into a thin line.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Minato rushed in, his hair a mess, uniform in disarray, and missing his usual composure.

"Kami, I finally got away!" He tossed his mask to the side and slumped against the wall with a relieved sigh. He narrowed his eyes at the expressions on his team's faces. "Don't you dare laugh. You don't know how hard it is to escape her. She chases me like a deranged harpy!"

Tiger failed to hide his grin. "Couldn't you have just used Hiraishin to one of the seals on our uniforms, Captain?"

Minato mouth went slack.

"You were too busy thinking of an excuse to leave and forgot this option," Jaguar objectively answered on his superior's behalf.

The young ANBU Captain, supposed genius, palmed his face.

"Shut up, you guys," he muttered. "That's an order… gah, whatever. We might as well enjoy the onsen."

Tiger snickered. "You're only saying that because she can't reach you in the men's baths."

Minato glared daggers and inched his hand towards a kunai. "That's right, you got me. Is there anything else you want to say?"

"N-no, Captain."

It was only after midnight that Naruto finally stepped through the doors to the deserted onsen pool. Earlier, as he watched the members of Team 9 strip naked, he had remembered that these men were practically strangers – tentative teammates at most. He had quickly apologized and slipped out of the changing room before anyone could respond.

Wearing only a small towel around his slender hips, he dipped in a toe to test the water–

"Naruto," a smooth voice sounded from behind.

"Wah!" He lost his balance and was about to tumble into the scorching water, but a strong arm caught him around the waist.

"Minato! Damn it, don't sneak up on me," he exclaimed.

He felt a chin settle on his shoulder. "I gave you a heads up when I said your name." Minato's chuckle reverberated through Naruto's body from where their bare chest and back touched.

Naruto shivered and hastily stepped out of the hold. "I'm, um, getting in now," he mumbled with a slight blush.

"You're not supposed to get in with your towel on," Minato pointed out playfully.

"No one has to know," Naruto retorted. There was no way he would take off the towel in front of Minato. Slipping into the water carefully, he sat along the rocks, submerged to his chest.

Minato chuckled again and followed suit, settling down close to the other. They soaked in silence, enjoying the peaceful night and soft sounds of nature.

"Hey, Minato," Naruto broke the silence pensively. "Why are you friends with me?"

Minato turned to his companion, tilting his head questioningly. "Because I like you, of course. Why do you ask?"

Naruto felt stupid for bringing up such a pathetic question but explained anyway.

"You have tons of friends, but you spend most of your free time with me. I'm not even good company. All I do is work, train, or beg for ramen. You don't see Uzumaki-san much anymore, and your schedule is messed up since you try to coordinate with mine."

"I'm happy when I'm with you."

"But that doesn't make any sense! I've only caused you trouble the entire time we've known each other," Naruto raised his voice in frustration. Why someone so remarkable would want to spend time with someone as screwed up as him was beyond his comprehension. In merely one year, it seemed like he had taken over Minato's life, never going a day without seeing each other for hours unless away on a mission.

"I'm throwing your life completely off course."

"What's wrong, Naruto? Why all the doubts?" Minato sighed when he was met with silence. "Come here."

He pulled Naruto to sit between his legs, pulling the smaller blonde's wiry back to his chest and wrapped his arms loosely around the submerged waist.

"Um…I don't think two men usually sit like this," Naruto said, wriggling uncomfortably.

"It's fine." Minato set his chin on Naruto's shoulder once more as he enjoyed the sweet friction between his legs a little too much. "After everything we've gone through together, we are closer than typical best friends, aren't we?"

Naruto looked up at the stars skeptically.

"Relax for tonight. You've been working hard this past year, and you deserve a short break. I promise nothing will go wrong in one night."

"But what if–" Naruto cut himself off as he rolled those words around and around in his head. They were what he had wanted to hear for months – an assurance that it was okay to briefly take his mind off of the war – that Konoha wouldn't crumble when he looked away just once.

Someone was finally offering them. Why the hell was he objecting? Plus, it was Minato.

He sagged heavily into Minato and tilted his head back to rest on the larger blonde's shoulder.

"You make me feel better like no other," he mumbled tiredly.

Minato smiled into Naruto's neck, wanting so badly to taste the enticing skin. "Because I like you, of course," he repeated.

"But I'm friends with other people too. Jijii, Kakashi, Sakumo, the Ichiraku owners, Frog. They never have the same effect."

"I like you more than they do."

Naruto paused. "So, you're really my best friend?" He asked, full of hope. "Just now, you said. We're close like best friends, right?"

The "best friend" in question sighed inwardly; Naruto just wasn't getting the message that his affections went much deeper.

Naruto exhaled. "I've never told anyone before…it would have ruined his chances of coming back. My best friend tried to kill me… Actually," he barked an ugly laugh, "he did kill me for a few minutes. If I were anyone else, I would have died. That's my scar."

Minato scowled at that bit of information.

"We eventually made up. He wasn't the friendliest, but we were best friends anyway. Now he's…gone. They're all gone."

Naruto licked his lips nervously. "…Would it be okay if you are my best friend too?" he whispered as if he was asking for something unthinkable.

