
Ertugrul Gazi

Ottoman empire rule over three continents about six hundered or more years. To look at the history. That there ruling time period is good and hard. The ruler of the ottoman empire are very kind are not only kind for there country. They are also do good to the others. The first ruler of the ottoman empire Osman Ghazi is the son of Ertugrul Ghazi the ruler of the kayi tribe and also a governer of the Selçuk empire. Ertugrul ghazi was a brave kind and a intellegent leader. He faught many battles with his just two thouand fighters. Ertugrul ghazi was known for his justice. He did justice in any matter.

Aliyan_Baig · History
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The Beggining of the ottoman Empire

1.The ottoman empire is the great era of

the ottoman rulers. Who rule over the three continents over six hundered

years or more. The time period of there

rule is not easy. They have big enemies

about to there power. But they crush them evey time. The beggining of the ottoman empire starts from a tribe name as kayi tribe.

2. The leader of the kayi tribe is Sulaman Shah. He was a great leader and a figther. He faught many battles in his life. He had two wifes and from them he had six sons. The tow elders sons was died in a battle with mongol. After them he had left four sons. He gave them good knowledge and made them a good fighters.

3. In 1198 he died at the river named frahat. After his death his sons with each other for the throne. But they decided to take the matter to jirga(metting). There they decide who became the new leader. His elder son secretly gave some mony and buy the members of the jirga. Which is better for them. So he became the new leader of the kayi tribe. His fifth son name ertugrul was known for his bravery not only in his state but also in other states. Ertugrul married a girl name Halema sultan. She was the daughter

of a prince of the Selçuk empire.