

At the age of 13, Lyon Grey suffers an accident and remains in a coma for a year of his life in a private hospital where his family had taken him. On his 14th birthday, he suddenly wakes up, but instead of being happy to be able to live normally, he feels confused. After all, gender roles have been reversed due to the fall in the ratio of men to women, with 1 man for every 3 women After the opening of several towers around the world, men must enter them and complete the floors so that the portal doesn't break. When they turn 14, they must go to the base of the tower and receive their awakening so that they can use Aura. Women are not allowed to enter the tower and awaken. All governments have established that all men at the age of 14 must go to the tower and undergo their awakening, after which they can decide whether to attend the academy called "Aura Path Academy", which is now established worldwide to train all new aura users. Or whether they will start entering the tower without any training. This will be a world with reversed gender roles. Warning: This book contains smut, R-18 and Incest. If you don't like it, please don't read it. There will be no NTR, i hate NTR! As the series progresses it will be explained that they are not real blood relatives. So do not worry. IMAGE CREATED BY LEONARDO.IA

Jhon_Sinners · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Drunken Samurai

Lyon returned to where the two globins were, now with only the mutant alive.

A few seconds later, he spotted the mutant globin, still sitting on the ground. Lyon looked around and found a small stone that fit perfectly in his hand.

Even though he knew it was wounded, he decided not to underestimate his opponent.

He slowly approached the globin, making sure he was close enough to throw the stone at his head to stun him.


Contrary to his expectations, he missed his target...

"Hahahaha, did I really miss from that distance?" Lyon wondered aloud when he saw that he had missed his target and hit the ground.

Soon the globin was on his feet and quickly heading towards the human who had attacked him.

"Die!" The globin shouts loudly as it runs towards Lyon.

Lyon prepared to defend himself against the attack, this time he was relying on his strength, which was almost equal to that of the mutant globin.

After a few seconds they both collided, his katana against the globin's wooden club.

Lyon felt his hands ache from the strong impact, after all he was still a little weaker than the globin, and a katana wasn't ideal for defending himself.

But without wasting any time, he thought quickly and kicked the globin's injured leg with his right leg.

The globin, feeling severe pain in his leg, couldn't help but fall to his knees and cry out in pain.

"Aaaaaaaaarrrrghhh! Human t-..." Before the globin could finish his speech he had his head severed in a clean cut to the neck.

After killing the goblin, Lyon decides to look at the system panel and see his winnings.

[Globin Eliminated x1]

[Mutant Globin Eliminated x1]

[ Total reward: 2600 exp]

 [User: Lyon Grey ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level: 6 ]

[ 1200/2300 Exp. ]

[ HP: 22/22 ]

[ Strength: 18 ]

[ Agility: 18 ]

[ Stamina: 18 ]

[ Active missions ]

[ Kill 5 globins to complete your awakening ]

Progress: 3/5

"Okay, only two more to go, let's see if I can find the last two mutants." Lyon says to himself.


Just over an hour had passed and Lyon was now sitting on the ground leaning against a tree.

"Whew... That was really hard, Lust show me the notifications." Lyon commands the system.


Congratulations on completing your first mission!

Globins killed: 5/5

[Part of the hidden requirements have been met]

Mutant Globins killed: 4/5

Common Globin killed: 1/5

Congratulations on completing the requirements for your hidden awakening


[10 status points gained]

[Hidden class gained]

[Drunken Samurai]


"Lust... You're kidding me, right? Drunken samurai? I'm going to what? Have to drink to gain some superpower?" Lyon questions the system while trying to control himself so he doesn't pull every hair out of his head from stress.

"Look at the description..." Lust tells him.

After listening to Lust's suggestion, Lyon looks at his status and sees that he can look at his class description.

 [User: Lyon Grey ]

[ Main class: Drunken Samurai ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level: 9 ]

[ 50/5000 Exp ]

[ HP: 28/28 ]

[ Aura: 20/20 ]

[ Strength: 24 ]

[ Agility: 24 ]

[ Stamina: 24 ]

Status points available: 10

After a brief check, it was possible to see that he now had an aura in his status, but he didn't feel anything unusual in his body, ignoring this for the moment, he decided to look at his class.