Minato sighed and pressed his cheek to the side of Naruto's jaw. Getting the smaller blonde to realize his full feelings was going to need more work. He would have to introduce the idiot to the idea of romantic attraction between them with words, affection, physical affection – everything.

Sliding his arms across Naruto's stomach, Minato splayed his left hand on the smaller blonde's right hip and the other hand on opposite ribs. He grinned; he knew he would enjoy this challenge.

'I can't believe I'm turning into a pervert,' he thought, bemused but not as irked as he expected. 'First a stalker, now a pervert. Jiraiya-sensei would be proud…'

"We are best friends, Naru-chan," he said softly, his voice like honey. "Since you never had a chance to experience how close best friends can be, I'll teach you. Would that be okay?"

A tingle ran down Naruto's spine. "Yeah," he replied with a tiny smile. This pleasant tingle must have been why Shikamaru and Chouji were so close. Oddly, he had never seen the two sit as close as he and Minato were now, but maybe that was because Shikamaru really liked to lie on grass…

"So what do you want to learn first?" Minato pulled him out of his musing.

"I," Naruto furrowed his brow, "I don't know. You make it sound like there's a lesson plan."

Minato laughed.

"Then we'll just go with the flow, starting with a question from me." He moved his right hand up to the ugly scar on Naruto's upper-left torso, his thumb "accidentally" grazing the nipple in its path. "I want to know more about this scar."

Naruto's breath hitched at the feel of skin skimming across skin.

Minato caressed the marred scar tissue, this time eliciting a small gasp. He hummed apologetically but didn't slow his subtle molestation. "How long ago was this?"

"Six years," Naruto said solemnly, again sharing what he had never shared before, surprised at his willingness to divulge one of his many deep, dark secrets. "We were thirteen. Just genin. Damaged. We were both damaged, and we were only thirteen." He bit his bottom lip and shivered from warm breath ghosting over the top of his jaw.

"Will you tell me what happened?"

Naruto paused. He trusted Minato, didn't he?

Of course. There was no need to even ask; he trusted Minato with his life and sanity. The absence of objection from his Akashiori wariness in the back of his mind was a clear sign that every part of him agreed.

"We hated each other at first. He thought I was worthless, and I thought he was an asshole. Then we became closer – mutual hate for D-rank missions can do that for you. I considered us best friends, and I guess he did too since that was the reason he tried to kill me."

Naruto stared into the black, steaming water. Minato waited patiently through the contemplative pause, stroking the puckered edges of the scarred skin.

Naruto took a shaky breath. "He killed me for power. All to gain power to kill someone else."

Minato growled dangerously.

Naruto's pulse sped up at the sound. The aggressive power behind the growl – so out of character – shot straight to his core.

"You can trust me," Minato whispered voice low and serious and tightened his arms in a protective gesture. "Believe me. I will never betray you."

How could he show that the promise was as solid as a thick wall of steel? With gentle fingers, Minato turned Naruto's face towards him and laid a lingering kiss on the corner of his lips.

Naruto couldn't help but lean in with a sigh of contentment. He hoped that the light blush dusting his cheeks would be mistaken for heat from the onsen. Irrefutably, whatever Minato's mouth did always sent a rush of heaven through him, whether it spoke or brushed across his neck.

"I will treasure you, Naruto."

Naruto's insides melted at the words whispered huskily into his ear. Next, his body quivered when his name was uttered lovingly against his temple. There was so much passion behind that kind, rich, confident voice.

It was no wonder the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato had captured the hearts of Konoha.

"I wish you were mine," Naruto unthinkingly blurted out the same words he had said months ago. The possessive tint accompanying them made him duck his head in shame.

"I am."

Naruto's head jerked up. "W-what?"

Minato lightly trailed his finger up and down Naruto's jaw and took a deep breath of the faintly musky scent of hair which hadn't been washed since embarking on their mission. He took another breath with relish, knowing that the Hunter-nin had a strict habit of masking all body odors. The fact that he didn't do so now proved how much the younger blonde trusted him.

Minato continued downwards to nuzzle his Hiraishin seal affixed firmly on the nape of Naruto's slender neck with his chakra. It had unwittingly become a mark of possession. Someday, he was going to ask for Naruto's permission to sear it on permanently.

He felt a charge of arousal in his groin at the idea.

"I said so before, didn't I? I'm yours, as whatever you want me to be."

Naruto's cheeks heated as he vaguely recalled Minato's soft reply during his last brief relapse of trauma.

"You will never have to share me with anyone."

The smaller blonde's weary heart lifted. They could be together all the time – he would never be alone again!

"That can't happen," Naruto declared the exact opposite of his inward elation. "This is war-time, Minato. We can't afford any distractions."

The corners of Minato's lips quirked upwards against Naruto's ear lobe, barely keeping himself from tracing it with his tongue. He understood his Hunter-nin well enough to decipher the true meaning behind that mechanical response: want warring with duty and denial.

"We have to prepare our village and allies. My kage bunshin reported only yesterday that although conflict in Stone is close to reaching boiling point amongst citizens, the Tsuchikage and his Council have not reacted in any way. Jiraiya has also implied fraud in Grass. He is returning shortly to report the details."

