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This will be a place where I will put my book ideas, if there is enough people that want it turned into a book I might consider doing it.

ScarletQC · Fantasy
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1- MHA One For All, the original (01)

(A/N: This is an MHA fic about All Might, it's an idea I've been thinking about for a long time. Nothing has been done in the way of making this idea become a reality.

I have a really rough idea about the way I want the fic to go, but nothing concrete or written down yet.

I'll gladly take the ideas of the future readers, if there is any, to help me make it.)



Obviously, it's an MHA Fanfic, but it is about All Might. I was thinking of starting when he just got the Quirk from his master. ( Or at another moment put your suggestions and I might get an incredible lightning of inspiration)

I'll make it so a guy "takes control" of All Might's body, but it'll be more of a fusion of the two. Like all other fanfics of this type the guy will die then BAM he's All Might, of course it'll be more in depth and interesting than that but you get the gist of it.

It'll create a new number 1 hero, a more radical but still gentle powerhouse. The original All Might will still somewhat be there, but there will be changes in how certain interactions will go. The soul which will "transmigrate" into Toshinori's body will obviously be the one that will remain somewhat unchanged.

I might make certain Quirks stronger or weaker depending on how I feel the Quirk should be used or how strong I feel like it should have been.

The MC will be an amalgamation of all the memories and experiences of the two soul, but the "reincarnator's" memories will be the base of the new and improved man.

Toshinori's memories will be more akin to a download of information and experiences. Which means that the MC will be somewhat similar to what an All Might that is a battle hardened warrior should be. He will be more on the side of what I think a guy like him should be in semi-realistic settings.

Here, for the "download" of Toshinori's memories I'm not sure which to choose between multiple options. Y'all can vote to help me choose if y'all want. But, in the end, I will choose the way I feel like I will be able to go the farthest without losing my creativity.

Option 1:

The memories that the MC will get is everything from the point from where All Might started to train to where the canon story currently is at. But the only thing he'll get is the combat related memories.

(A/N For this one I don't know if it's a good idea to choose it because I don't really know canon after the Eri incident.)

Option 2:

He only gets the memories up until the exact moment where they fuse. Nothing more nothing less.

(A/N This is the one I'm a bit more confident about because I can pretty much do whatever I want.)

There will, probably, be scenes inspired from other fanfics, because if I do decide to make this fanfic a reality then it will be my first try at anything even remotely close to writing something else than an essay. Even more so in English because, you guessed it, my mother tongue isn't English.

This is a pretty short chapter to introduce my idea to you guys, but if I feel like it and there's enough people that want it I'll make more chapters to go a little bit more in depth with this particular idea.

If there is grammar errors feel free to point them out, but don't go and tell me about some obscure grammar rules that nobody knows because, at the end of the day, it's a free book that I would write just because I want to.