

At the age of 13, Lyon Grey suffers an accident and remains in a coma for a year of his life in a private hospital where his family had taken him. On his 14th birthday, he suddenly wakes up, but instead of being happy to be able to live normally, he feels confused. After all, gender roles have been reversed due to the fall in the ratio of men to women, with 1 man for every 3 women After the opening of several towers around the world, men must enter them and complete the floors so that the portal doesn't break. When they turn 14, they must go to the base of the tower and receive their awakening so that they can use Aura. Women are not allowed to enter the tower and awaken. All governments have established that all men at the age of 14 must go to the tower and undergo their awakening, after which they can decide whether to attend the academy called "Aura Path Academy", which is now established worldwide to train all new aura users. Or whether they will start entering the tower without any training. This will be a world with reversed gender roles. Warning: This book contains smut, R-18 and Incest. If you don't like it, please don't read it. There will be no NTR, i hate NTR! As the series progresses it will be explained that they are not real blood relatives. So do not worry. IMAGE CREATED BY LEONARDO.IA

Jhon_Sinners · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

R-18 Dr.

Lyon was sleeping peacefully in his room while dreaming that he was fighting the dreaded Blackbeard in the seas of East Blue.

While he was in his great dream, a woman was standing next to him looking at him lustfully.

"Aaah... Lyon... You're such a nice boy, you'll forgive me, right?" The woman says quietly to Lyon.

Immediately afterwards, the woman began to take her hands to the hood that was covering Lyon, and when she pulled it away, she saw the shirt that covered Lyon's entire upper body.

She moved her left hand to Jon's left breast and began to feel him over his shirt.

"Aaah... Your breasts are so soft Lyon, you'll forgive big sister if I see what they look like under your shirt, right?" Whispers the woman to Lyon.

She brings her hands to Lyon's waist and grabs the edges of his shirt and slowly lifts it up to avoid waking him, and after a few seconds Lyon's breasts are finally exposed to her view.

She swallowed dryly at the sight of the small, light-colored nipples as he slept peacefully.

Lyon had peach-colored skin, long black hair that went down to his shoulders, blue eyes and a beautiful face.

Seeing Lyon exposed so helplessly made it very difficult for the woman to control herself and she finally gave in to her desire for him.

At this point she had lost all her composure and her face was all red from excitement, her heart was beating fast while her thoughts were all directed at Lyon.

Gradually, she began to bend down and bring her mouth to Lyon's chest. As she got closer, she began to breathe even more heavily, smelling Lyon's sweet scent. 

Unable to resist any longer, she finally brings her mouth close to one of Jon's nipples and, being close enough, sticks out her pink tongue and licks the tip of his nipple.

After doing this, her whole body reaches the peak of its arousal, she can't resist and has her first orgasm right there, just having lightly touched her tongue to Lyon's nipple.

"Nnnnnnnnngggggggg!" Feeling so much pleasure from her first orgasm, she couldn't hold back her voice and moaned erotically in front of Lyon's chest.

Tears streamed from her eyes and saliva dripped from her chin as her tongue stuck out, her gaze completely unfocused from the intense pleasure.

After a few seconds she finally regained herself and realized what she had done, then she looked at Lyon in the hope that he hadn't woken up, but what she saw left her in shock and not knowing what to do.

Lyon was looking at her with a shaky gaze and a flushed face.

"Doctor... What were you doing?" Lyon asked the woman in front of him.

The perverted woman who was taking advantage of Lyon in his sleep was none other than the doctor, she had short blonde hair, large breasts and buttocks and a beautiful face, her age must have been between 30 or 32...

Upon hearing Lyon's question, the doctor felt a deep sense of despair and regret for what she had done. Realizing what she had just done, she fell to her knees and cried as she asked Lyon for forgiveness, confessing what she had done.

"Waaaah... I'm the worst... Please forgive me..."

"When I saw that you had to leave the hospital in three days, I...Waah... I couldn't help myself and I took advantage of you... I'm afraid I'll never be able to see you again... I've been looking after you the whole time you've been here... Waaah..."

Lyon didn't quite understand what was happening at the moment, but seeing a beautiful woman crying in front of him broke his heart and reminded him of his mother crying. 

Lyon put his hands behind the doctor's head and slowly approached her. When he gets close enough, Lyon gives her a light kiss on the forehead, which seems to work instantly and calms her down immediately.

She looks at Lyon with a rather funny face, she has an expression of confusion on her face, but her face is covered in tears and snot is running down her nose. 

Looking at her face, Jon couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Hahahaha... You have a funny expression... Hahaha"