"Haikage-sama will soon launch the next stage of preparations. It is essential to set security measures throughout west Fire Country. Cutting down enemy forces before…"


"…they reach anywhere near civilization will reduce casualties. Time is…"


"…against us. We have an estimated two years until wahmmph!"

Minato covered the rambling mouth with his hand. "Naru-chan, what happened to taking a break?"

Naruto ripped the hand from his mouth with a yelp. "That's hot! Your hand was just in the water!"

"Oh, oops," Minato said lightly, his smile evident in his voice.

"'Oh, oops?' You practically burned my mouth off, and that's all you can say!?"

"You already talked enough for the both of us." He settled his arm back around the blonde in his lap, low enough to slip a finger under his towel. "And you were avoiding what I said."

Naruto's face burned unassisted by the scorching onsen as he recalled their original conversation. No appropriate response came to mind, but he was saved from speaking when Minato continued.

"This won't be a distraction, don't you see? It's a promise. A promise that says I will never willingly leave you."

And a promise that I will always put you first, Minato didn't voice aloud, drawing circles on the smaller blonde's hip tenderly.

Naruto's mouth opened, but nothing came out except air.

"And even more, Naru-chan, we'll both be happier. Finding happiness in difficult times will keep us strong."

Naruto took shut his eyes in an attempt to center himself.


That's what he needed. Away from Minato's mesmerizing presence so he could think properly. Suddenly, he remembered their position: Minato's firm, naked chest pressed flush against his equally naked back and only two flimsy towels separating him from the older blonde's…that place.

Naruto blushed scarlet.

"I-I think we've been in the water too long. Our skin is going to, um…get burnt or something." He quickly wriggled out from between Minato's bare legs. "Have to patrol too," he stood quickly with the fabricated excuse. The sudden action threw his over-heated mind off balance, and his world tipped sideways

Minato barely caught him in time, his own balance shaky.

Naruto looked up into Minato's azure eyes gratefully, and a random thought floated absently through his mind. What would it be like to kiss those gently smiling lips–

He blanched. What the hell…?

Naruto stumbled back with a splash. Where did that come from? What was that!?

'It must be the heat. That's what's scrambling my brain. Shijimi. That's it. Just an academic question about relationships.'

He heard Kyuubi's loud snort.

Meanwhile, Minato watched with a light pink hue on his cheeks. He had been unaffected earlier when seeing and molesting a near-naked Naruto from behind, but now that they faced each other…

The towel dropped three centimeters. Minato's blush deepened.

Naruto slipped again in his panic. This time, though, reflexive layering of chakra over his body saved him from getting dunked.

Minato was flaming red by then. When the other blonde had fallen backwards, the towel had flapped up for a second, displaying a glorious view of what lay hidden between Naruto's legs…he couldn't tear his eyes away.

Wait, what is that?

He couldn't see the lines clearly in the dim light but managed to make out the appearance of markings on Naruto's smooth stomach as he landed deftly on the water's surface. They resembled Four Symbols Seals, the same ones he and Kushina had been researching fruitlessly for months.

Another coat of infuriating mysteries to the one called Uzuhara Naruto.

"Naruto, what's–"

"Minato, I'm going inside now. See you later!" He disappeared in an agitated cloud of shunshin smoke. The sliding door several meters away slammed open as he performed a second shunshin to escape inside.

Minato heaved a disappointed sigh. Although Naruto was worth the effort, repeated rejections were starting to weigh on his heart. In addition, the inconsistencies that surrounded the other blonde confused him to no end. It was as if Naruto had grown up in a different but similar Konoha.

He snorted softly, half amused and half resigned. Perhaps the heat was getting to his head too.

The next day found Team 9 and Shijimi making their way back to the Fire Capital at a true snail's pace.

"Tense" was a light way of describing Turtle's state of mind, and not just of one sort. On one hand, he was still nervously assessing last night's events. On the other, he was close to baring his fangs at the sight before him.

Not only was Shijimi refusing to travel faster than a brisk walk, she had pasted herself to the ANBU Captain's every accessible body part. She chattered non-stop into the poor man's deafened ear, tossing out sickening words of endearment with as much fervor as Kyuubi spat insults at Tobi. Every time she rubbed her chest all over Cheetah's arm, Turtle had to hold back a furious growl, and every time she fiddled with blond, chin-length eartails, Turtle's nails carved indentations into his palms.

Mine! was what his entire body screamed. The proverbial storm cloud crackling over his head zapped lightning towards her.

By the time they arrived, he was about to wring her neck and dispose of her body with secret Hunter-nin techniques, but he suspected Cheetah would disapprove.

And Cheetah.

Cheetah's abundance of patience was almost drained. He sent the porcelain turtle mask concerned glances while trying to ward off the human leech and her wandering fingers. He could see the glower in his treasured Temp ANBU's eyes as her hand dropped appallingly low down his front. Seeing that Turtle was (hopefully) jealous made his predicament bearable, but even that was soon to be insufficient.

Both blondes exhaled identical sighs of relief when the Capital's entrance gates closed with a definitive clang, cutting the monstrous hair from view.

Grinning, Tiger clapped his superior on the back. "Good job, Captain. That was worse than usual, but you made it through with all body parts and clothes intact this time."

