
Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Finding a strange orb, Jayden finds himself turning into a vampire. Strange quests start to appear in front of him, sending him to different worlds. He finds himself playing different roles in different worlds, as he gets stronger and gets the most beautiful women from each world. " So, you want to save your son, impossible. The treason he committed can't be forgiven. " " Please, *sob*" I'm begging you. I'll do anything if you spare him. " Jayden looks at the breath-taking beauty kneeling in front of him, as a sly smile appears on his face. " Anything, you say. Then..." ****** Using his mind control abilities, Jayden will become the richest, strongest vampire, and have lots of beautiful women in his harem. ________________________ -No NTR, But MC will steal other's women. -Might be a bit slow at the beginning. -No Yuri Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/wckUrBNVUd Extra chapters after 30 golden tickets and gifts

Jin_moon · Fantasy
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698 Chs


Jayden walked towards the window and opened it, outside he saw that the sky had turned dark despite it being day time, and when he focussed he found that billions or maybe more, mosquito like creatures were covering the entire sky.

Wherever they passed any living being was sucked dry by them until only bones and skin were left. Jayden sighed he wasn't even surprised this time, he observed his surroundings for a few seconds as he thought:

' It would be wonderful if I could use such things in my Dream Domain that would definitely increase the power behind the domain. '

He observed everything for a few more minutes, but then his thoughts were interrupted by another loud buzzing sound and a vast killing intent that was directed toward him, he raised his gaze towards the sky and saw countless small creatures charging towards him.

' Haa again, committing suicide is a traumatic experience. '