[Drunken Samurai]


A unique title given to Lyon Grey, wherever his footsteps resound, those around him will become drunk on his fragrance and yearn for his touch.

[Only the sex opposite the host will be affected, valid for all humanoid races].

"0_0 ... That's pretty cool..." Lyon exclaims in surprise as he reads the description.

"Cough... Okay, sorry Lust, I was a bit out of it..." Lyon says to Lust.

"Don't worry, Lyon would like to recommend that you level up to level 10 before leaving the tower, so the next time you return to the tower you can go directly to the second floor, where the tower really begins, and there will be the first citadel of the tower, where you can get your secondary class and meet other races that live in harmony with humans." Lust tells him.

"Okay Lust, I'll do as you say!" Lyon confirms.


Just over an hour passes and Lyon finally reaches level 10.


Congratulations on reaching level 10, your first step towards progressing on your journey is now complete.


Go to the 2nd floor of the tower and get your secondary class from the adventurer's guild in the citadel of Altus.

 [User: Lyon Grey ]

[ Main class: Drunken Samurai ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level: 10 ]

[ 500/10000 Exp ]

[ HP: 68/68 ]

[ Aura: 50/50 ]

[ Strength: 44 ]

[ Agility: 54 ]

[ Stamina: 40 ]

Status points available: 15.

"Wow, Lust, why have my stats gone up so much?" Lyon asks Lust.

"From level 1 to 9 you're just an ordinary human, but from level 10 onwards you're going through the process of refining your body and you'll be able to better accept significant gains in stats. From level 10 onwards, each level you upgrade will give you 10 points for all stats." Lust tells him, removing his doubts.

"Hm... I see, what about the stat points?" Lyon asks.

"You'll get status points after killing creatures, for creatures with a level equal to or lower than yours you'll get 1 point, for every 5 levels higher between yours and the creature killed you'll get 1 extra point, i.e. if at your current level (10) you kill a level 15 creature you'll get 2 points. Status points can be allocated to any statistic." Lust replies.

"Hm... I see, Lust it's time to leave the tower, my mother must be worried..."

After saying this, a small portal forms in front of him, and before entering he saves all his equipment in his inventory, leaving only the katana.

As he stepped through the portal, he was greeted by several soldiers who looked at him curiously.

The soldier who had accompanied him earlier was the first to speak.

"Lyon, you've been there for around five hours, are you all right? Was your awakening a success?" The soldier asked.

"Yes, everything was normal, I just selected one of the weapons, after that I went to a forest where I fought some globins and after that a portal appeared in front of me." Lyon tells her, while trying to hide everything about the system.

After his speech everyone seemed surprised, after all the usual thing was to just select one of the weapons and return, but it seems that something has changed.

And so Lyon was interrogated for some time until he was finally released.


After all the questioning, Lyon expressed his desire to go directly to the tower without going through the academy, the officers were not surprised after all it was something common, so they just told him that they would have to have approval from the person in charge, if granted, he could take the test with one of the people in charge and thus be allowed to enter the tower.

After that, they released him and escorted him to his mother. When they got there, Lyon could see that she had a very worried look on her face as she paced back and forth.

"Mom..." Lyon calls out to her.

After hearing her son's voice behind her, she quickly turns and throws herself towards him to hug him, as she sheds tears of worry.


After several minutes she finally calms down.

"Lyon, are you all right? Are you hurt? Is that your blood on your clothes?" his mother asks him. Her mother asks.

"I'm fine, that blood is from a small creature I killed during the awakening.... But more importantly, there's something I'd like to tell you..."

"I'd like to go to the tower without going through the academy..." Lyon tells her while feeling a huge squeeze in his heart for saying something like that, even after seeing all her concern for him.

"No! No!" his mother told him as her whole face showed fury.

"The awakening is over, right? Can we leave?" she asked the military officer who was accompanying them.

"Yes, you must return in three days to report again, having decided whether to attend the academy or take the test to be allowed to enter the tower." The soldier replied.

After hearing the military officer's reply, his mother took him by the arm and dragged him to the car, after which they drove home. Lyon remained silent while his mother muttered about how worried she was.


'Looks like I'll have to teach mommy's body how sweet her son is and that she shouldn't refuse my request' Lyon thought to himself as he imagined the sweet scenes in which his beautiful mommy would be absorbed in pleasure...