Cheetah dug his elbow deep into the sniggering ANBU's stomach and peered apprehensively at the other blonde just in time to catch a glimpse of violet through the eyeholes before he stalked off.

"Tiger, I'm doubling your stamina regimen for the next two months," he said in frustration.

The trip back to Konoha was just as tense. Turtle had smoothed his expressions with an expert veil of deception, and Cheetah failed time and again to draw the other into a conversation. Finally, when Team 9 stopped for the night, he dragged the impassive blonde away from the group.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

"Naruto." Minato snatched off both Cheetah and Turtle masks. He was dismayed to see a face devoid of emotion. "She doesn't matter."

"What are you talking about?"

"About Shimiji."

"I don't see how that's any of my concern." Naruto swept his senses around them to scan for enemy agents: all clear. He studied the evening sky for a rough forecast of tomorrow's weather: partly cloudy with 30-60% chance of rain. He enhanced his ears to identify surrounding creatures: a family of rabbits, an eagle-owl feasting on a rat, a…

"Naruto, listen to me."

His eyes swiveled back to the taller blonde.

"I know you care." Minato smoothed Naruto's windswept hair and smiled when it refused to stay down. "I'm happy that you care. Just because you are devoted to saving our village doesn't mean you have to stop caring about others."

Naruto's sky blue eyes lowered to the ground to avoid the identical pair which always left him in a spellbound daze. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Minato slowly drew him into a warm embrace, giving the Hunter-nin time to step away if he wished. "I'm yours and yours only."

"I never agreed to that," Naruto protested, but his arms rose to encircle Minato's waist automatically. "I've done nothing for you."

"That's not true, but either way, you don't have to." Minato buried his nose in soft locks and breathed in, this time noting the absence of all odors. "Just stay with me, and I stay with you. It's as simple as that," he put it plainly, afraid that anything more would discomfort the smaller blonde.

He could practically feel the inner struggle making a mess in Naruto's head.

Then, Naruto's shoulders relaxed. Minato waited nervously.

"Okay. We'll stick together until Konoha needs you," Naruto said decisively, lifting his head to reveal crystal-clear eyes. "But I'm not joining your team in a million years."

Minato let out a breathy chuckle and nudged the Hunter-nin's cute nose with his own. That was fine. Their relationship was now in what he would consider limbo, and he hadn't the slightest idea of where to go from here, but with Naruto's tentative acceptance, he had overcome another hurdle in their gradual development. He just needed to say one more thing.

Lining up his lips with Naruto's ear, Minato growled with a fierce possessiveness he never thought possible from himself, "Just keep this in mind, Naru-chan. You are mine."

He smirked when Naruto moan softly at the sensual declaration and 'eep' adorably at his own reaction.

As the July sun beat down on Konoha, villagers could be found lounging indoors under fans and air conditioning in thin shirts and shorts. Even Shikaku had forgone his typical grassy spot to cloud-watch through his window.

Naruto sprinted over the roofs, unaffected by the heat wave from a thin coating of cooling chakra around his body. He sympathized with shinobi who didn't know the trick, as he had suffered the same heat in the Past.

'Kit, Kushina is approaching.'

The Hunter-nin paused to look back, seeing a blur of red speeding his way. 'Whoa, mom is fast…'

'Of course, she was an excellent shinobi. She never joined ANBU only due to her dislike for killing,' Kyuubi told him. 'Her on-field pacifism annoyed me to no end. However, it never detracted from her skills.'

'I wouldn't call her a pacifist. I've seen her violent tendencies, and she looks intimidating as hell right now.'

The demon fox snorted. 'After all you have seen in war, how can you consider kicking a man in the crotch "violence"?'

A chilly wave of terror washed over his mindscape. 'You have no idea how much it hurts. And I'm sure mom kicks just as hard as Sakura.'


Naruto harrumphed. 'Look who's talking, furball.'

Ignoring the deprecating reply from the fox, he turned to wave cheerfully at this mother, hiding his apprehension behind a bright, foxy smile. "Hello, Uzumaki-san. Nice weather today…" Naurto greeted awkwardly.

'Shape up, kit,' Kyuubi said scathingly. 'Just because she's your future mother doesn't mean you need to act like her cowering child. Where is that aggravating cockiness you flaunt in your opponents' faces?'

'I can't help it! She's like a mix of Tsunade-Babaa, Sakura, and Ayame-neechan. You cower in front of them too, hypocrite!'

'I, King among Demons, am incapable of such lowly conduct,' Kyuubi rebuked haughtily.

Naruto snorted and shot one last comment. 'Just keep telling yourself that. Let's see what happens when we meet Tsunade-Babaa.'

The proud fox staunchly denied having cringed at the future Godaime's name.

"Uzuhara-kun, I'm glad I found you," Kushina greeted amicably. "Can we talk?"

Naruto's eyebrows rose at the lack of resentment in her voice. Giving a slow nod, he leapt down to the street with Kushina following right behind him.

"So," Naruto stole a glance at the redhead, "what's up?"

Kushina matched the blonde's unhurried pace. "I want to ask about something Minato said a few days ago."

"Hmm? And what's that?" Warmth bubbled within him at hearing the other blonde's name.

