
Chapter 1: Here Lies..

The bloodied ground.

The piercing screams.

The towering city buildings.

The distant sirens.

The gloomy night.

Seven suicides...

Seven different people at different places but at the same time. Their families mourned the deaths but nothing felt right. The seven that died all carried fruitful lives in their own studies.

They had loving wives and husbands whom they had their children with. The authorities had investigated but found no evidence that suggested murder so it was chalked up to suicide.

The world went on with its normalcy after a short time and continued as if the seven had never left, yet for the seven their world had changed. There was an endless black room that covered their eyes. In that infinite space, they saw each other. There seemed to be 3 females and 4 males. Seven people placed in a way that formed a semi-circle. They tried speaking to each other but to no avail as no noise left their mouths. One tried mouthing what they wanted to say but soon realized that it turned out to just be a bunch of gibberish. Another was playing charades but none of it made sense to the others.

After a few minutes a "ding" of sorts was heard as all seven of them jumped in surprise from the sudden noise. They all had received something. They didn't know how but they just knew they had obtained something and it wasn't physical. Then, in front of all 14 eyes, they clearly saw a black, blue and gold panel of sorts glowing separately. One for each of the seven.


[ Loading.. ]

[ Loading. ]

[ Loading... ]


A few seemed to be familiar with this screen, some were dumbstruck as they had never seen or heard of a floating digital screen, and one had appeared expressionless as he was lost in thought.



[ Player "H" has successfully connected ]

[ Player "M" has successfully connected ]

[ Player "T" has successfully connected ]

[ Player "J" has successfully connected ]

[ Player "G" has successfully connected ]

[ Player "R" has successfully connected ]


A separate notification entered each of the seven's eyes except one. Since he didn't see anything, he wasn't aware something was supposed to be happening. Instead he just had "Loading" on his screen.



[ Generating new body.. ]



Each person that read this was engulfed in white light as there bodies were being rebuilt. They didn't feel pain in this process, in fact they felt as if they were taking a nap to pass some time. The one that didn't receive this message confused and worried in a sense that couldn't really be seen on his face.



[ Body generated ]


They immediately awoken in their new bodies, still in the black space. They all took a look at their new figure and were confused as the last thing they heard was a sudden "ding" and then they instantly jumped to this point as if they teleported through time. They then looked at each other and realized that the same happened to everyone else. Except it didn't happen to everyone, they were just to dumbfounded to be able to figure that out.

The other person was extremely confused now and immediately thought it had something to do with the panel he received as all the other people kept looking at it as if there was something to read other than "Loading".



[ Generating abilities. ]


Half of the six that received this had a bewildered expression on there face while two were overjoyed reading this and one had a unsettling expression on his face.



[ Abilities generated ]


Now five of the six were confused while the one with the creepy face seemed disappointed. While this was happening, the one yet to receive a single thing was still watching in amazement of their sudden change of expression as if the six were watching an interesting show on TV. He was still as confused as ever and maybe even a little envious of what might be happening to them but he just kept observing them, waiting for something to happen to him.



[ Searching for new world...]


The six then looked confused yet again. "Were we not all going to the same world?" they collectively thought.



[ World "[Vel Viria]" found ]

[ Loading [Vel Viria].. ]


And just like that, the six were gone. There only remained one in the empty infinite. Erick Rorin.

Ive revamped the first volume for those who read it before the new version. Chapters come out once every weekend (in the US).

JuniorJumblecreators' thoughts
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