

mark dies from an overdose and meets ROB he gets a wish and decides to go to the solo leveling universe as Escanor but there is jin woo is still there and he is as op as ever. ---- right sooo another day another novel we'll see, our Escanor is gonna be more or less as powerful as you expect plus I'm gonna make his power convenient instead of lets say time oriented, I mean night time wise of course. bunch of cute girls in solo but i plan to give him only one here so I'm a member of. THE ANTI HAREM SECT. yes, no harem, never, naaaaah. story wise it's abit complicated I Don't wanna hinder jin woo's growth and story so you can expect him to be in WHITE TIGER GUILD because they are there in interesting moments which will allow the mc to interact naturally with jin woo. *I don't own anything duh, unless some original characters* Credit for cover is not mine, but I don't know who da artist is. ON A FINAL NOTE DON'T LIKE IT? Why you reading it? Why you complaining? Why you suggesting nonsense? Just write your on thing and stop with the bs ain't no one got time for dat.

noname_noname · Anime & Comics
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The plan

"Ok, i agree we should help out those civilians but like i said I'm protecting my home, which conveniently has 22 floors and it so happens i live in the second floor anything above that is monster free if I'm here if you catch what I'm saying..." Escanor didn't like the idea of running around the a few kilometres to save people only to be put in danger when he leaves.

So this was his plan.

"I think we can make that work, we can contact our people and we can be ready in 7 days." Triss was starting to look hopeful but her hope was short lived when she saw Escanor shaking his head.

"That won't work, by my estimate the dungeon should break in 5 days, which means be ready in 4 days max." Escanor said as he stood up.

"Now i have somethings to attend to. contact me when everything is set." Escanor then left the apartment and when to his own.

I need to set my priorities straight, would i be a hero to the compound?


Tough times are ahead and if they start relying on me for everything it's gonna be a hassle.

so i need to make it clear that I'm not this compounds hero, I'm just a guy protecting his place.

As i went inside my apartment i started watching the news, nothing much happened these days besides me trying gain weight but it seems i should've wished for perma muscle form but honestly i Don't need it.

With the power i store during the day, I'm able to keep that 6 feet muscular form for the whole night but i will only be A rank at that time, of course i can buff the energy input and hit S easy but i can only sustain it for a few hours. Not like anything can last that long against me.

Once everything cools down, after this gate break i should be able to keep my transformation on all day.

Asi reach and enter my room, I immediately take to the couch.

and start training the right energy output to able to maintain the right power throughout the night.

The day went by and triss started updating through her peoples thoughts and through that we came up with a plan.

This building is quite big, and one of the newer ones in the compound, the apartments are bigger and the hallways are long and wide, so we decided to get everyone to stay from the third floor and above.

We knew there is no guarantee the everyone would come but the others buildings respective awakened would go around gathering everyone on the day before.

Now why would Escanor not go and clear the gate?

Well he would be exposing himself at a bad time and causing unnecessary hassle.

Why not go in secret?

well the police are arounx 24 hours a day so not an option.

What would happen to the police, well they gave the police officers anonymous tips and told them about the gathering incase things go south for them.

Unfortunately death is unavoidable for some, those that choose to stay behind in their homes because they need to take care of someone will be targeted first.

As time went by the day of the gathering finally arrived and so escanor left the apartment.

He was 6 feet muscular man but sadly there was no mustache.

He made his way to franks apartment where he was supposed to meet the others.

He was wearing his classic outfit.

(green pants, white shirt and green vest) he ditched the red bow tie.

*Knock knock*

"That must be Escanor, I'll get it." Triss said as she opened the door she just stood there wide eyed.

"uuuh. Escanor?" she was dumbfounded.

how could this big beef cake of a man be that same skinny person. the face is more chiseled but his iconic blue eyes and blond hair made it obvious that's it's Escanor.

Escanor then replied with a grin, since he enjoyed seeing her reaction.

"In the flesh." as he proceeded to go in to the apartment.

"Holy shit, wtf happened to him? you didn't take no super soldier serum did you?" Frank was sitting down giving Escanor envious looks while Jenny herself was just staring at Escanor quietly.

"There no need to be surprised this is my real self, you will find some people have unique powers and some maybe similar to mine even albeit a lot interior of course." Escanor said it as fact and sat down in the couch.

"So um Escanor besides making you buff what does besides making buff?" Triss sat down amused about his power and wished to know more.

"Well besides making me the strongest there is... nothing much." Escanor said then looked around slowly before frank started to laugh.

"hahahahaha comon man I didn't know you can pop jokes too, always with the serious attitude and now this I mean how could you possibly know you are the strongest if we don't know how strong these supers can get, hehehehe" frank was having a chuckle but then he noticed everyone was quiet.

"You guys can't be serous I mean he is buff and might have strength to carry a car so what he can't claim to be the strongest." escanor heard frank and started laughing.

"hahahahaha a car? Rhitta probably weighs more than a car... please stop with the jokes and start this meeting i believe Triss need to give me an update." Escanor had nothing to say to this clown, he was so desperate for power that he would pull others down with him.

"Well Escanor everything is going as planed of course not everyone wants to come but they have been warned, i would say 1000 people including the people who already live here will be in the building they brought, chairs, sleeping bags, food and water coolers.

we also opened up a few empty rooms for people to use the rest room and stuff, out of all the supers that i contacted 10 will be here and the others said they want to roam the compound in pairs." after triss finished relaying the info Escanor stood up.

"Well then, how about we go and check that gate." Triss & co all nodded and went with escanor to the gate location in the compound.

On the way people kept staring at him, some jealous some intrigued and other ladies simply want a piece of him, once they made it to the gate he tried to sense it's magic power and it almost doubled.

right now its was 8 at night, and this gate is bound to break after midnight, without it seeing the light of day.

"Contact your people, tell them to act asap this show might start sooner than we expected." Escanor then walked of back to his apartment.

been a while, was busy with stuff.

i happened to update chapter one make sure to reread the wish part as it has minor changes also tell me what you guys think.

and any ideas will be welcomes for the story.

noname_nonamecreators' thoughts