The redhead pursed her lips when she saw his eyes light up, recalling how Minato's eyes had lit up identically as he spoke about the Hunter-nin. "He said you are a Seal Master, and that you know quite a bit on spirit sealing."

Naruto's stomach tightened uncomfortably. "He's just exaggerating."

"Minato doesn't exaggerate when discussing serious topics," she defended her love but cut herself off, realizing they were beginning to butt heads again. "Would you mind sharing some of what you know?"

Naruto calmed his heartbeat and readied himself to lie. Now he really felt like her (misbehaving) child.

"I don't know much about it at all. Spirits were actually what got me into Fuuinjutsu. I used to be terrified of ghosts," he improvised, rubbing the back of his head in convincing embarrassment, "and wanted to find a way to make sure they wouldn't get me. But there weren't very many scrolls on it, so I up. I got over my fear anyway, so it didn't matter."

Kushina arched an eyebrow to express skepticism at the childish reason to study such an intricate subject, as well as to show that she wasn't completely convinced. "Minato says you grew up in Konoha," she said but stopped for a second to clench her teeth when his eyes softened at another mention of the ANBU Captain's name. It reminded her of the same exact softening of Minato's eyes as he kept drifting off into his own world during their conversations, his mind obviously not on her. "But I have never seen you before. I keep wondering why."

She tilted her face to gauge the Hunter-nin's reaction. She saw nothing suspicious.

"When did say you returned from your long-term mission?"

Naruto said innocently, "Around a year ago. Why?" Internally, he cursed his mother for beginning to connect the dots he had tried to keep very far apart.

She stopped in the empty street.

"Around a year ago, I received bad news related to spirit sealing, or more specifically, demon sealing. And you appeared out of nowhere around a year ago." Kushina narrowed her eyes. "I have a feeling those weren't coincidences."

'She's confrontational,' he thought to Kyuubi, taken aback.

'This is merely bullheadedness. You were the same up until several years ago,' the fox remarked. 'You are finally getting a taste of your own medicine.'

"I was found and carried back from my long-term mission because of an attack during my return. I can assure you I had nothing to do with this spirit thing you're talking about," he mixed half-truths, lies, and vague reasoning into his reply.

"Aside from me and Minato, you are the only person in Konoha with enough Sealing expertise to effectively dabble in demon sealing," Kushina persisted. "Everything about you is suspicious. I think you're right in the middle of it all."

She was getting dangerously close to the truth.

Naruto presented an apologetic sigh. "I don't know what I can say to convince you otherwise, but if you want, I can help you with whatever Sealing dilemma you have," he offered with an innocent smile.

Kushina didn't reply. She couldn't help but feel conflicted. He seemed like a guileless, generous boy with no underhanded intentions. Guilt from bullying a sweet kid like him filled her, but she was desperate for answers. It was over a year ago that Kyuubi disappeared. She and Minato had spent months researching how and why and where the bloodthirsty bijuu had gone, but they barely made any headway. Everything they tried hit dead ends, and the shinobi libraries and archives had been oddly unhelpful. She was certain something major was stewing around them; Kyuubi's disappearance hinted at nothing positive.

"Uzuhara, what do you know about bijuu?"

"Bijuu, as in the tailed chakra beasts?"

Kushina nodded.

"I know there are nine of them, and they are all sealed away, in people or jars or temples."

"Do you know how they are sealed?"

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure they aren't all sealed by the same person, so there should be lots of different methods." He pretended to think hard. "My guess is that they all share three main components: containment, stability, and reinforcement. But I wonder. The more tails a bijuu has, the more power it holds. How do sealers account for those differences in their Seals? The potency of chakra grows exponentially too. Theoretically, Kyuubi would need a much stronger seal than the Ichibi."

The demon fox scoffed, 'Absolutely nothing about that is theoretical! Of course the requirements for sealing me are infinitely higher than that pint-sized raccoon.'

'Oh, shut up, Kyuu.' Naruto barely stopped himself from rolling his eyes.

It was fortunate he did stop himself, as Kushina was watching him carefully, dissecting his words. Instinct told her that something about his thoughtful reply was off. What was it?

There was nothing incriminating about a Seal Master having knowledge of bijuu. He had identified the basics of the sealing formula, but that was expected of an expert. He proved himself to be a scholar by delving deeper into the topic, even providing a legitimate comparison to clarify his question.

'Kyuubi would need a much stronger seal than the Ichibi.'

She frowned.

Kyuubi and the Ichibi–

Kushina stopped. This. The way Uzuhara had referred to the two demons struck a chord within her. He had called the nine-tails "Kyuubi" but the one-tail "the Ichibi." It was as if he was referring to Kyuubi as someone he knew.

Was she thinking too deeply into this?

"Do you know anything about the nine-tails?" Kushina asked.

Naruto tilted his head questioningly, unsure as to why she was openly referring to the demon who was supposed to be secret.

"Well, obviously, he's the most powerful bijuu. He was created from Juubi, the ten-tails. According to some scrolls I found in Kumogakure, Kyuubi tends to appear in areas where humans are at their worst. I bet the most likely place it'll show up next is Iwa, right in the middle of their civil war."

"And the Ichibi?"

"Mmm, I think right now, Ichibi is sealed in Suna with the Kazekage. People there think it's the spirit of a corrupt priest."

"Uzuhara. What did you do with Kyuubi?" Kushina hooked on immediately.

Naruto gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"You called Kyuubi a 'he' but Ichibi an 'it', as if you know him personally. Did you have anything to do with Kyuubi's disappearance?"

His eyes widened. "Kyuubi disappeared? Are you sure?" Suddenly, a kunai was pressed to his neck.

"I was the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki. Of course I'm sure," she said, annoyed. "He disappeared around the time you showed up in Konoha. And you were conveniently nearby when I lost the last of Kyuubi's chakra."

"You're Kyuubi's jinchuuriki?" He asked as he jumped back deftly from her threatening figure.

"Hokage-sama says not to worry, but how can I not when a powerful demon suddenly vanishes?" She brought her hands together. "He's covering for something or someone. This is the first time I doubt his judgment."

Chains shot towards Naruto.

He leapt out of the way and jumped onto the roof of a surrounding building. "Uzumaki-san, please calm down!" He dodged again, running towards a training field to minimize potential damage.

"You are a threat to Konoha." She followed launching several shuriken. "I can't let you run free."

"I'm not an enemy to Konoha," he exclaimed.

"Either way, I know you are the cause of this." Naruto blocked another attack. "Stay still, you bastard!"

'Oh my god, mom has gone crazy.'

'She is rash, but she means well,' Kyuubi cackled. 'She, like you, only wants to protect her home. However, she has not yet learned subtlety; I am thankful that you learned to control your actions before killing yourself by stupidly charging into fights.'

'This is not the time to be laughing, you oversized hamster!'

Naruto extended chakra whips to restrain the chains, faltering only for a moment when Kyuubi roared his outrage. That falter gave Kushina the opening to catch his ankle and dump him over the edge of the roof.

Not one to go down without a fight, Naruto snagged the redhead's with ankle with his wires and dragged her with him as he crashed to the ground.


Both Uzumaki froze at the yell which came from neither of the two.

They slowly directed wide eyes to the small – possibly dead – figure squished under them and leapt apart immediately when it squirmed.

"Kid, are you okay?" Naruto asked anxiously, helping the boy up to a sitting position and frantically checking for injuries.

The blonde abruptly snapped his head to the boy's face – or more specifically, the hair.

It was a…

Naruto did a double-take.

No way…

He leaned in for a better look.

His jaw dropped open.

The small boy wore a purple long-sleeved shirt, brown baggy pants, and an oversized pair of geeky, green glasses. He was holding tightly onto two large scrolls on…intermediate taijutsu?

Naruto squinted. Maybe his eyes were failing him. The oddly dressed kid couldn't be anyone but the miniature version of Maito Gai, the Green Beast of Konoha! But…but…!

'Kyuu, am I hallucinating?'

'If so, then we are trapped in the same hallucination,' Kyuubi said, equally dumbfounded. 'Perhaps the last thirteen months were a figment of our combined insanity, all leading up to this one nightmarish vision.'

'Shouldn't you have known about him through mom?'

'It seems he had already donned his green spandex and orange when they met.'

The boy mashed the slipping glasses back onto his nose with the palm of his hand.

That was the last straw. The Hunter-nin couldn't hold his shaking shoulders anymore and submitted to a fit of laughter, almost falling on top of mini-Gai again.

"Uzuhara-kun, are you alright?" Kushina asked with concern.

Naruto struggled to answer but broke down in another fit as he got another glimpse of the…geek.

"Mister, have you fallen into the Phase of Senility?"

Naruto blinked. "You're Gai, right?"

"Of course! I am Maito Gai, a devoted student in the Art of Wisdom!" He puffed out his chest proudly. "And who are you, mister?"

"I'm Uzuhara Naruto," Naruto answered with a quirked eyebrow. Student in the 'Art of Wisdom'? What the hell happened to Youth and all that junk?

"Oh, how wonderful is it to be cohro…coherence from you! I fear you lost your Power of Wisdom to consequence to neurolo…gol…ogical damage before the Age of Ripeness. However, it is relieved to be proved wrong once."

Naruto winced at every grammatical blunder. "Gai-kun…how old are you?"

"I am at the unfortunate nine of age."

"Why are you trying to speak like a ninety-year-old scholar?"

"With wisdom, strength come," Gai answered sagely, his shiny black hair glinting as he nodded without noticing the grammar error. "I must train my mind vig…vigroarusly."

"It's 'vigorously'…" Naruto supplied at seeing Gai's lost expression. "Sooooo, what do you think of the power of youth?"

"The Power of Youth?" Gai looked at him strangely. "Youth is a time of tragic naivility and inclapabolity."

"'Naivety and incapability'," Naruto corrected under his breath. "So, being youthful is bad?"

Gai nodded firmly. "If I am wrong, I shall read one hundred scrolls hanging upside-down from a tree," a thoughtful pause, "…naked!"

Naruto cringed. 'At least this awful quirk hasn't changed.'

'Yes, but everything else is the opposite of the adult,' Kyuubi said dryly. 'Could it be that your shoddy seal has hurled us into an alternate universe instead of the past?'

Naruto ignored the insult and opted to ask the boy what he was studying.

"What a Wisely question!" Mini-Gai exclaimed overenthusiastically. "My studies now re…relorve…um, revolve around taijutsu training. I just finished studying of mus…muscular development!"

It dawned on Naruto – after finally giving up on the abysmal grammar – that this was why Gai became such a knowledgeable shinobi in adulthood. He had been a study maniac during childhood.

But there was one unanswered question.

He was almost afraid to bring it up.

"Gai, what do you think of spandex?" He asked hesitantly and instantly regretted mentioning it when the boy's eyes beamed like the torturous summer sun.

"Oh! It's the fabric of Wisely deities!" Gai exclaimed in a loud, squeaky shout, reverting to partial child-speak in his excitement. "It fits your body really good. I do not trip like this pants. It is so stretchyyy!" He continued dreamily. "I already have orange leg-warmers. They are perfect with a green jumpsuit!"

Suddenly, he looked like he was about to burst into tears. "Mum won't let me buy one. She says it's bad for everyone's eyes." His face set into a determined pout. "Dad says I can get it when I'm genin. I'm going to pass this year! And when I am genin, I am going to find my eternal rival!"

He hit his signature "nice guy" pose, giving a thumbs-up, winking, and grinning widely to expose the gap where a baby tooth had fallen out.

'Oh my kami, this is scarier than that time mini-Kakashi went off on a rant at us for being five minutes late. And Gai's pose isn't even half developed.'

'I surprisingly agree with you,' the demon fox said dryly. 'Back in my angry days, I would have squashed this clown under my foot.'

'I guess he hasn't met Kakashi yet. That's probably when he picks up his Youthfulness spiel.' The blonde grinned mischievously. 'Should I speed up their rivalry?'

'Kit, I do not wish this suffering on anyone,' Kyuubi grumbled with unexpected compassion. 'Perhaps you should focus your efforts on the jumpsuit. That would reduce everyone's pain.'

Naruto relented without complaint.

"Hey, Gai-kun. Do you really like the spandex jumpsuit?" Gai bounced in happiness. "Did you know? Spandex is very toxic to produce. It uses toxic chemicals." The boy scrunched his thick brow. "Do you ever think about where the left over chemicals go?" A shake of the bowl-cut head. "They get dumped in a river far, far away from Fire Country so that our forests don't get contamina…poisoned. But think about the animals and fish over there. Their homes are being ruined by spandex!"

Gai's eyes bulged comically. "No! What a tragic fate! Is this all because of my beloved spandex? How unwisely to overlook such a crushi…crucial information! Youthfulness has clouding my mind,"

"Gai-kun, you will be okay," Kushina soothed. "Maybe you can find something else to wear that's green." She sent Naruto a relieved grin, obviously having heard of the dreadful spandex jumpsuit obsession.

'Kit, that was one of your more intelligent lies,' Kyuubi praised.

'He doesn't need to know about Neutralization Ninjutsu. Hopefully, by the time he finds out, he'll have forgotten spandex.'

"Gai-kun, the world hasn't ended." He looked into the little boy's devastated eyes. "You can find something else. Uzumaki-san can help you with fashion advice."

"That's right, I would love to help," Kushina reassured. "Let's go shopping once you become genin."

To both their horror, tears of joy began pouring from Gai's eyes. "Uzuhaki-san, Uzumara-san, how generously of you! I shall run two hundred times around the library with fifty books on my head in your honor!"

"There's no need for that. We're happy to help," Naruto said hastily. "…and it's Uzumaki and Uzuhara."

Gai gasped. "What a youthful mistake. I must do three hundred pushups with fifty books on my back…in my underwear!"

"Okay, okay, whatever floats your boat," the blonde interrupted before the boy could come up with anything worse. "Uzumaki-san and I need to leave for an important appointment. We'll see you around!" He grabbed Kushina and shunshin-ed them across the village.

They stood wordlessly on top of the Hokage Mouintain, staring at each other expressionlessly. Then, Kushina's lips twitched.

Naruto's did as well.

Suddenly, they were both laughing.

"Maito Gai is the weirdest kid I've ever met," Kushina wheezed.

"You just," Naruto took a shallow breath, "promised to go shopping with him."

"You're coming with us."

"Hah! You'll have to find me first."

"Maybe he won't pass."

"No chance. He's already studying chuunin level texts. There's no way he won't."

"Then you're coming. It's for the good of Konoha."

"Why do you think I always wear shinobi uniform? My fashion sense is almost as bad as Gai's."

"So you also wore spandex?"

"No! It was a regular neon-orange jumpsuit…"

"Eww. You're definitely coming. I can think of a few pieces that would look hot on you!"

Naruto blanched. "You just squealed. I'm not going shopping with a girl. It's more exhausting than endurance training."

"Suck it up, blondie. I'll find you one way or another."

"I don't know what's worse. Shopping with Gai or shopping with you."

"You'll be doing both at once."

Naruto shuddered.

Kushina's smirk softened at the distressed Hunter-nin.


Naruto looked curiously at the redhead's subdued tone.

"Let's start over." Kushina extended a hand. "My name is Uzumaki Kushina, Jounin, just turned twenty, ramen addict."

The blonde slowly reached out to take the hand. "My name is…Uzuhara Naruto." He wished he could tell his mother his real name. "Hunter-nin, nineteen, ramen addict."

"Uzuhara-san, do you want to get Ichiraku ramen for dinner tonight?"

Naruto's face split into a massive smile. "See who can eat more bowls?"

Kushina's face transformed to match. "You're on!"

Then she fell silent and bit her lip. "I'm sorry about before. Everyone tells me I'm too rash."

"It's alright. I'm the same. You were doing it for a good cause." Naruto lifted his hand to pat her back, but pulled back before it made contact.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I'm out of leads. Maybe it has something to do with the Stone conflict. Or what if it escaped."

"Um." Naruto nervously as he swept their surroundings for chakra signatures. "Can you take my word for it? That everything is fine, and you don't have to worry."

Kushina's eyes sharpened. "So I was right! You do have something to do with him."

The time traveler's shoulders dropped. He wanted to tell her everything – everything about himself and how much he already loved her, even when they had been fighting. "Y-yeah, but Hokage-Jijii and I have things under control. Fuzzball is fine, but I can't say anything more."

"Why not?" She turned to him indignantly.

"Because there are powerful enemies searching for him, and Konoha will fall if they get his power. The less you know, the safer it is for both you and this village."

"You're certain about this?" she asked, dissatisfied by his answer but slowly being swayed by the earnest look on his face.

Naruto nodded. "We will tell you everything, but not now. Dangerous times are coming, and we're doing what we can to turn things in Konoha's favor."

"Does Minato know?"


Kushina clicked her tongue in disapproval. "Uzuhara, how can I trust you if you're keeping secrets from even Minato?"

"I don't know; I have no way to show you," he sighed. "You could talk to Hokage-Jijii again. Maybe he'll know how to explain."

Kushina studied the enigmatic blonde's genuinely remorseful expression and came to a decision she hoped she would not regret.

"Naruto-kun, what's coming?"

Naruto gazed over the peaceful village below.


He and Kushina parted after talking through slurps of ramen, eating a total of thirteen bowls between them. They had immediately bonded over jokes, arguments, and laughs, pretty much making as much ruckus as possible between two people. The two Uzumakis remained slightly strained on the Kyuubi and war, but that aside, they became fast friends from countless similarities.

Naruto meandered back towards ANBU Headquarters, whistling merrily.

Today had been a good day. He had gotten another glimpse of how different some people from his Past had been two decades younger. Then he had finally befriended his mother.

There was one last thing which could complete his day, but that was impossible since he was away on a mission…

Naruto smiled when he felt the seal on his neck warm.

A moment later, he was being hugged tightly by his favorite person.

"Naru-chan, I'm home."

"You were only gone for a few days, moron," Naruto teased. "You're even back early."

Minato enjoyed the feel of arms wrapping around him just as tightly, belying how much the other blonde had missed him too.

"Guess what, as of today, Kushina-san and I are friends!" Naruto shared happily. "We just had a ramen eating contest."

Minato tightened his arms. "Kushina? How did that happen?"

"We fought again but ended up saving Konoha from the terror that is Maito Gai in green spandex."

"What do you think of her?"

"She's awesome. She was close to tying me in our contest, but I managed to eat one more bowl. Next week, she's going to show me some tricks to figuring out genjutsu. She laughed in my face when I told her I can't cast a decent one to save my life." Naruto looked at Minato with large, expectant eyes.

Minato chuckled at the unvoiced question. "But you can break out of any genjutsu in the world, right?"

Naruto grinned and blew playfully at an eartail.

"That's right! I can even break out of Sharingan genjutsu. That took me ages to figure out, but I showed them up!" He thought back fondly on Sasuke's confounded expression the first time he had done so. "Still, she's a lot of fun to hang out with."

"Do you like Kushina more than me?"

"Huh?" Naruto tilted his head, puzzled. "Of course not. Why would you think that?"

Minato pressed his lips to the smaller blonde's forehead and smiled when Naruto didn't freeze.

"Nevermind. I'm being stupid."

Naruto hummed dismissively, guessing it was just another one of his friend's peculiar, territorial quirks.

"By the way, Ero-sennin got back yesterday. He'll be at the meeting tomorrow night. Jijii and Sakumo-sempai are going to be useless once they see the new Icha Icha books." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to be writing one for Hokage-sama?"

Minato laughed when Naruto gagged.

"Don't worry, I'll help you with it." Minato winked at him. "But first, I need to report the mission. This was a quick detour to see your smile," he said, loosening his arms reluctantly.

There was no question that he was completely besotted. No matter how tainted by darkness Naruto thought of himself, Minato saw him as Konoha's secret treasure, lovable and precious and so, so strong.

He was never going to let his sweet little blonde go.

Tipping Naruto's chin up, Minato leaned down to swipe a quick kiss from those enticing lips.

Stroking his Hiraishin seal on the startled blonde's neck, he whispered, "I'll find you later, Naru-chan," and vanished in a flash of dazzling yellow.

Naruto's lips were as soft as he had always imagined.